5 research outputs found

    Efectos del bienestar subjetivo y psicol贸gico en los resultados terap茅uticos de un hospital de d铆a

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    Background. Well-being is a multidimensional construct that includes the hedonic well-being focused on the achievement of pleasure and eudaimonic well-being as realization of human potentials. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the level of well-being of patients on admission could predict the decreased level of psychopathology when are discharged in a Day Hospital. Method. Ex post facto prospective study of 56 patients was performed with severe mental illness who were admitted to the Day Hospital using the Spanish version of the CORE-OM (Evans et al., 2000), PANAS (Watson et al., 1988), SWLS (Pavot y Diener, 1993) and SPWB (Ryff, 1989) scales. Results. Patients discharged significantly improved in level of psychopathology. None subscale, neither hedonic nor eudaimonic scales predicted significant part of the outcome variables measures such as malaise, psychopathological symptoms, vital dysfunction, risk of self or heteroaggression or a total score of all such variables. Only eudaimonic welfare in its overall score, not the hedonic well-being, was the one who explained significant part of the results at discharge. Conclusion. Positive psychology through improving psychological well-being seems useful for reducing psychopathology in patients with severe mental disorders that are referred to the Day Hospital.聽ResumenAntecedentes. El bienestar es un constructo multidimensional que incluye el bienestar hed贸nico focalizado sobre la consecuci贸n del placer y el bienestar eudaim贸nico como consecuci贸n de los potenciales humanos. El principal objetivo del presente estudio fue comprobar si el nivel de bienestar de los pacientes al ingreso pod铆a predecir la disminuci贸n del nivel de psicopatolog铆a al alta en un Hospital de D铆a. M茅todo. Se realiz贸 estudio ex post facto prospectivo de 56 pacientes con trastorno mental grave que fueron ingresados en el Hospital de D铆a utilizando la versi贸n en espa帽ol de las escalas CORE-OM (Evans et al., 2000), PANAS (Watson, Clark y Tellegen, 1988), SWLS (Pavot y Diener, 1993) y SPWB (Ryff, 1989). Resultados. Los pacientes al alta mejoraron significativamente en el nivel de psicopatolog铆a. Ninguna subescala, tanto de bienestar hed贸nico como eudaim贸nico, predec铆a parte significativa de las variables de resultado medidas como malestar, s铆ntomas psicopatol贸gicos, disfunci贸n vital, riesgo de auto o heteroagresi贸n ni tampoco una puntuaci贸n total de todas las variables referidas. S贸lo el bienestar eudaim贸nico, en su puntuaci贸n global, y no el bienestar hed贸nico, fue el que explic贸 parte significativa de los resultados al alta. Conclusi贸n. La psicolog铆a positiva a trav茅s de la mejora del bienestar psicol贸gico parece 煤til para la reducci贸n de la psicopatolog铆a en los pacientes con trastorno mental grave que son derivados al Hospital de D铆a.聽Abstract聽Background. Well-being is a multidimensional construct that includes the hedonic well-being focused on the achievement of pleasure and eudaimonic well-being as realization of human potentials. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the level of well-being of patients on admission could predict the decreased level of psychopathology when are discharged in a Day Hospital. Method. Ex post facto prospective study of 56 patients was performed with severe mental illness who were admitted to the Day Hospital using the Spanish version of the CORE-OM (Evans et al., 2000), PANAS (Watson et al., 1988), SWLS (Pavot y Diener, 1993) and SPWB (Ryff, 1989) scales. Results. Patients discharged significantly improved in level of psychopathology. None subscale, neither hedonic nor eudaimonic scales predicted significant part of the outcome variables measures such as malaise, psychopathological symptoms, vital dysfunction, risk of self or heteroaggression or a total score of all such variables. Only eudaimonic welfare in its overall score, not the hedonic well-being, was the one who explained significant part of the results at discharge. Conclusion. Positive psychology through improving psychological well-being seems useful for reducing psychopathology in patients with severe mental disorders that are referred to the Day Hospital.

    Ring-Opening Polymerization of L-Lactide Catalyzed by Potassium-Based Complexes: Mechanistic Studies

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    Two non-toxic potassium compounds, 1 and 2, with a commercial oximate ligand have been prepared and fully spectroscopically characterized. Their activity as catalysts for the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) process of LLA has been studied, showing that they are extremely active and able to polymerize the monomer in a few minutes. For derivative 2, the presence of a crown ether in the potassium coordination sphere affects the nuclearity of the compound and consequently its solubility, with both aspects having an influence in the polymerization process. Detailed studies of the polymerization mechanism have been performed, and an unusual anionic mechanism was observed in absence of a co-initiator. Indeed, the monomer deprotonation generates a lactide enolate, which initiates the polymerization propagation. On the contrary, when a 1:1 ratio of cat:BnOH is used, a mixture of mechanisms is observed, the anionic mechanism and the activated monomer one, while from a cat:BnOH ratio of 1:2 and over, only the activated monomer mechanism is observed

    Ring-Opening Polymerization of L-Lactide Catalyzed by Potassium-Based Complexes: Mechanistic Studies

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    Two non-toxic potassium compounds, 1 and 2, with a commercial oximate ligand have been prepared and fully spectroscopically characterized. Their activity as catalysts for the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) process of LLA has been studied, showing that they are extremely active and able to polymerize the monomer in a few minutes. For derivative 2, the presence of a crown ether in the potassium coordination sphere affects the nuclearity of the compound and consequently its solubility, with both aspects having an influence in the polymerization process. Detailed studies of the polymerization mechanism have been performed, and an unusual anionic mechanism was observed in absence of a co-initiator. Indeed, the monomer deprotonation generates a lactide enolate, which initiates the polymerization propagation. On the contrary, when a 1:1 ratio of cat:BnOH is used, a mixture of mechanisms is observed, the anionic mechanism and the activated monomer one, while from a cat:BnOH ratio of 1:2 and over, only the activated monomer mechanism is observed

    Efectos del bienestar subjetivo y psicol贸gico en los resultados terap茅uticos de un hospital de d铆a [Effects of subjective and psychological well - being on the therapeutic outcomes at a day hospital]

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    Background. Well-being is a multidimensional construct that includes the hedonic well-being focused on the achievement of pleasure and eudaimonic well-being as realization of human potentials. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the level of well-being of patients on admission could predict the decreased level of psychopathology when are discharged in a Day Hospital. Method. Ex post facto prospective study of 56 patients was performed with severe mental illness who were admitted to the Day Hospital using the Spanish version of the CORE-OM (Evans et al., 2000), PANAS (Watson et al., 1988), SWLS (Pavot y Diener, 1993) and SPWB (Ryff, 1989) scales. Results. Patients discharged significantly improved in level of psychopathology. None subscale, neither hedonic nor eudaimonic scales predicted significant part of the outcome variables measures such as malaise, psychopathological symptoms, vital dysfunction, risk of self or heteroaggression or a total score of all such variables. Only eudaimonic welfare in its overall score, not the hedonic well-being, was the one who explained significant part of the results at discharge. Conclusion. Positive psychology through improving psychological well-being seems useful for reducing psychopathology in patients with severe mental disorders that are referred to the Day Hospital.聽ResumenAntecedentes. El bienestar es un constructo multidimensional que incluye el bienestar hed贸nico focalizado sobre la consecuci贸n del placer y el bienestar eudaim贸nico como consecuci贸n de los potenciales humanos. El principal objetivo del presente estudio fue comprobar si el nivel de bienestar de los pacientes al ingreso pod铆a predecir la disminuci贸n del nivel de psicopatolog铆a al alta en un Hospital de D铆a. M茅todo. Se realiz贸 estudio ex post facto prospectivo de 56 pacientes con trastorno mental grave que fueron ingresados en el Hospital de D铆a utilizando la versi贸n en espa帽ol de las escalas CORE-OM (Evans et al., 2000), PANAS (Watson, Clark y Tellegen, 1988), SWLS (Pavot y Diener, 1993) y SPWB (Ryff, 1989). Resultados. Los pacientes al alta mejoraron significativamente en el nivel de psicopatolog铆a. Ninguna subescala, tanto de bienestar hed贸nico como eudaim贸nico, predec铆a parte significativa de las variables de resultado medidas como malestar, s铆ntomas psicopatol贸gicos, disfunci贸n vital, riesgo de auto o heteroagresi贸n ni tampoco una puntuaci贸n total de todas las variables referidas. S贸lo el bienestar eudaim贸nico, en su puntuaci贸n global, y no el bienestar hed贸nico, fue el que explic贸 parte significativa de los resultados al alta. Conclusi贸n. La psicolog铆a positiva a trav茅s de la mejora del bienestar psicol贸gico parece 煤til para la reducci贸n de la psicopatolog铆a en los pacientes con trastorno mental grave que son derivados al Hospital de D铆a.聽Abstract聽Background. Well-being is a multidimensional construct that includes the hedonic well-being focused on the achievement of pleasure and eudaimonic well-being as realization of human potentials. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the level of well-being of patients on admission could predict the decreased level of psychopathology when are discharged in a Day Hospital. Method. Ex post facto prospective study of 56 patients was performed with severe mental illness who were admitted to the Day Hospital using the Spanish version of the CORE-OM (Evans et al., 2000), PANAS (Watson et al., 1988), SWLS (Pavot y Diener, 1993) and SPWB (Ryff, 1989) scales. Results. Patients discharged significantly improved in level of psychopathology. None subscale, neither hedonic nor eudaimonic scales predicted significant part of the outcome variables measures such as malaise, psychopathological symptoms, vital dysfunction, risk of self or heteroaggression or a total score of all such variables. Only eudaimonic welfare in its overall score, not the hedonic well-being, was the one who explained significant part of the results at discharge. Conclusion. Positive psychology through improving psychological well-being seems useful for reducing psychopathology in patients with severe mental disorders that are referred to the Day Hospital.