43 research outputs found

    Complex architecture and regulated expression of the Sox2ot locus during vertebrate development

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    The Sox2 gene is a key regulator of pluripotency embedded within an intron of a long noncoding RNA (ncRNA), termed Sox2 overlapping transcript (Sox2ot), which is transcribed in the same orientation. However, this ncRNA remains uncharacterized. Here we show that Sox2ot has multiple transcription start sites associated with genomic features that indicate regulated expression, including highly conserved elements (HCEs) and chromatin marks characteristic of gene promoters. To identify biological processes in which Sox2ot may be involved, we analyzed its expression in several developmental systems, compared to expression of Sox2. We show that Sox2ot is a stable transcript expressed in mouse embryonic stem cells, which, like Sox2, is down-regulated upon induction of embryoid body (EB) differentiation. However, in contrast to Sox2, Sox2ot is up-regulated during EB mesoderm-lineage differentiation. In adult mouse, Sox2ot isoforms were detected in tissues where Sox2 is expressed, as well as in different tissues, supporting independent regulation of expression of the ncRNA. Sox2dot, an isoform of Sox2ot transcribed from a distal HCE located >500 kb upstream of Sox2, was detected exclusively in the mouse brain, with enrichment in regions of adult neurogenesis. In addition, Sox2ot isoforms are transcribed from HCEs upstream of Sox2 in other vertebrates, including in several regions of the human brain. We also show that Sox2ot is dynamically regulated during chicken and zebrafish embryogenesis, consistently associated with central nervous system structures. These observations provide insight into the structure and regulation of the Sox2ot gene, and suggest conserved roles for Sox2ot orthologs during vertebrate development

    Multiple Isoforms of ANRIL in Melanoma Cells: Structural Complexity Suggests Variations in Processing

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    The long non-coding RNA ANRIL, antisense to the CDKN2B locus, is transcribed from a gene that encompasses multiple disease-associated polymorphisms. Despite the identification of multiple isoforms of ANRIL, expression of certain transcripts has been found to be tissue-specific and the characterisation of ANRIL transcripts remains incomplete. Several functions have been associated with ANRIL. In our judgement, studies on ANRIL functionality are premature pending a more complete appreciation of the profusion of isoforms. We found differential expression of ANRIL exons, which indicates that multiple isoforms exist in melanoma cells. In addition to linear isoforms, we identified circular forms of ANRIL (circANRIL). Further characterisation of circANRIL in two patient-derived metastatic melanoma cell lines (NZM7 and NZM37) revealed the existence of a rich assortment of circular isoforms. Moreover, in the two melanoma cell lines investigated, the complements of circANRIL isoforms were almost completely different. Novel exons were also discovered. We also found the family of linear ANRIL was enriched in the nucleus, whilst the circular isoforms were enriched in the cytoplasm and they differed markedly in stability. With respect to the variable processing of circANRIL species, bioinformatic analysis indicated that intronic Arthrobacter luteus (Alu) restriction endonuclease inverted repeats and exon skipping were not involved in selection of back-spliced exon junctions. Based on our findings, we hypothesise that “ANRIL” has wholly distinct dual sets of functions in melanoma. This reveals the dynamic nature of the locus and constitutes a basis for investigating the functions of ANRIL in melanoma.Peer reviewe

    Derivation of Breast Cancer Cell Lines Under Physiological (5%) Oxygen Concentrations

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    Background: Most human breast cancer cell lines currently in use were developed and are cultured under ambient (21%) oxygen conditions. While this is convenient in practical terms, higher ambient oxygen could increase oxygen radical production, potentially modulating signaling pathways. We have derived and grown a series of four human breast cancer cell lines under 5% oxygen, and have compared their properties to those of established breast cancer lines growing under ambient oxygen.Methods: Cell lines were characterized in terms of appearance, cellular DNA content, mutation spectrum, hormone receptor status, pathway utilization and drug sensitivity.Results: Three of the four lines (NZBR1, NZBR2, and NZBR4) were triple negative (ER-, PR-, HER2-), with NZBR1 also over-expressing EGFR. NZBR3 was HER2+ and ER+ and also over-expressed EGFR. Cell lines grown in 5% oxygen showed increased expression of the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) target gene carbonic anhydrase 9 (CA9) and decreased levels of ROS. As determined by protein phosphorylation, NZBR1 showed low AKT pathway utilization while NZBR2 and NZBR4 showed low p70S6K and rpS6 pathway utilization. The lines were characterized for sensitivity to 7-hydroxytamoxifen, doxorubicin, paclitaxel, the PI3K inhibitor BEZ235 and the HER inhibitors lapatinib, afatinib, dacomitinib, and ARRY-380. In some cases they were compared to established breast cancer lines. Of particular note was the high sensitivity of NZBR3 to HER inhibitors. The spectrum of mutations in the NZBR lines was generally similar to that found in commonly used breast cancer cell lines but TP53 mutations were absent and mutations in EVI2B, LRP1B, and PMS2, which have not been reported in other breast cancer lines, were detected. The results suggest that the properties of cell lines developed under low oxygen conditions (5% O2) are similar to those of commonly used breast cancer cell lines. Although reduced ROS production and increased HIF-1 activity under 5% oxygen can potentially influence experimental outcomes, no difference in sensitivity to estrogen or doxorubicin was observed between cell lines cultured in 5 vs. 21% oxygen

    Methods used for noncoding RNAs analysis

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    Noncoding RNAs are RNA species that do not encode for proteins, and the majority of the human transcriptome is dominated by ncRNA. Recent extensive genomic and transcriptomic analyses have identified many different classes and sizes of ncRNA. They are now understood to be critical to the overall functioning, growth, development, and differentiation of cells. Differential expression and tissue specificity of many ncRNAs have been reported in normal development and disease states including cancer. Lack of functional ncRNAs may also lead to cancer progression. Therefore noncoding transcripts as biomarkers may be used in either predictive or prognostic ways. As such, over the past 15 years they have emerged as key biomarkers in cancer pathology, relating to both early detection and molecular subtyping. Due to important functional roles of ncRNAs in various cancers, the requirement for technologies used in the field is rapidly increasing. This chapter classifies ncRNAs based on their sizes, and describes methods applied for the identification and characterization of ncRNAs. It outlines key methods used for the purification of good quality RNA, various detection methods, analysis of gene expression as well as techniques that can applied for functional characterization of ncRNA. It also highlights critical steps and options to provide a general guide for ncRNA analysis

    Endocrine Therapy of Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Cells: Early Differential Effects on Stem Cell Markers

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    IntroductionEndocrine therapy of breast cancer, which either deprives cancer tissue of estrogen or prevents estrogen pathway signaling, is the most common treatment after surgery and radiotherapy. We have previously shown for the estrogen-responsive MCF-7 cell line that exposure to tamoxifen, or deprivation of estrogen, leads initially to inhibition of cell proliferation, followed after several months by the emergence of resistant sub-lines that are phenotypically different from the parental line. We examined the early responses of MCF-7 cells following either exposure to 4-hydroxytamoxifen or deprivation of estrogen for periods of 2 days–4 weeks.MethodsEndocrine-sensitive or -resistant breast cancer cell lines were used to examine the expression of the stem cell gene SOX2, and the Wnt effector genes AXIN2 and DKK1 using quantitative PCR analysis. Breast cancer cell lines were used to assess the anti-proliferative effects (as determined by IC50 values) of Wnt pathway inhibitors LGK974 and IWP-2.ResultsHormone therapy led to time-dependent increases of up to 10-fold in SOX2 expression, up to threefold in expression of the Wnt target genes AXIN2 and DKK1, and variable changes in NANOG and OCT4 expression. The cells also showed increased mammosphere formation and increased CD24 surface protein expression. Some but not all hormone-resistant MCF-7 sub-lines, emerging after long-term hormonal stress, showed up to 50-fold increases in SOX2 expression and smaller increases in AXIN2 and DKK1 expression. However, the increase in Wnt target gene expression was not accompanied by an increase in sensitivity to Wnt pathway inhibitors LGK974 and IWP-2. A general trend of lower IC50 values was observed in 3-dimensional spheroid culture conditions (which allowed enrichment of cells with cancer stem cell phenotype) relative to monolayer cultures. The endocrine-resistant cell lines showed no significant increase in sensitivity to Wnt inhibitors.ConclusionHormone treatment of cultured MCF-7 cells leads within 2 days to increased expression of components of the SOX2 and Wnt pathways and to increased potential for mammosphere formation. We suggest that these responses are indicative of early adaptation to endocrine stress with features of stem cell character and that this facilitates the survival of emerging hormone-resistant cell populations

    SOX2OT Long Noncoding RNA Is Regulated by the UPR in Oestrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ENR) stress perturbs cell homeostasis and induces the unfolded protein response (UPR). In breast cancer, this process is activated by oestrogen deprivation and is associated with tamoxifen resistance. We present evidence that the transcription factor SOX2 and the long noncoding RNA SOX2 overlapping transcript (SOX2OT) are upregulated in oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer and in response to oestrogen deprivation. We examined the effect of the UPR on SOX2 and SOX2OT expression and the effect of SOX2OT on UPR pathways in breast cancer cell lines. The induction of the UPR by thapsigargin or glucose deprivation upregulates SOX2OT expression. This upregulation is also shown with the anti-oestrogen 4OH-tamoxifen and mTOR inhibitor everolimus in ER + breast cancer cells that are sensitive to oestrogen deprivation or everolimus treatment. SOX2OT overexpression decreased BiP and PERK expression. This effect of SOX2OT overexpression was confirmed on BiP and PERK pathway by q-PCR. Our results show that a long noncoding RNA regulates the UPR and evince a new function of SOX2OT as a participant of ENR stress reprogramming of breast cancer cells

    Molecular mimicry in the decoding of translational stop signals

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    The structures of the ribosome and its subunits are now available at atomic detail, as well as those of several factors that bind to its active center. Of particular interest are the protein release factors that decode stop signals. In contrast to the codons specifying the different amino acids, the stop signals are not decoded by RNA molecules, the tRNAs. The tRNA analogue hypothesis (1994) for the decoding of stop signals was proposed to explain how the release factors might mimic a tRNA to span the decoding site of the small subunit and the enzyme center of the large subunit of the ribosome. The specific term "molecular mimicry" was applied soon after to include proteins or their domains that enter the tRNA binding sites on the ribosome. The solution crystal structures of the two release factors already solved (one eubacterial and one eukaryotic), although quite distinct in their folds, each resembles the shape of a tRNA. The eukaryotic factor, like a tRNA, seems to have specific motifs at the tips of two of its domains that interact with the decoding site and the enzyme center as predicted in the tRNA analogue model. Biochemical and genetic studies had identified two analogous motifs in the bacterial factors, but these are quite close together in the solution structure, suggesting a major conformational change may take place when the factor binds to the ribosome. Indeed, reconstructed cryoelectron microscopic images support an unfolding of the structure. A second class of release factor functions as a translational G-protein in the same manner as the two elongation factors and forms part of the termination mimicry complex. Undoubtedly, the molecular mimicry concept will be refined as the conformational changes that take place in the active center of the ribosome and in the proteins that bind to it are better understood