21 research outputs found

    Communicating the Ebola Crisis in West Africa

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    A comprehensive, reliable public communication before, during, and after a health crisis can save lives, yet critics say the ways that crisis containment policies relating to the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak were communicated in West Africa raised anxiety and, in some places, fueled rumors that led to counter-productive behaviors (Ansumana, Bonwitt, Stenger &Jacobsen, 2014). Improved communication by health officials with the media, community leaders, health professionals, and the general public is therefore necessary to reduce misinformation and improve compliance with prevention and control measures. Planning is required to develop and execute communications effectively. This paper tackles in context of Guinea the communication factors and that must be addressed to improve the chances of success in the fight against the EVD.  A desk study from both development communication scholarship and medical practice was conducted to assess the current EVD situation in Guinea. Keywords: Crisis communication, Ebola Virus Disease, communication planning

    Electronic Records Management in National Development: A Case Study in Ghana Immigration Service

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    The increasing use of ICT in government operations has given impetus to the generation of e- records, vital to the functions of public sector institutions. There exists much interest in industry in using technology-based systems to support records management processes but the application of such systems has shown to be problematic. This research  is an investigation into electronic records management systems at the public sector organisation in Ghana . The purpose of the study was to identify the contributions of electronic records management systems to growth and development, and also areas for improvement to bolster electronic records management of the public sector in Ghana. This investigation has been performed through literature review and by performing a case study in a public sector organisations.  It was shown that electronic records management systems provide good results for achieving the records management goals of GIS.  A more robust, technology-based system of records management will be required to sustain the progress made by GIS. Keywords:(AIIM) Association for Information and Image Management, (ARMA )Association of Records Management and Administration, (CRMP) Computerized Records Management Project, (DFID)Department for International Development, (EDRMS)Electronic Document and Records Managements, (ERMS)Electronic Records Management System , (ISO)International Standards Organization , (IRMT)International Records Management Trust , (MIS)Management Information System, (MRZ) Machine Recordable Zone, (NIRMA) Nuclear Information and Records Management Association, (PRAAD) Public Records and Archives Administration Department, (RMAA) Records Management Association of Australasia (RMS)   Records Management Society, (RIM)Records and Information Management, (GIS) Ghana Immigration Service.

    Utilizing Unified Power Flow Controller for Voltage Stability Improvement of the Electric Power Transmission System of Ghana

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    Interconnecting power transmission systems provide reliability of electric power supply. The security of the system is however questioned when a disturbance in any part of the interconnected system causes instability in the entire network. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), which is a member of the flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) family, has the capability of controlling active and reactive power flow in a transmission line thereby improving the voltage stability of the system especially at the 500 kV configuration level. The performance of a 161-kV UPFC modelled in SimPowerSystems is tested on Ghana’s power transmission network.  The optimal placement of the UPFC is done using fast voltage stability index (FVSI) and maximum loadability assessment (MLA). The results show that the device improved the connecting bus voltage from 0.88 p.u. to 0.98 p.u. Active power loss in the network was also reduced from 13.40 MW to 10.39 MW when the UPFC was in circuit.Keywords: Ghana, Stability, Transmission system and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC

    The Influence of Business Sector Challenge (BUSAC) Funded Grantees on Sustainability of Policy Advocacy in Ghana

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    Theoretical development has been outpaced by the practice of policy advocacy by organizations and interest groups. Nonetheless, the relevance of grounding for advocacy campaigns has increased with the need for an understanding of contributions of advocates’ to policy development and accountability. This study therefore evaluates the influence and contributions of organizations and interest groups on the sustainability of policy advocacy with focus on BUSAC Fund. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative methods to satisfy its objectives, where data was obtained through interviews and questionnaire administration. The data was obtained from 50 grantee organizations under BUSAC Fund and 5 officials of the BUSAC Fund sampled by convenience. Findings of the study revealed that the BUSAC Fund as an interest group has greatly influenced and contributed immensely to policy advocacy sustainability in Ghana’s private business sector.Their contributions to policy formulation and implementation has impacted major sectors including the agriculture, industrial and the services sector. It is obvious that in ensuring policy change and sustainability of advocacy, it is important that support and lobbying is effectively undertaken through formidable interest groups and organizations. BUSAC Fund however in the delivery of their mandate has been entangled by challenges such as poor collaboration between stakeholders, low government commitment and inadequate legislative regulatory instruments. Keywords: Business Sector Challenge, Sustainability Of Policy Advocacy, Ghana DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-19-06 Publication date:July 31st 2020

    Utilizing Unified Power Flow Controller for Voltage Stability Improvement of the Electric Power Transmission System of Ghana

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    Interconnecting power transmission systems provide reliability of electric power supply. The security of the system is however questioned when a disturbance in any part of the interconnected system causes instability in the entire network. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), which is a member of the flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) family, has the capability of controlling active and reactive power flow in a transmission line thereby improving the voltage stability of the system especially at the 500 kV configuration level. The performance of a 161-kV UPFC modelled in SimPowerSystems is tested on Ghanas power transmission network. The optimal placement of the UPFC is done using fast voltage stability index (FVSI) and maximum loadability assessment (MLA). The results show that the device improved the connecting bus voltage from 0.88 p.u. to 0.98 p.u. Active power loss in the network was also reduced from 13.40 MW to 10.39 MW when the UPFC was in circuit. Keywords: Ghana, Stability, Transmission system and Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC

    Addressing Social Determinants of Health: Practicalities for Healthcare Systems

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    Social determinants of health have become a primary front in our efforts to achieve better population health and to reduce healthcare disparities. While the need to address SDOH is clear, the “how?” is evolving. How can healthcare systems have an impact on community and social factors? How do frontline healthcare providers add this to busy schedules? Are community agencies prepared to engage with greater need identified through healthcare? How can healthcare systems collaborate with community agencies and with one another most effectively? Components are being developed: screening tools to capture social determinant opportunities, platforms to partner with community agencies, and protocols to make it all happen. This PopTalk session will feature a presentation, followed by a discussion among a panel of leaders representing a healthcare system, frontline primary care, and an agency already addressing SDOH for their constituents. Presentation: 1:00:0

    Observations of Thin First Year Sea Ice Using a Suite of Surface Radar, LiDAR, and Drone Sensors

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    Arctic sea ice is rapidly transitioning into a perennial first year ice pack and this is being observed with satellite remote sensing. Satellite image interpretation requires accurate knowledge of the physical conditions and how they give rise to the microwave scattering response that is present within a single image pixel. This study addresses this issue through a focused remote sensing study of thin first year sea ice. We present results from an experiment that fused datasets from surface-based C- and Ku-band polarimetric scatterometers, LiDAR, and drone-based optical and thermal infrared sensors. We grew frost-flower-covered thin first year sea ice in a mesocosm facility and measured the time-series evolution of C- and Ku-band scattering response as it evolved into snow-covered sea ice. Drone surveys, LiDAR scans, and physical sampling provided complementary characterization of the ice. Results quantify the sensitivity of C- and Ku-band to the presence of frost flowers, the addition of snow, and the meteorological conditions. Drone surveys enhanced the characterization by rapidly performing observations over a larger representative region. In essence, they are helping to close the gap between surface-based sensing and satellite imagery. Furthermore, this study complements and enhances our understanding of the snow-covered sea ice system