46 research outputs found

    Investigation of the prevalence and main features of skull-base anomalies and characteristics of the sphenoid sinus using cone-beam computed tomography

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    Objectives: This study aimed to define the prevalence and characteristics of skull base anomalies and the features of sphenoid sinus pneumatization (SSP). Materials and Methods: Five hundred cone-beam computed tomography scans were evaluated retrospectively for the presence of fossa navicularis magna (FNM), canalis basilaris medianus (CBM), sphenoid emissary foramen (SEF), and/or Onodi cells (OC). Patterns of the SSP and sphenoid sinus mucosa dimensions (SSMD) were also recorded. Results: The prevalence of FNM, CBM, SEF, and OC was 26.0%, 22.4%, 47.4%, and 18.4%, respectively. Two hundred sixty-two (52.4%) sellar-type SSP were defined, followed by post-sellar 191 (38.2%), pre-sellar 31 (6.2%), and conchal 16 (3.2%) types. The frequency of SSMD less than 1 mm, 1-3 mm, and greater than 3 mm was 40.6%, 38.4%, and 21.0%, respectively. An SEF was detected more frequently in females, while SSMD greater than 3 mm was more frequent in males. An FNM was more prevalent in the 18-29 and 30-39 age groups and SEF was significantly less frequent in patients over 60 years of age compared to other age groups. A sinus mucosa larger than 3 mm was more common in the younger than 18 year group. The frequency of post-sellar-type pneumatization was lower in patients younger than 18 years. Conclusion: Skull-base anomalies are common and may be detected incidentally during imaging procedures. The sphenoid sinus, its variations, and pneumatization patterns should also be taken into consideration in imaging procedures performed for various purposes

    Nazal septum deviasyonu ve konka bulloza ilişkisinin konik işinli bilgisayarli tomografi ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Çalışmada rastgele seçilmiş 100 hastadan alınmış konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (KIBT) görüntülerinde, nazal septum deviasyonu (NSD) ile konka bulloza (KB) arasındaki ve bu anomalilerin maksiller sinüs patolojilerinin varlığı ile ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya diş hekimliği fakültesi uygulama ve araştırma hastanesi arşivinde bulunan, rastgele seçilmiş 100 hastaya ait KIBT görüntüleri dahil edildi. Görüntüler üzerinde KB varlığı ve tipi, NSD varlığı ve miktarı ile maksiller sinüslerdeki mukozal değişiklikler değerlendirildi. İstatistiksel olarak bu anomalilerin birbirleriyle ve maksiller sinüslerde gözlenen mukozal değişikliklerle ilişkisi incelendi.Bulgular: NSD değerlendirilen hastaların % 66’sında, KB ise % 72’sinde gözlendi. Maksiller sinüs patolojileri değerlendirilen hastaların % 49’unda mevcuttu. KB tipleri arasında en sık lameller tip KB izlendi. NSD ve KB arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki tespit edildi ve bu anomalilerin maksiller sinüslerde gözlenen patolojilerle ilişkili olduğu gözlendi. NSD miktarı ile KB varlığı arasında ve NSD miktarı ile sinüs patolojileri arasında pozitif korelasyon saptandı.Sonuç: NSD ve KB oldukça sık karşılaşılan sinonazal anomaliler olup, birbirleriyle ilişkilidir. Bu anomalilerin maksiller sinüslerde gelişen mukozal değişikliklerle ilişkisi vardır. NSD miktarı arttıkça, KB ve maksiller sinüslerde patolojik değişim görülme oranı artmaktadır.ANAHTAR KELİMELER Konik Işınlı Bilgisayarlı Tomografi, Konka Bulloza, Nazal Septum Deviasyon

    Synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives containing amide bond and biological evaluation as acetylcholinesterase, carbonic anhydrase I and II inhibitors

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carbonic anhydrase I (CA-I) and II (CA-II) are two vital metabolic enzymes. AChE inhibitors are seen as target molecules in drug development studies for Alzheimer's treatment. CA inhibitors are target molecules for treating many diseases from glaucoma to cancer. For this reason, it is crucial to identify new AChE and CA inhibitors. In this study, four benzimidazole acetamide derivatives were synthesized and their inhibition effects were investigated against human erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase I (hCA-I), II (hCA-II), and AChE. IC50 values of 9a-10b were determined in the range of 0.936 to 17.07 µM for AChE. IC50 values of 9a–10b for hCA-I were found as 7.21 µM, 4.72 µM, 6.08 µM, 8.23 µM, respectively. On the other hand, IC50 values of 9a–9b for hCA-II were found as 8.64 µM, 7.07 µM, 4.12 µM, 5.93 µM, respectively. According to IC50 values, 9a–10b molecules exhibited strong inhibition effects for AChE and hCAI, II. Also, Molecular docking studies were carried out to explain the binding interaction of 9a–10b with AChE, hCA-I, and hCA-II. © 202

    Alveol kret yüksekliği ve maksiller sinüs mukozası: Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi değerlendirmesi

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    Introductıon: For dental implant placement, primary requirement is adequate bone. Alveolar crest atrophy in maxillar posterior area may necessitate sinus augmentation. During sinus augmentation, complications may be seen due to anatomy and pathologies of the maxillary sinus. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relationship between alveolar crest height (ACH) and maxillary sinus mucosal changes (SMC).Methods: Study included sixty maxillary posterior edentulous patients who had undergone cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) evaluation for implant planning. On CBCT images panoramic reconstructions were made to define the measurement sections and on cross-sectional images ACHs were measured. Any visible change in maxillary sinus mucosa were recorded.Results: Of the evaluated 60 patients, 63.3% showed SMCs. ACHs were, 16.78 and 17.39 mm for first premolar, 8.92 and 7.83 mm for second premolar, 7.07 mm and 5.37 mm for first molar and 10.05 mm and 8.5 mm for second molar areas in patients without and with SMCs, respectively. Average ACHs were lower in patients with SMCs in molar area (p<0.05). Dıscussıon and Conclusıon: There is a correlation between alveolar crest height of the molar area and sinus mucosal change existence. Average alveolar crest height in the molar area is lower in patients with mucosal changes, compared to patients without mucosal changes. Sinus augmentation in the molar area requires attention for maxillary sinus mucosa.Girişve Amaç: Dental implantların uygulanabilmesi için birincil gereklilik yeterli kemik miktarıdır. Maksiller posterior bölgede alveolar kretin atrofisi maksiller sinüs augmentasyonunu gerekli kılabilir. Sinüs augmentasyonu sırasında maksiller sinüs anatomisine ve patolojilerine bağlı olarak komplikasyonlar gözlenebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı alveolar kret yüksekliği (AKY) ve maksiller sinüs mukozal değişiklikleri (SMD) arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir.Yöntem ve Gereçler: Çalışmaya, implant planlaması amacıyla konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (KIBT) görüntüsü alınmış 60 hasta dahil edildi. KIBT görüntüleri üzerinde ölçüm yapılacak kesitleri belirlemek amacıyla panoramik rekonstrüksiyonlar yapıldı vecross-sectional kesitler üzerinde AKY ölçüldü. Maksiller sinüs mukozasındaki herhangi bir değişiklik kaydedildi.Bulgular: Değerlendirilen 60 hastanın % 63.3’ ünde SMD gözlendi. AKY değerleri, SMD olmayan ve olan hastalarda sırasıyla; birinci premolar için 16.78 ve 17.39 mm., ikinci premolar için 8.92 ve 7.83 mm., birinci molar için 7.07 ve 5.37 mm., ikinci molar için 10.05 ve 8.5 mm. olarak ölçüldü. Birinci molar bölgesinde ortalama AKY değerleri SMD olan hastalarda daha düşük bulundu (p<0.05).Tartışma ve Sonuç: Molar bölgede ortalama alveolar kret yüksekliğiile sinüs mukozal değişiklikleri arasında ilişki vardır. Maksiller sinüs mukozasında değişimler izlenen hastaların molar bölgede ortalama kret yükseklikleri, mukozal değişiklik olmayan hastalardan daha düşüktür. Molar bölgede sinüs augmentasyonu işlemindemaksiller sinüs mukozası dikkat gerektirmektedir

    Prevalence and characteristics of foramen huschke: Cone beam computed tomography study

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    Aim: Aim: Foramen Huschke (FH) is an anatomical variant seen on the anterior aspect of external auditory canal. Aim of this study is to define the prevalence and characteristics of FH in a group of patients using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Methods: Study included 600 temporal bones of randomly selected 300 patients who had undergone CBCT examination. CBCT images were analyzed for the presence of FH. Patient’s age, genderwhen FH was present, laterality, and dimensions of FH were recorded. Frequency of FH and the relationship between FH and, patient age, gender and FH dimensions were evaluated with statistical analysis. Results: Of the evaluated 300 patients FH frequency was 18.7%. Thirteen percent of the evaluated 600 temporal bones had FH and a female predominance was observed (p=0.016<0.05). Average age of patients was found to be lower than patients without FH (p<0.01). Mean dimensions of FH was 2.19 ±0.66 mm and 2.37±0.73 mm on sagittal and axial planes, respectively. No statistically significant relationship between FH dimensions and gender and lesion laterality was observed. There was a weak negative correlation between patient age and FH dimensions on axial plane (r=-0.253; p=0.025<0.05). Conclusion: FH is a common anatomical variation of the external auditory canal and is more common in females. Patient age is an important factor in FH presence. Average defect size is around 2mm and dimensions of FH may be related with patient age

    Evaluation of the relationship between gonial angle and impacted mandibular third molar teeth

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    Mandibular third molar teeth have the highest impaction frequency for several reasons such as lack of space which may be related to the direction of facial growth. Gonial angle is used for the definition of facial growth pattern with some other measures such as mandibular plane angle. Winter and Pell-Gregory classifications are used for defining the level and pattern of mandibular third molar impaction. The aim of this study is to define the relationship between mandibular third molar impaction pattern and gonial angle; also to evaluate relationship between mandibular third molar roots and inferior alveolar canal. Study included 90 patients who had undergone cone beam computed tomography assessment for mandibular third molar impaction. Impacted teeth were grouped according to Pell-Gregory depth (A, B, C) and ramus (1, 2, 3) classification and sub-groups were composed. Winter classification was used for angulation of third molars and their relationship between with inferior alveolar canal was recorded. Gonial angle was measured on panoramic radiographs. Of the evaluated 90 impacted third molars, mesioangular position was the most frequent (34.4%), followed by vertical, horizontal and distoangular positions. Nearly 77% of the impacted third molar roots were related to inferior alveolar canal. While no correlation was determined between gender, age, third molar angulation and gonial angle, C2 sub-group of Pell-Gregory classification showed statistically significant higher gonial angle values. Although no significance was found, gonial angle was higher in level C group. In conclusion, gonial angle is higher in patients with C2 impaction level. Also, although statistically insignificant, Pell-Gregory C group had higher gonial angle averages

    Retromolar canals and mandibular third molar position: Is there a possible connection?

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    Introduction: The retromolar canal (RMC) is an anatomical variation of the posterior part of the mandibular canal. It is thought that this variation is related to histological vestiges of the gubernacular canal and RMC presence may be associated with mandibular third molar (MTM) malposition. This study aims to investigate the relationship between MTM position and RMC existence. Material and Methods: Patients who had undergone cone-beam computed tomography examination for various purposes were included in the study. All of the patients had unilateral or bilateral MTM teeth. MTM impaction patterns were classified according to Winter and Pell-Gregory classifications. RMC existence, type, retromolar foramen (RMF) position, RMF dimensions, and distance from RMF to second and third molars were recorded. Results: Three hundred and forty-six retromolar areas with MTM of 244 patients were evaluated. RMCs were present in 11.5% of the patients. No statistically significant relationship between RMC and MTM impaction patterns was observed. A1-type RMC was found to be the most prevalent. The mean distance from RMF to the third molar was 6.09 ± 4.20 mm and was found to be higher in male patients. The mean distance from RMF to the second molar was 15.28 ± 4.73 mm. The average dimensions of the RMF were 1.4 ± 0.47 mm. Discussion and Conclusion: RMC is a relatively common anatomical variation of the mandibular canal. Although no correlation was observed between MTM impaction pattern and RMC existence, further research including more samples may be helpful to explain a possible correlation

    Borsa Istanbul'da Haftanin Günü Anomalisi; Garch Model Analizi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, Borsa İstanbul BIST-100 Endeksi'nde Haftanın Günü Anomalisinin varlığını araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla 03.01.2005-06.11.2015 döneminde firmaların kapanış fiyatları veri seti olarak kullanılmıştır. Veriler logaritmik farkları alınarak getiri serilerine dönüştürülmüş ve GARCH (1,1) Model analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Analiz sonuçlarına göre Pazartesi ve Perşembe günlerinin getirilerini temsil eden katsayıların anlamlı çıkmasına rağmen, haftanın işlem günlerine ait ortalama getiriler birbirine eşittir. Sonuç olarak, incelenen dönemde BIST-100 endeksinde Haftanın Günü Anomalisine rastlanmamıştır.The aim of this study is to investigate the Day of the Week Effect (DWE) in Borsa Istanbul BIST-100 Index. For this purpose, the dataset of closing prices of the firms was gathered from 03.01.2005 to 06.11.2015. The data transformed to return series by taking logarithmic differences, and analyzed with GARCH (1,1) Model. According to the findings, although the coefficients representing the returns of Monday and Thursday are statistically significant, the returns of the trading days of the week are equal. Consequently, for the related period, DWE did not detected in BIST-100 Index

    Hospital-acquired Urosepsis Caused by Achromobacter xylosoxidans

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    Achromobacter xylosoxidans is a microorganism found in the nature, soil and water. It may cause opportunistic infections in immunosuppressed patients. It may lead rarely to urinary system infections in patients with underlying urinary abnormalities. We report a case of urosepsis due to A. xylosoxidans in a 59-year-old female patient having had total bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy seven years ago due to the diagnosis of endometrial clear cell carcinoma

    Neutropenic enterocolitis and colonic perforation in a patient with breast carcinoma treated with taxane-based chemotherapy: a case report and review of the literature

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    Neutropenic enterocolitis or typhlitis is one of the rare but high mortality acute complications of neutropenia that develops in immunosuppressed patients due to chemotherapy. It is a segmental cecal and ascending colon inflammation that can progress to necrosis and perforation. Although it is mostly observed in myelosuppressed and immunosuppressed patients, like those who have leukemia and lymphoma, it can also be observed in malignancies treated with myelosuppressive chemotherapy. It has been reported particularly in patients with solid tumors treated with taxane-based chemotherapy. In this article, a 40-year-old patient with invasive ductal breast carcinoma is presented, who was diagnosed with neutropenic enterocolitis and colonic perforation that developed 6 days after chemotherapy (Docetaxel 75 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 600 mg/m2). If neutropenic fever, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and tenderness develops in a patient under taxane-based chemotherapy, neutropenic enterocolitis is a condition that must definitely be considered. It should be noted that it is possible to reduce mortality and morbidity by means of appropriate antibiotics and a timely surgical intervention