28 research outputs found

    The patogen microorganisms isolated from bacteremias developed at our hospital's intensive care units and their antibiotic susceptibilities.

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    TEZ5430Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2005.Kaynakça (s. 34-39) var.vi, 41 s. ; 29 cm.Recently, hospital infections are continuing to be an important healthcare problem causing significant mortality and morbidity, despite the entire infection control measures. For this reason, applying routine surveilance programmes for infection prevention and control, and knowing the causative microrganisms and their susceptibilities have a critical significance. In this study, where nosocomial bacteremias with their distribution, and the causative microorganisms with their antibiotic susceptibilities are investigated, 261 bacteremia episodes, and 310 causative microorganisms were determined. 148 (56,7%) of these episodes were primary bacteremias. The most frequently isolated microorganisms were A.baumanii (29,4%), kogulase negative staphylococcus (15,8%), S.aureus (13,5%), Candida (11,6%). The most efficacious antibiotics to A.baumanii sequentially were tobramycin, meropenem, amikacin, imipenem. Antibiotic susceptibilities were quite low at P.aeruginosa isolates and were 61,1% for levofloxacin, 52,4% for ciprofloxacin, 38,1% for imipenem, and 35% for meropenem. The most efficacious antibiotics for E.coli were imipenem, meropenem, gentamycin, piperacillin-tazobactam, trimethoprim-sulfamethaxasole, and for Klebsiella were imipenem, levofloxacin, meropenem, ciprofloxacin and piperacillin-tazobactam. Expanded spectrum beta lactamases rates were detected 50% at E.coli and 75% at Klebsiella isolates. Meticilline resistant S.aureus, koagulase negative staphylococcus and vancomycin resistant enterococcus rates were, 82,5%, 95,6% and 24% respectively. As a result, causative agents and their susceptibility paterns were determined at our hospital's intensive care units (ICU). This study is espected to shine a light on hospital infection control measures and to be a foresight for ampiric antibiotic choice in our hospital.Günümüzde, alınan tüm kontrol önlemlerine karşın önemli morbidite ve mortalite nedeni olarak hastane infeksiyonları ciddi bir sağlık sorunu olma özelliğini korumaktadır. Bu nedenle YBÜ'lerinde hastane infeksiyonlarının önlenmesi ve kontrolünde, rutin sürveyans programı uygulanması ve etken mikroorganizmalar ile duyarlılıklarının bilinmesi kritik öneme sahiptir. Ç.Ü.T.F. Hastanesi YBÜ'nde 2004 yılında yatan hastalarda gelişen nozokomiyal bakteriyemilerin belirlenip, etken dağılımları ve bakteriyel duyarlılıklarının değerlendirildiği bu çalışmada, 261 bakteriyemi epizodu ve 310 etken tespit edilmiştir. Bu epizotlarının 148'i (%56,7) primer bakteriyemi iken, geri kalan kısmı sekonder bakteriyemi olarak bulunmuştur. En sık izole edilen mikroorganizmalar A.baumanii (%29,4), koagülaz negatif stafilokoklar (%15,8), S.aureus (%13,5), Candida (%11,6) olarak tespit edilmiştir. Duyarlılık sonuçlarına göre A.baumanii'ye en etkili antibiyotikler sırasıyla tobramisin, meropenem, amikasin ve imipenem olarak tespit edilmiştir. P.aeruginosa suşlarında antibiyotik duyarlılıkları oldukça düşük ve sırasıyla levofloksasine %61,1, siprofloksasine %52,4, imipeneme %38,1, meropeneme %35 şeklinde bulunmuştur. E.coli için en etkili antibiyotikler sırasıyla imipenem, meropenem, gentamisin, piperasilin-tazobaktam, TMP-SMZ, Klebsiella türleri için ise imipenem, levofloksasin, meropenem, siprofloksasin, piperasilin tazobaktam olarak tespit edilmiştir. Genişlemiş spektrumlu beta laktamaz (GSBL) yapımı E.coli suşlarında % 50, Klebsiella suşlarında ise % 75 oranında bulunmuştur. Koagülaz negatif stafilokoklarda oksasilin direnci %95,6, S.aureus'larda ise %82,5 gibi çok yüksek değerlerde bulunmuş, vankomisine dirençli enterokok (VRE) oranı ise %24 (n=6) olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak çalışmamızda hastanemizdeki yoğun bakım ünitelerinde nozokomiyal infeksiyon etkenlerini belirlenmiş, bunların antibiyotik duyarlılık patenleri çıkarılmıştır. Bu çalışmanın gelecekte hastane infeksiyon kontrol önlemlerine ışık tutması ve ampirik antibiyotik seçenekleri için öngörü oluşturması beklenmektedir

    Kronik lenfositik lösemisi olan bir olguda orijini bilinmeyen ateş nedeni: Richter transformasyonu

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    Kronik lenfositik lösemi (KLL) pek çok ülkede en sık karşılaşılan lösemi grubunu oluşturmaktadır. Enfeksiyonlar bu hastalık grubunda morbidite ve mortalitenin en sık sebebidir ve kemoterapi ile ilişkili lenfoid hücre disfonksiyonu ve nötropeni, enfeksiyonlara yatkınlığın başlıca nedenlerini oluştururlar. Bu neden ile ateşi olan KLL’li olgularda enfeksiyöz durumlar mutlaka dışlanmalıdır. Richter transformasyonu (RT) KLL olgularında nadir görülen bir lenfoma türüdür ve orijini bilinmeyen ateşlerin de nadir sebebini oluşturmaktadır. RT ilişkili orijini bilinmeyen ateş olguları anekdotal raporlar şeklinde bildirilmiştir. Burada KLL tanısı olan ve ateş nedeni olarak RT saptanan bir olgu sunulmuş ve literatür gözden geçirilmiştir.Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most common leukemia in many countries. Infections are the most common causes of morbidity and mortality; lymphoid cell dysfunction and neutropenia associated with chemotherapy are main predisposing conditions for infection. For this reason infectious conditions must be excluded in a case with CLL and fever. Richter's transformation (RT) is a kind of lymphoma that is a rare condition in CLL cases Fever of unknown origin is a rare finding in Richter's transformation (RT) but it has been reported as anecdotal reports. Here a case with RT as the cause of fever in a case with CLL was reported and literature was reviewed

    Le Grand écho du Nord de la France

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    31 mars 19381938/03/31 (A120,N90).Appartient à l’ensemble documentaire : NordPdeC

    Association of anti-CD20 antibody-rituximab and infection: A case report

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    Son yıllarda literatürde anti-CD20 antikoru (rituksimab) tedavisi sonrası gelişen ciddi viral, mikobakteriyel ve fungal infeksiyonlar bildirilmektedir. Şimdiye kadar rituksimab ilişkili panoftalmit bildirilmemiş olup, CHOP-R tedavisi alan lenfomalı bir olguda ölümle sonlanan panoftalmit tablosu nedeni ile konuya dikkat çekilmesi ve rituksimab tedavileri ile infeksiyon ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.In recent years, serious viral, mycobacterial and fungal infection cases which developed after anti-CD20 antibodies (rituximab) have been published. Upto now there was no panophtalmitis case associated with rituximab. In this paper we aimed to evaluate the relationship between rituximab treatments and infections, and attract attention to the issue with a panophtalmitis case with lymphoma who was on CHOP-R treatment and ended up with death

    “PAN”dora’s Box: A Case of Polyarteritis Nodosa with Fever of Unknown Origin

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    Vasculitis is an important group of diseases that must be considered as a noninfectious cause of fever of unknown origin. Polyarteritis nodosa which is one of the vasculitis syndromes is a necrotizing vasculitis which involves whole three layers of the small and medium sized arteries and it has a wide spectrum from progresive and fulminant disease to a limited disease. Because of this, we aimed to share a fever of unknown origin case and via this case poliarteritis nodosa was disscussed

    Türkiye'deki bir hastanenin invazif araç ilişkili enfeksiyon hızları; dört yıllık deneyim

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    Amaç: Merkezimizdeki invazif araç ilişkili enfeksiyon hızlarının, etken mikroorganizmaların ve direnç paternlerinin tespit edilerek standardizasyon sağlanması ve Türkiye ile gelişmiş ülkelerdeki hastaneler ile karşılaştırma yapılması. Yöntem ve gereç: Yoğun bakımlarda toplam hasta günü, ventilatör günü, santral kateter günü ve üriner kateter günleri kayıt edildi ve invazif araç ilişkili enfeksiyon hızları hesaplandı. Hastalardan klinik örnekler alınarak uygun ortama ekildi ve enfekte eden mikroorganizmalar ile direnç paternleri tespit edildi. Bulgular: Toplam olarak % 16,4 oranında ve 12, 12/1000 hasta gününde 1450 invazif araç ilişkili enfeksiyon tespit edilmiştir. Ventilatör ilişkili pnömoni hızı 21, 12/1000 ventilatör günü ve en sık görülen patojen Acinetobacter baumannii idi. Santral kateter ilişkili kan dolaşım enfeksiyonu hızı 9,14/1000 kateter günü ve en sık izole edilen patojen A. baumannii idi. Kateter ilişkili üriner sistem enfeksiyon hızı ise 10,12/1000 kateter günü ve en sık karşılaşılan patojen Candida türleri idi. MRSA oranı 2006 yılında % 89.6’dan 2009 yılında % 61.8’e düştü (P < 0,001). ESBL oranları çalışma yıllarında Escherichia coli’de % 70,7 ve % 45,6 arasında, Klebsiella pneumoniae’de ise % 66,7 ve % 55,9 arasında idi. Enterokok türleri arasında vankomisin direnci % 34,3 ve % 21,7 arasındaydı. Sonuç: Hastanemiz enfeksiyon hızları ülke verileriyle benzer ancak gelişmiş ülkelere oranla yüksek bulundu. Bu yüksek enfeksiyon hızları ve antimikrobiyallere direnç oranları göz önüne alındığında enfeksiyon kontrol önlemlerine uyumun acil olarak arttırılması ve daha etkili antibiyotik kontrol politikaları geliştirilmesine ihtiyaç vardır.Aim: To determine our setting's IDAI rates, infecting microorganisms, and their resistance patterns to achieve standardization and make comparisons among other Turkish and developed country hospitals all over the world. Materials and methods: The numbers of total patient days, ventilator days, central catheter days and, urinary catheter days in the ICUs were recorded and IDAI rates were calculated. Clinical specimens were obtained from patients, cultivated at appropriate culture media, and infecting microorganisms and resistance patterns were determined. Results: Totally 1450 invasive device-associated infection episodes were determined (16.4% of patients) with a rate of 21.12/1000 days. Ventilator associated pneumonia rate was 22.05/1000 ventilator days and most common microorganism was Acinetobacter baumannii. Central catheter associated blood stream infection rate was 9.14/1000 central catheter days and the most common infecting organism was A. baumannii. Catheter associated urinary infection rate was 10.12/1000 urinary catheter days and the most common pathogen was Candida species. MRSA rate decreased from 89.6% in 2006 to 61.8% in 2009 (P < 0.001). ESBL production rates were between 70.7% and 45.6% in Escherichia coli and 66.7% and 55.9% in Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates. Vancomycin resistance among Enterococci was between 34.3% and 21.7% in these years. Conclusion: Our hospital infection rates were found to be similar to those of country data but higher than those in developed nations. Considering the high infection and resistance rates to most of the available antibiotics, it is highly urgent that infection control measures be taken and more effective antibiotic control policies be adopted

    Toxoplasma encephalitis: an HIV/AIDS patient with cerebral mass

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    Toksoplazma ensefaliti CD4+ T lenfosit sayısı azalmış olan hastalarda, Toxoplasma gondii’nin latent halde bulunan doku kistlerinin reaktivasyonu ile ortaya çıkan fırsatçı bir enfeksiyondur. Toksoplazma ensefaliti, insan immün yetmezlik virüsü enfeksiyonu ve kazanılmış immün yetmezlik sendromu olan hastalarda, santral sinir sistemi tutulumunun başta gelen nedenlerindendir. Bu yazıda , ateş ve nörolojik bulgularla başvuran, radyolojik incelemeler sonucunda saptanan serebral kitlenin etiyolojisi araştırılırken immün yetmezlik virüsü enfeksiyonu tanısı konan ve antiretroviral ve antiprotozoal tedavi ile tam iyileşme sağlanan bir toksoplazma ensefaliti olgusu sunulmuştur.Toxoplasmic encephalitis is an opportunistic infection, which develops as a result of reactivation of the latent tissue cysts of Toxoplasma gondii in patients with reduced CD4+ T lymphocytes. Amongst patients with human immunodeficiency virus or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, toxoplasmic encephalitis is one of the leading causes of the intracerebral involvement. In this report, we present a toxoplasmic encephalitis case, who has admitted with neurological symptoms and fever. The patient was identified human immunodeficiency virus positive while he was under investigation for cerebral mass lesion, The patient has fully recovered by antiprotozoal and antiretroviral therapy

    The Role of Calprotectin and Alpha-Defensin in the Diagnosis of Pneumonia in Ventilated Patients

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    Introduction: Hospital-acquired pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia are the major causes of death in hospitalized patients, particularly in the intensive care unit, and early diagnosis may contribute to the survival of the patients. Our aim in this study was to contribute to the rapid treatment of ventilator-associated pneumonia by providing an early diagnosis of pneumonia with alfa-defensin, and calprotectin as inflammation biomarkers. Materials and Methods: The study was designed as a single-center, prospective observational study involving mechanically ventilated patients who were admitted to the Internal Medicine Intensive Care Unit at Çukurova University Hospital between May 2018 and July 2019 and were above 18 years of age. Patients’ demographics and clinical parameters were noted. Serum alpha-defensin levels were measured with the Human Alpha-defensin ELISA kit (Bioassay Technology Laboratory, Jiaxing, China). Serum calprotectin levels were measured with the Human Calprotectin ELISA kit (Bioassay Technology Laboratory, Jiaxing, China). Deep tracheal aspirates (DTA) and blood specimens were collected on the day of ventilation, as well as on the first, third, and seventh days, prospectively. The patients were monitored for the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Infections other than ventilator-associated pneumonia were also noted. Results: During the study period, 822 patients were admitted to the intensive care unit, accumulating 5101 patient days and 1966 ventilator days. Of the included 88 patients who were intubated and mechanically ventilated, 59.1% were male and the mean age was 59.9 ± 18.4. Mean alpha defensin levels were higher in patients with pneumonia than those without (1679.21 ± 3398.17 vs 552.32 ± 243.67 respectively, p= 0.012). As for the ROC curve analysis, the area under the curve for alpha-defensin in pneumonia patients was 0.583 (p= 0.239). Mean calprotectin levels were higher in patients with pneumonia than those without (230.40 ± 150.6819 ng/ mL vs 163.80 ± 73.5819 ng/mL, p= 0.001). As for the ROC curve analysis, the area under the curve for calprotectin in pneumonia patients was 0.621 (p= 0.086). Conclusion: Serum and bronchoalveolar fluid levels of alpha defensin and calprotectin exhibited higher values in patients with pneumonia compared to those without pneumonia. However, due to the absence of statistical significance, larger-scale studies are necessary to ascertain the clinical utility and benefits. In conclusion, it is recommended to plan a study with a larger number of patients, in which serum and bronchoalveolar fluid alpha defensin levels are measured simultaneously and molecular methods are used for more accurate diagnosis