694 research outputs found

    A Radio-fingerprinting-based Vehicle Classification System for Intelligent Traffic Control in Smart Cities

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    The measurement and provision of precise and upto-date traffic-related key performance indicators is a key element and crucial factor for intelligent traffic controls systems in upcoming smart cities. The street network is considered as a highly-dynamic Cyber Physical System (CPS) where measured information forms the foundation for dynamic control methods aiming to optimize the overall system state. Apart from global system parameters like traffic flow and density, specific data such as velocity of individual vehicles as well as vehicle type information can be leveraged for highly sophisticated traffic control methods like dynamic type-specific lane assignments. Consequently, solutions for acquiring these kinds of information are required and have to comply with strict requirements ranging from accuracy over cost-efficiency to privacy preservation. In this paper, we present a system for classifying vehicles based on their radio-fingerprint. In contrast to other approaches, the proposed system is able to provide real-time capable and precise vehicle classification as well as cost-efficient installation and maintenance, privacy preservation and weather independence. The system performance in terms of accuracy and resource-efficiency is evaluated in the field using comprehensive measurements. Using a machine learning based approach, the resulting success ratio for classifying cars and trucks is above 99%

    Measurement and comparison of Iron levels and hazard quotient (HQ) on muscle of farmed and marine fishes from Khuzestan, south west of Iran

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    The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of iron and Hazard quotient (HQ) in muscle of four marine fishes, orange - spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), yellow fin sea bream (Acanthopagrus latus), tongue fishes (Cynoglossus arel), silver pomfret (Pampus argenteus) and farmed carp fish, common carp(Cyprinus carpio), grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella), big head carp (Aristichthys nobilis) and silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) from Khuzestan. Farmed fish sample was prepared from the Azadegan warm water fish culture center and marine fish was prepared from fishing ports Bahrkan, Abadan and Bandar Emam. Iron concentration measured by wet digestion and atomic absorption spectrometer Perkin Elmer 4100.The results showed the average of iron level in farmed fish was 17.08± 1.21 mg/kg dry weight and in marine fish was 10.68± 3.66 mg/kg dry weight (p<0.05).The results showed that the highest iron concentrations between farmed fish muscle was on big head carp equal to 18.16mg/kg dry weight and was significantly different (p<0.05) with grass carp and the highest iron concentrations between marine fish muscle was onTongue fishequal to 15.50± 0.50mg/kg dry weight and was significantly different (p<0.05). Average hazard quotient in farmed fish was HQ=0.61and in marine fish was HQ =0.38. Hazard quotientin marine fish were in tongue fish HQ=0.55, yellow fin sea breamHQ =0. 3, Orange - spotted grouper HQ= 0.26 and silver pomfret HQ =0.41 and Hazard quotient in fish were in big head HQ=0.65, common carp HQ =0.63 grass carp HQ= 0.55and silver carp HQ =0.61. Hazard quotient in all samples was less than one and so fish nutrition no risk in terms of the amount of iron in the human body

    A Trend Analysis of Aerosol Related Parameters and their Relation to Precipitation Variability in Arizona

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    The Objective of our research was to investigate if there is a correlation between haboob outbreaks, resulting in large dust storms over Arizona, and the precipitation patterns over the region. We examined the extent of this correlation over the last ten years using satellite daily observations to highlight the possibility of better forecasts for precipitation events, such as monsoon thunderstorms. Our research indicates that haboobs increase precipitation in the Sonoran desert of Arizona because the dust particles are large enough to act as cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). Data was collected from five locations spread out over the state of Arizona for the years of 2002-2012. The method we utilized was data oriented and required a quantitative analytical approach, where aerosol optical depth (AOD) data from NASA\u27s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on the Terra satellite was collected and analyzed. Rainfall data from NASA\u27s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite was collected and analyzed in coherence with the aerosol data. By manipulating this data into a time-series form, we determined the direct correlation between dust and precipitation events. It was found that increased dusty events increased precipitation with an average of two months lag time. Each of the five locations indicated that a strong correlation does exist between the AOD, Angstrom exponent, and precipitation data, indicating that the there are complex interactions occurring between dust and precipitation in Arizona at a microphysical level

    How the Presence of Plastic in the North Pacific Gyre Affects the Growth of Thalassiosira through Remote Sensing and Laboratory Replication

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    Through the use of remote sensing, we are able to determine the approximate location of the garbage patch in the North Pacific Gyre. Though remote sensing does not penetrate the surface of the ocean, monthly satellite images can be analyzed to determine the rate of growth or rate of decrease of certain parameters, such as atmospheric gases, phytoplankton, and dissolved organic matter. Over the past decade, data from the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (Giovanni program) has shown a significant increase in dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll a content in the area of the North Pacific Garbage Patch (180-110° W, 40-45°N) (Bograd, DiLorenzo). The areas with increased chlorophyll are likely to show the regional location of the subject area (Villareal). By using laboratory techniques, we will be able to determine whether the presence of plastic effects the growth of phytoplankton and diatoms in the area. The research conducted will study the effects of plastic on algae growth, focusing on the diatoms, Thalassiosira, which are found in the North Pacific Gyre. The question is whether algae increase is due to plastic, or the visibility through remote sensing is increased due to the algae using plastic as a substrate. The focus on the effects of plastic on algae will be directed under normal Pacific Ocean conditions; however, without the upwelling and currents seen in the area

    Accumulation variations of selected heavy metals in Barbus xanthopterus in Karoon and Dez Rivers of Khuzestan, Iran

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    The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Ni and Hg were determined in gill, liver and muscle of Barbus xanthopterus in down streams of Karoon and Dez Rivers during summer 2009. Heavy metal concentrations varied significantly, depending on the types of the tissue in fish species. The levels of heavy metals such as Cd, Pb, Ni and Hg in the Barbus xanthopterus of Karoon River were higher than in Barbus xanthopterus of Dez River (Pliver>muscle. The concentration of Hg in Karoon River was in the sequence liver>gill>muscle but, in Dez River, it was in the sequence liver>muscle>gill. Among heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Ni and Hg), the accumulation of Pb was more than other heavy metals in fish (P<0.05). In both rivers, the accumulation of heavy metals in muscle of fish was higher than the world health organization (WHO) standard

    Interactive effects of diet protein and water salinity on growth and survival of white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931)

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    This study was conducted in the Shrimp Research Center of Bushehr in winter 2005. We treated reared White Leg Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931) with five diets containing 20%, 25% ,30%, 35% and 40% protein levels and three salinity levels 15-17ppt, 27-30ppt, and 40-45ppt. We focused on growth, survival, food conversion ratio, hemolymph osmolality, hemolymph protein and corpse protein content. We applied 15 treatments each with three replicates in 45 tanks with 300 liter capacity. Shrimps average weight was about 2 grams at the start and reared after 60 days of culture. Shrimp biomass growth in 15-17 salinity was higher than other salinities showing statistically significant difference with those grew in 40-45ppt salinity (P>0.05). No statistically significant difference was found between growth of the shrimp in 15-17ppt and in 27-30ppt water

    Aerosols, Hurricanes, and their Interactions : A Case Study of Hurricane Sandy

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    While the effects of aerosols on precipitation have been studied, their effects on more extreme precipitation events like Tropical Cyclones have only been questioned relatively recently. Because of the rarity of the intersection of significant quantities of aerosols and forming/formed tropical cyclones, as well as the possible destruction caused, most experiments about their effects take place in computer models that may not fully simulate the effects of the aerosols. Limitations in satellite sensing make it difficult to track processes and material distributions in hurricanes from afar as well. Hurricane Sandy, a devastating hurricane that formed in October of 2012, may have formed while influenced by relatively smaller but still significant amounts of dust from an African dust event. Since this quantity is different from most heavy polluting scenarios that are simulated, evaluating the extent of the presence, position, and activation of aerosols within this hurricane may give us insight into the potential influences of aerosols in tropical cyclones. MODIS, MISR, AIRS, and CALIPSO data, while having limitations, is analyzed. The extent and possible effects of additional Saharan dust aerosol loading is discussed

    Rancang Bangun Synchronous PVP Multiplayer Online Dalam Game Sosial Rangers Companion Dengan Menggunakan Unity Dan Framework Photon Unity Networking Pada Perangkat Android

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    Kemajuan perkembangan teknologi game yang tiap tahunnya berkembang pada perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras khususnya pada perangkat mobile yang mendukung sistem operasi Android, kini telah mumpuni menjalankan aplikasi game berskala 3D dan pengintegrasian antar perangkat lunak dan perangkat keras yang menghasilkan performa yang optimal. Pengalaman bermain pengguna sangat bervariasi dari segi aspek yang berbeda-beda cara untuk meningkatkan pengalaman bermain pada pengguna. Bermain dalam satu waktu yang sama dalam sebuah permainan dengan pemain lainnya merupakan salah satu caranya untuk menciptakan pengalaman bermain game menjadi lebih menyenangkan. Dalam Tugas Akhir ini dibangun sebuah permainan yang bergenre action yang memiliki gameplay yang interaktif untuk mengendalikan karakter dan menerapkan tipe permainan synchronous multiplayer untuk mode pvp dalam sebuah permainan. Antar pemain dapat langsung berinteraksi ketika bermain karena dipertemukan secara realtime. Metode penerapan untuk merealisasikannya tersebut akan menggunakan perpaduan dari unity engine dengan framework photon unity network untuk mengintegrasikan unity engine dengan photon cloud. Metode tersebut akan diuji kemampuannya, dari proses awal bermain sampai akhir permainan serta integrasi aturan main terhadap mode offline mode practice maupun synchronous multiplayer. Dengan fungsionalitas aplikasi permainan tersebut diketahui bahwa cara bermain yang mempertemukan antar pemain secara realtime akan menciptakan suasana menyenangkan dalam bermain. ====================================================================================================== The growth of game development technology in every year, especially of hardware and software on mobile device that support Android platform, now, they can run some 3D video games and integrated between hardware and software that give you optimal performance. User gaming experience is greatly vary in every differente aspects of how to enhance gaming experience to users. Playing game at realtime with each other person is one way of create gaming experience more enjoyable. In this final project built an action game which has interactive gameplay to control the character and implement synchronous multiplayer game for pvp mode in the game. Among the players can directly interact when playing because they current in realtime. The method to realize it, will use the combination of Unity Engine with Photon Unity Network Framework to integrate Unity Engine with the Photon Cloud. The method will be tested from start process of the game until the end of the process as well as integrated with the game rules to offline mode and synchronous mode. The game functionality in mind that the way to bring together players playing in realtime, will create a pleasant atmosphere while playing
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