7 research outputs found

    Predicting response to neoadjuvant therapy with glucose transporter-1 in breast cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Glucose transporter-1 is a marker involved in energy transport in cancer cells. It has been shown to be a poor prognostic factor in many cancer types, including breast cancer. However, there is no satisfactory parameter predicting treatment in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy. This study investigated the effect of glucose transporter-1 in predicting the treatment response of patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy. METHODS: In this study, glucose transporter-1 immunohistochemistry was applied to tru-cut biopsy of patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer and received neoadjuvant therapy between 2010 and 2021. A built-in scoring system was used to evaluate both the pattern and intensity of glucose transporter-1 immunohistochemistry staining. The relationship between glucose transporter-1 immunohistochemistry staining and other clinicopathological parameters was examined. In addition, the relationship of glucose transporter-1 with response to treatment was investigated.RESULTS: A relationship was found between high glucose transporter-1 expression and other clinicopathological parameters (such as estrogen and progesterone receptor negativity, high Ki-67, triple-negative, and Her2 status). Cases with high glucose transporter-1 expression had either a complete or a partial pathologic response. The result was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Glucose transporter-1 has the potential to be a biomarker that can be evaluated more objectively as an alternative to Ki-67 labeling index in evaluating the response to treatment in patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy

    myomterial invazyon paterninin prognostik önemi: Retrospektif bir çalışma

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    Objective: Endometrioid endometrial carcinomas (EEC) are the most commonly diagnosed malignancies of the female genital tract. Myometrial invasion depth is one of the most significant pathological prognostic parameters. Different morphological invasion patterns have been characterized. This study aimed to investigate the prognostic significance of the microcystic elongated and fragmented (MELF) myometrium invasion pattern in patients with EEC and its relationship with other clinicopathological parameters. Methods: This study included 101 patients with EEC in our institution between 2011 and 2020. The MELF pattern was evaluated in hematoxylineosin-stained sections. Pan-cytokeratin staining was performed on paraffin-embedded blocks of lymph nodes for cases without lymph node metastasis. Results: The MELF pattern was observed in 29 (29.8%) patients. It was significantly associated with lymphovascular invasion (p<0.001), pathologic stage (p=0.048), infiltrative pattern (p<0.001), and necrosis (p=0.005). No significant correlation was observed between the MELF pattern and overall and disease-free survival rates. Conclusions: The MELF pattern is associated with other prognostic parameters, but its prognostic significance for survival has not been found. If the MELF pattern is observed in the hysterectomy material for cases without lymph node dissection during the first surgery, these patients may need additional surgery or adjuvant therapy due to the high risk of lymphovascular invasion and lymph node metastasisAmaç: Endometrioid endometriyal karsinomlar (EEK) kadın genital sistemin en sık karşılaşılan maligniteleridir. Myometrium invazyon derinliği en önemli patolojik prognostik parametrelerden birisidir. Farklı morfolojik invazyon paternleri tanımlanmıştır. Biz çalışmamızda EEk olgularında mikrokistik elonge fragmante (MELF) myometirum invazyon paterninin prognostik önemini ve klinikopatolojik parametrelerle ilişkisini araştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: 2011-2020 yılları arasında kurumumuzda EEK tanısı alan 101 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hematoksilen eozin kesitlerde MELF paterni değerlendirildi. Lenf nodu metastazı izlenmeyen olgularda lenf nodu bloklarına pan-sitokeratin uygulandı. Bulgular: Yirmi dokuz hastada (%29,8) MELF paterni izlendi. MELF paterni lenfovasküler invazyon (p<0,001), patolojik evre (p=0,048), infiltratif patern (p<0,001), ve nekroz (p=0,005) ile anlamlı ilişkili izlendi. Genel ve hastalıksız sağkalımda MELF paterni istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişkili izlenmedi. Sonuçlar: MELF paterni diğer prognostik parametrelerle ilişkili olup tek başına prognostik önemi saptanmamıştır. Ancak ilk cerrahi sırasında lenf nodu diseksiyonu yapılmayan EEK hastalarında histerektomi materyalinde MELF paterni saptanması durumunda yüksek lenfovasküler invazyon ve lenf nodu metastaz riski nedeniyle ek cerrahi işlem ya da adjuvan terapi kararında MELF paterni varlığının dikkate alınması gerektiğine inanıyoruz

    Apoptotik indeks meme kanserli hastalarda neoadjuvan kemoterapiye yanıtı predikte eder mi?

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    Objective: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) plays a major role in the treatment of patients with locally advanced breast carcinoma. Although most patients have benefited from NACT, the rate of residual tumors is still high after treatment (AT). An increase in apoptosis is expected in tru-cut biopsy (TCB) during treatment or AT as the mechanism of NACT is inducing apoptosis. This study aimed to investigate whether evaluating the apoptotic index (AI) from TCB can predict the response before treatment (TC-BT) and whether there is a correlation between AI and clinicopathologic parameters. Methods: Seventy cases of breast carcinomas were included. The AI was evaluated BT and AT by quantifying the apoptosis. The receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed with overall survival (OS) data, and low and high AI cut-offs were obtained. The relationship between AI and response and clinicopathological parameters was evaluated. Results: A significant relationship was found between low AI in TC-BT and at least partial response (p=0.025), longer OS (p=0.01) and disease-free survival (p=0.01), and progesterone receptor-positive tumors (p=0.03). Her2-negative tumors were more prone to low AI. A significant decline in AI (p=0.001) and Ki67 proliferation index (p[removed

    Tumor budding is an independent prognostic factor to predict overall survival in endometrial endometrioid carcinoma: A retrospective study

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    Objective. Tumor budding defined as a tumor cell nest away from the main tumor, has been found to be associated with prognostic parameters in many cancer types. We aimed to investigate the relationship between tumor budding and clinicopathological parameters in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas, as well as its prognostic importance. Materials and Methods. One hundred four patients who underwent surgical resection with diagnosis of endometrioid endometrial carcinomas between June 2011 and May 2020 were included. The area where tumor budding was the most prominent was determined, and tumor budding was counted from hematoxylin and eosin-stained section at one high power field (X 200). By performing ROC analysis, the cut off value was obtained in order to divide the patients into low and high tumor budding groups. Results. The cut off value was determined as 1/0.95 mm(2) according to the ROC analysis. Tumor budding was observed in 24 (23%) patients. Tumor budding significantly associated with poor overall survival (P < .001), distant metastasis (P = .001), presence of angiolymphatic invasion (P < .001), lymph node metastasis (P = .024), cervical invasion (P < .001), high FIGO grade (P < .001), large tumor size (P = .004). In multivarate analysis, tumor budding and age were found to be an independent risk factor for overall survival (P = .003, P = .014 respectively). Conclusion. Tumor budding is a significant morphological parameter independent of other prognostic parameters in endometrioid endometrial carcinomas. Standardizing the assesment and scoring of tumor budding, as well as including this entity in routine pathology reports could light the way for ideas in the risk analysis of patients

    A new practical method of estimating tumoral microenvironment parameters of possible prognostic significance in patients with invasive breast carcinoma: Combined microenvironment score

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    Background and objective: In recent years, the tumor microenvironment has become increasingly recognized as an influential factor in breast cancer development and growth. The parameters that form the microenvironment are the tumor stroma ratio and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. In addition, tumor budding, which shows the ability of the tumor to metastasize, gives information about the progression of the tumor. In this study, the combined microenvironment score (CMS) was determined with these parameters, and the relationship between CMS and prognostic parameters and survival was evaluated.Materials and methods: In our study, tumor stroma ratio, tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, and tumor budding were evaluated in hematoxylin-eosin sections of 419 patients with invasive ductal carcinoma. Patients were scored separately for each of these parameters, and these scores were summed to determine the CMS. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to CMS and the relationship between CMS and prognostic parameters and the survival of the patients was studied.Results: The patients with CMS 3 had higher histological grade and Ki67 proliferation index compared to CMS and 2. Additionally, lymphovascular invasion, axillary lymph node and distant metastasis were more common. Disease-free, and overall survival were significantly shortened in the CMS 3 group. CMS was found as an in-dependent risk factor for DFS (HR: 2.144 (95 % CI: 1.219-3.77) p: 0.008), but not an independent risk factor for OS.Conclusion: CMS is a prognostic parameter that can be easily evaluated and does not require extra time and cost. Evaluating the morphological parameters of the microenvironment with a single scoring system will contribute to routine pathology practice and predict patient prognosis

    Response to letter to the editor

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    We would like to thank Dr. Altındağ for his interest in our publication (Prognostic significance of non-lymphoid immune cells of the tumor microenvironment, including neutrophils, eosinophils, and mast cells in breast carcinomas” (Okcu et al., 2023))