3 research outputs found


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    The present age is the era of information technology and everywhere microwaves are scattered. Everybody wants to explore itself with this information technology and happenings taking place of Internet for the purpose of education, awareness, entertainment and especially interaction with strangers. In Pakistan, the awareness of internet usage is increasing and people are gaining knowledge about online buying and selling. Although the Internet may well empower consumers, there is a paucity of systematic conceptual, analytical, or empirical research indicating that the Internet will in fact lead to more and better information, which in turn will lead to better consumer decision making. The Internet is not, in and of itself, a monolithic entity subject to broad generalizations. It is a complex phenomenon, unlike anything else in history and not completely understood. This research finds that consumers who have more positive beliefs about Internet apparel shopping have more positive attitude toward Internet apparel shopping than do consumers who have less positive beliefs about Internet apparel shopping and consumers who have more social support for Internet apparel shopping perceive more social acceptance of Internet apparel shopping than do consumers who have less social support for Internet apparel shopping.e-Marketing, internet usage.

    Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, burnout and social loafing: a mediation model

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of transformational leadership on employees’ work outcomes which include their work performances and working burnout, and their working behavior such as social loafing at workplace. Also, it studies the impact of intrinsic motivation as a mediator between transformational leadership and other stated variables. A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect data from 308 employees working in the telecommunication sector. To test the hypotheses, Model 4 of Process Hayes was used to test direct and mediating effects among transformational leadership and employees’ work outcomes and working behavior. The results showed that transformational leadership has a significant positive relationship with mediator intrinsic motivation. The results also concluded that work performance has positive significant relationship with transformational leadership. However, there is indirect and insignificant relationship of transformational leadership with working burnout and social loafing. Therefore, it can be stated that organizational leaders must have transformational attributes by getting informed of their employees well because transformational leader can inspire employees to achieve anticipated or significant outcomes. It gives employees self-confidence over specific jobs, as well as the power to make decisions once they have been trained

    Industrial Plant Controller: A Design of a Web based Data Acquisition System

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    With the exploited use of embedded devices the need for web based data acquisition systems is increasing day by day. In this paper we have discussed all the design components needed to build a state of the art web based data acquisition system except the design of the low level data acquisition hardware which is pretty much standardized at present. Client Side, Server Side and the Technical Process side are the three major subsystems which are inter-linked to each other over the internet in any web based data acquisition system. We have presented a standardized design architecture which will be suitable for nearly all the industries/domains requiring such a system. The design for the client side include design of a simple client view station needed to see just the critical alarms and alerts, design of a detailed remote monitoring station for getting an insight of all the key metrics and generating all kind of required reports, and design of a remote control station for getting the adequate control of the technical process for supervisory operations. The server side for the web based data acquisition system can either be designed as a simple data warehouse for logging all the raw data from the technical process or a sophisticated monitoring station fulfilling all the industrial needs for process monitoring and reporting. The design of server side for the supervisory control requires all the components of monitoring station as well as additional subsystems devising its fully featured command and control part. The industrial plant/site can be controlled/monitored through a local on site server which is then connected to the main server and its data can also be collected in the similar fashion or different devices/nodes can be directly connected to the main server over the Internet