73 research outputs found

    A Survey of Deep Meta-Learning

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    Deep neural networks can achieve great successes when presented with large data sets and sufficient computational resources. However, their ability to learn new concepts quickly is quite limited. Meta-learning is one approach to address this issue, by enabling the network to learn how to learn. The exciting field of Deep Meta-Learning advances at great speed, but lacks a unified, insightful overview of current techniques. This work presents just that. After providing the reader with a theoretical foundation, we investigate and summarize key methods, which are categorized into i) metric-, ii) model-, and iii) optimization-based techniques. In addition, we identify the main open challenges, such as performance evaluations on heterogeneous benchmarks, and reduction of the computational costs of meta-learning.Comment: Extended version of book chapter in 'Metalearning: Applications to Automated Machine Learning and Data Mining' (2nd edition, forthcoming

    Understanding Transfer Learning and Gradient-Based Meta-Learning Techniques

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    Deep neural networks can yield good performance on various tasks but often require large amounts of data to train them. Meta-learning received considerable attention as one approach to improve the generalization of these networks from a limited amount of data. Whilst meta-learning techniques have been observed to be successful at this in various scenarios, recent results suggest that when evaluated on tasks from a different data distribution than the one used for training, a baseline that simply finetunes a pre-trained network may be more effective than more complicated meta-learning techniques such as MAML, which is one of the most popular meta-learning techniques. This is surprising as the learning behaviour of MAML mimics that of finetuning: both rely on re-using learned features. We investigate the observed performance differences between finetuning, MAML, and another meta-learning technique called Reptile, and show that MAML and Reptile specialize for fast adaptation in low-data regimes of similar data distribution as the one used for training. Our findings show that both the output layer and the noisy training conditions induced by data scarcity play important roles in facilitating this specialization for MAML. Lastly, we show that the pre-trained features as obtained by the finetuning baseline are more diverse and discriminative than those learned by MAML and Reptile. Due to this lack of diversity and distribution specialization, MAML and Reptile may fail to generalize to out-of-distribution tasks whereas finetuning can fall back on the diversity of the learned features.Comment: Accepted at Machine Learning Journal, Special Issue on Discovery Science 202

    Subspace Adaptation Prior for Few-Shot Learning

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    Gradient-based meta-learning techniques aim to distill useful prior knowledge from a set of training tasks such that new tasks can be learned more efficiently with gradient descent. While these methods have achieved successes in various scenarios, they commonly adapt all parameters of trainable layers when learning new tasks. This neglects potentially more efficient learning strategies for a given task distribution and may be susceptible to overfitting, especially in few-shot learning where tasks must be learned from a limited number of examples. To address these issues, we propose Subspace Adaptation Prior (SAP), a novel gradient-based meta-learning algorithm that jointly learns good initialization parameters (prior knowledge) and layer-wise parameter subspaces in the form of operation subsets that should be adaptable. In this way, SAP can learn which operation subsets to adjust with gradient descent based on the underlying task distribution, simultaneously decreasing the risk of overfitting when learning new tasks. We demonstrate that this ability is helpful as SAP yields superior or competitive performance in few-shot image classification settings (gains between 0.1% and 3.9% in accuracy). Analysis of the learned subspaces demonstrates that low-dimensional operations often yield high activation strengths, indicating that they may be important for achieving good few-shot learning performance. For reproducibility purposes, we publish all our research code publicly.Comment: Accepted at Machine Learning Journal, Special Issue of the ECML PKDD 2023 Journal Trac

    Are LSTMs Good Few-Shot Learners?

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    Deep learning requires large amounts of data to learn new tasks well, limiting its applicability to domains where such data is available. Meta-learning overcomes this limitation by learning how to learn. In 2001, Hochreiter et al. showed that an LSTM trained with backpropagation across different tasks is capable of meta-learning. Despite promising results of this approach on small problems, and more recently, also on reinforcement learning problems, the approach has received little attention in the supervised few-shot learning setting. We revisit this approach and test it on modern few-shot learning benchmarks. We find that LSTM, surprisingly, outperform the popular meta-learning technique MAML on a simple few-shot sine wave regression benchmark, but that LSTM, expectedly, fall short on more complex few-shot image classification benchmarks. We identify two potential causes and propose a new method called Outer Product LSTM (OP-LSTM) that resolves these issues and displays substantial performance gains over the plain LSTM. Compared to popular meta-learning baselines, OP-LSTM yields competitive performance on within-domain few-shot image classification, and performs better in cross-domain settings by 0.5% to 1.9% in accuracy score. While these results alone do not set a new state-of-the-art, the advances of OP-LSTM are orthogonal to other advances in the field of meta-learning, yield new insights in how LSTM work in image classification, allowing for a whole range of new research directions. For reproducibility purposes, we publish all our research code publicly.Comment: Accepted at Machine Learning Journal, Special Issue of the ECML PKDD 2023 Journal Trac

    The ATLAS Level-1 muon topological trigger information for run 2 of the LHC

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    For run 2 of the LHC, the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system will include topological information on trigger objects in order to cope with the increased trigger rates. The existing Muon-to-Central-Trigger- Processor interface (MUCTPI) has been modified in order to provide coarse-grained topological information on muon candidates. A MUCTPI- to-Level-1-Topological-Processor interface (MuCTPiToTopo) has been developed to receive the electrical information and to send it optically to the Level-1 Topological Processor (L1TOPO). This poster will describe the different modules mentioned above and present results of functionality and connection tests performed

    Counteracting Age-related Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass: a clinical and ethnological trial on the role of protein supplementation and training load (CALM Intervention Study): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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