512 research outputs found

    Business Plan: Paper Recycling Plant

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    This Business Plan was written for Business Plan competition organized by Ministry of Youth Affairs Government of Pakistan. It explains the paper recycling business, its pros and cons, cost of paper recycling, plant options and feasibility.Paper; recycling; business; plan; paper recycling; business plan; pakistan

    Integrated Water Resource Management and Climate Change

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    The documentation of local progress assistances from climate change qualification is a likely inspiring feature to attain this. But, there is a deficiency of applied instances of how climate change qualification and progress priorities can be combined in general development procedures, chiefly in low- and internal-profits nations. Evolving information-based and practical climate change strategies requires creating science-policy lines through which information makers and politicians unite. Present investigation discloses that co-creation-depend lines conquered neither by information creators nor politicians prosper in enabling the alteration of information into policy. Amphibious vehicle is chiefly defenseless to climate changes that are predictable to source environment destruction and damage and, eventually, resident excisions. But, little is recognized about how the collaboration amongst climate change and destruction may delay the ability of amphibians to adjust to climate change

    Microsatellite loci to determine population structure of Garra rufa (Heckel, 1843) in the Khuzestan Province (Iran)

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    Genetic diversity of Garra rufa was studied using 6 polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci. The specimens of G. rufa were collected from the Kheirabad and Maroon rivers. Despite high importance of this species, there is no genetic information about its population structure. A total of 133 alleles were detected at the 6 loci across the two populations. The Kheirabad population exhibited a lower genetic variation (Ho=0.429 and He=0.850) than the Maroon one. The average numbers of observed alleles in the Kheirabad and Maroon populations were 11.8 and 10.3, respectively. The genetic similarity and distance between the two populations were 0.721 and 0.326, respectively. It seems that Maroon population live under better conditions in contrast to the Kheirabad one. Diminution of genetic variation within examined populations decreases its adaptation to environmental alterations. Based on the results of this study, we can identify two different Garra rufa populations in the Khuzestan province

    The Dynamicity and Flexibility of EFL Teachers' Role Identities in Language Institutes

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    Teachers’ active positioning in social space and their role identity are likely to be affected by workplace policies that impact their working conditions. By the same token, the teachers’ congruence or incongruence with the institutions’ policies can have an impact on their work-related identities. This qualitative study sets itself the objective of exploring the role identities of EFL teachers in language institutes. To this end, 36 experienced language teachers from six language institutes in Yasouj, Iran, took part in the study. The data were gathered through semi-structured individual interviews with the participants. Among the total of 9 role identities, the frequency count of the occurrences of roles demonstrated that the most recurring teacher role identity reported by teachers was teacher as “vendor” who is in charge of “selling” a particular teaching methodology. Further, the least recurring teacher role identity was teacher as “collaborator” indicating that teachers were reluctant to share with other teachers

    Total global dominator chromatic number of graphs

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    Let G = (V, E) be k-colorable (k-vertex colorable) graph and Vi ⊆ V be the class of vertices with color i. Then we assume that f = (V1, V2, · · · , Vk) is a coloring of G. A vertex v ∈ V (G) is a dominator of f if v dominates all the vertices of at least one color class such as Vi ( Vi is called a dom-color class respected to v) and v is said to be an anti dominator of f if v dominates none of the vertices of at least one color class such as Vi ( Vi is called a anti dom-color class respected to v). A vertex v ∈ V (G) is a total dominator of f, if v dominates all the vertices of at least one color class such as Vi not including v (Vi is called a total dom-color class respected to v). A total global dominator coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring f of G in which each vertex of the graph has a total dom-color class and an anti dom-color class in f. The minimum number of colors required for a total global dominator coloring of G is called the total global dominator chromatic number and is denoted by χt gd(G). In this paper we initiates a study on this notion of total global dominator coloring. The complexity of total global dominator coloring is studied. Some basic results and some bounds in terms of order, chromatic number, domination parameters are investigated. Finally we classify the total global dominator coloring of trees.Publisher's Versio

    Prolapsed Epiploica of the Sigmoid Colon After Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

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    A laparoscopic approach is recommended for the complication of prolapsed sigmoid colon epiploica after total laparoscopic hysterectomy

    Socio-demographic and built environment determinants of car use among older adults in Iran

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    Internationally, an age-friendly built environment, including safe, affordable, and convenient transportation, has been identified as crucial in enhancing the quality of life for increasingly large numbers of elderly people. This study presents data on the urban travel and mobility patterns of older adults in Shiraz, Iran – a country where the population is ageing faster than the average of western societies. The relationship between car use and socio-demographic and built environment variables is investigated through Ordinary Least Squares and Geographically Weighted Regression models. These models show that the main determinants of car use among older adults are: employment status; household size; car ownership rate; trip purpose; property prices; and mixed land-uses. Also, the study reveals that car dependency is significant and more pronounced among wealthier individuals, who tend to be clustered in the northern section of the city. The population density and road network design characteristics do not affect car use among older adults, while a mix of land-uses tends to attenuate car dependency. Gender gaps in car use are much wider than in the West, and some level of spatial mismatch between travel needs and car access is observed in the southern section of the city. Clearly, Iranian cities must move away from the current car-centric development model
