4 research outputs found
Worker deaths: A regional autopsy study
Amaç: Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü’ne göre her 15 saniyede bir 153 işçi iş kazası geçirmekte ve bir işçi iş kazaları veya hastalıklar nedeniyle
ölmektedir. Dünyada her gün 6.300 insan iş kazaları veya işle ilişkili hastalıklar nedeniyle ölmektedir.
Yöntem: Adli Tıp Kurumu Trabzon Grup Başkanlığı Morg İhtisas Dairesi’nde, 2011-2015 yılları arasında otopsisi yapılan, ölüm nedeni iş kazasına
bağlanan olguların adli tahkikat evrakları ve otopsi raporları geriye dönük olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: Toplam 112 işçi ölümünden 111’inin (%99,1) erkek, 1’inin (%0,9) kadın olduğu tespit edildi. Yaşları 18 ile 64 yıl arasında değişmekteydi.
Olguların iş kollarına göre dağılımı incelendiğinde 61 (%54,5) olgunun inşaat sektöründe ve 12 (%10,7) olgunun enerji sektöründe çalıştığı
tespit edildi. İş kazalarının 34 (%30,4) olguda yüksekten düşme, 19 (%17) olguda elektrik çarpması nedeniyle gerçekleştiği belirlendi. Yapılan
otopsilerde 44 (%39,3) olguda kafatası kemik kırıkları, 22 (%19,6) olguda göğüs kafesi kırıkları vardı. Histopatolojik incelemelerde, 13 (%11,6)
olguda kalp-damar patolojileri ve 20 (%17,9) olguda akciğerlerde ödem ve kanama bulundu.
Sonuç: Ulusal iş kazası istatistikleriyle de uyumlu olarak, bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre, ilk sırada inşaat sektörü bulunmaktadır. Ölüm nedeni
olarak ise yüksekten düşmeye bağlı genel beden travmaları, elektrik çarpmaları ve iş makinesi kazaları öne çıkmaktadır.Objective: According to the International Labor Organization, 153 workers are injured and one worker dies because of occupational accidents
or diseases every 15 seconds. Every day, 6,300 people die due to occupational accidents or work-related diseases in the world.
Methods: Forensic investigation documents and autopsy reports of patients who were autopsied between 2011 and 2015 at the Forensic
Medicine Department of Morgue Specialization in Trabzon Group Presidency and whose causes of death were related to occupational accidents
were examined retrospectively.
Results: It was determined that 111 (99.1%) were male and 1 (0.9%) were female from a total of 112 worker deaths. Their ages ranged between 18
and 64 years. When the distribution of cases by business types was analyzed, it was determined that 61 (54.5%) cases worked in the construction
sector and 12 (10.7%) in the energy sector. It was determined that work accidents occurred due to falling from height in 34 (30.4%) cases and
electric shock in 19 (17%) cases. There were skull bone fractures in 44 (39.3%) cases and rib cage fractures in 22 (19.6%) cases during autopsies. In
histopathological examinations, there were cardiovascular pathologies in 13 (11.6%) cases, edema and bleeding in the lungs in 20 (17.9%) cases.
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, construction sector took place on the top, which is consistent with the national work accident
statistics. As a cause of death, general body traumas due to falling from high, electric shocks and work machine accidents come to the fore
Fatal land hunting-related injuries in the Eastern Black Sea
BACKGROUND: Hunting requires the use of various weapons or tools as professionals according to the characteristics of the crea-ture to be hunted. Deaths during hunting activities may occur as a result of different reasons (firearm wounds, falling from a height, wild animal attack, or natural, etc.). These events' forensic reports are prepared by the physician who performed the first intervention. Identification of wounds, taking measurement photographs of the wounds before treatment, specifying the shape/sizes of foreign bodies in radiological imaging will be beneficial for determining the type of firearm, the number of shots, and the shooting distance.METHODS: The cases that performed autopsy between 2007 and 2016 at The Council of Forensic Medicine Trabzon Group Chairmanship were analyzed, retrospectively. Twenty-six (4.1%) deceased were examined. Crime scene investigation reports, hunting equipment, wound characteristics, and causes of death were investigated.RESULTS: All of our cases consisted of men (92.3%; n=24) with a mean age of 42.5 years (14-81; SD: +/- 17.4). It was determined that 42.3% of the incidents occurred in winter, 80.8% (n=21) occurred in the daytime, 69.2% occurred in open areas such as fields, and 26.9% occurred in forested land. It was found that 88.5% of the deaths were caused by shotgun pellet/buckshot injuries, 7.7% (n=2) by falling off a cliff, and 3.8% by wild boar attacks (vascular injury). It was determined that 57.7% of the shots were made from long shooting distance, 19.2% were made from close range, and 11.5% were made from contact distance. It was found that 73.9% of the perpetrators were other hunters and 26.1% were the deceased person himself. It was determined that 42.3% of the injuries occurred in the chest and 38.4% in the head-and-neck region. It was determined that 96.2% of the cases did not undergo first aid intervention even though there were eyewitnesses in approximately 3/4 of the cases. Ethyl alcohol was detected in only 3 cases (11.5%).CONCLUSION: It is thought that similar deaths can be prevented to a certain extent thanks to the hunting and medical first aid training to be given by the local governments. Risk control mechanisms must work properly. Besides, it is necessary to ensure that forensic experts can access the results of the proceedings in such cases. It is thought that this will be more beneficial in terms of developing new behavior styles in similar event
18-65 Yaş Aralığındaki Kişilerde Hukuki Ehliyetin Değerlendirilmesi
Amaç: Medeni hukuk, çağdaş toplumlarda kişilere belirli hak ve ehliyetler tanımlamıştır. Fiil ehliyeti kişilerin haklarını kullanmasını, sorumluluklar edinebilmesini gerektiren hak ve ödevleri kapsamaktadır. Kişilerin çeşitli sebeplerle fiil ehliyetine sahip olmaması durumlarında hukuk sistemi uzman tıbbi bilirkişilerden görüş almaktadır. Çalışmamızda 18-65 yaş aralığındaki kişilerin hukuki ehliyetin değerlendirilmesi ve literatüre katkıda bulunmak amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: 01/01/2015 -31/12/2016 tarihleri arasında Adli Tıp Anabilim Dalı’na hukuki ehliyetin değerlendirilmesi için gönderilen hastalardan 18-65 yaş arasında kalanlara düzenlenen adli raporlar geriye dönük olarak incelendi.
Bulgular: İncelenen 108 olgunun yaşları 18-64 arasında değişmekteydi. Alınan anamnez, incelenen tıbbi evrak, yapılan tetkikler, testler ve ruhsal durum muayenesi neticesinde şahıslardan 56’sının (%51,9) TMK 405. madde kapsamında kısıtlanmasının, 3’ünün (%2,8) TMK 408. madde kapsamında isteği doğrultusunda kısıtlanabileceği, 11’inin (%10,2) TMK 406. madde kapsamında savurganlığı, kötü yaşam tarzı ve malvarlığını kötü yönetmesi sebebiyle kendisini ya da ailesini darlık veya yoksunluğa düşürme tehlikesinin belirlenmesi durumunda vesayet altına alınabileceği, 4’üne (%3,7) yasal danışman atanmasının uygun olacağı belirtilmiş olup, 34 (%31,5) kişi hakkında da vesayet altına alınmasını gerektirir bir halinin olmadığı kararı verildi.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, hukuki ehliyet açısından değerlendirilen 18-65 yaş aralığındaki kişilerde en sık mental retardasyon saptanmış olup bu durumun geriatrik popülasyondan farklılık gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca elde edilen bulgular geriatrik olmayan yaş gruplarında hukuki ehliyetin değerlendirilmesinde özel bir yaklaşım sergilenmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir
Evaluation of the fire-related deaths: Autopsy study
BACKGROUND: The fire is a public health problem that occurs because of various reasons, threatens the lives of organisms, and may cause economic losses. The forensic investigation and the crime (event) scene investigation and first medical examination to be performed for the persons in the fire scene might reveal important evidences.
METHODS: The autopsy reports prepared in Trabzon Branch Office, The Ministry of Justice Council of Forensic Medicine, for the death cases found in fire scene between 2007 and 2016 were retrospectively examined.
RESULTS: As a result of analyzing the 10-year archive data, it was determined that 100 (63.3%) of 158 cases, which have been found in the fire scene and undergone forensic autopsy, were male and 58 (36.7%) were female. By excluding the group of cases with undetected origin, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the homicide-caused deaths and the deaths with other causes (accident and suicide) in terms of the carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO) levels. By grouping the fire scene as outdoor and indoor areas, the comparison made between the HbCO levels of cases is presented in table. The difference between the two groups was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Starting from the crime scene investigation, a detailed radiological, toxicological, and pathological investigation must be performed for the persons taken out from the fire scenes. It was observed that the HbCO levels can be used in determining the space in which death occurred, the origin, and the comorbidities of the individual