9 research outputs found

    Formulacija i evaluacija monolitnih matriksnih polimernih filmova za transdermalnu isporuku nitrendipina

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    The objective of the present work was to develop a suitable transdermal drug delivery system for nitrendipine. Polymeric films of nitrendipine were prepared by the film casting technique (glass ring) on mercury substrate. They were evaluated for physicochemical parameters, in vitro release and ex vivo permeation (heat separated human epidermis). Release of the drug from the films followed anomalous transport (0.5 < n < 1). Polymeric combination containing Eudragit RL 100:PVP K 30 in 4:6 ratio showed the best results. Maximum drug release and skin permeability coefficient in 48 h were 85.8 % and 0.0142 cm h-1, respectively, in formulation C3 (Eudragit RL 100: Plasdone S 630; 4:6) and 88.0 % and 0.0155 cm h-1, respectively, in formulation D3 (Eudragit RL 100: PVP K 30; 4:6). FTIR and TLC studies indicated no drug and polymer interaction.Cilj rada bio je razvoj transdermalnog sustava nitrendipina. Polimerni filmovi nitrendipina pripravljeni su metodom lijevanja (stakleni prsten) na podlozi od žive. Ispitivani su fizičkokemijski parametri, in vitro oslobađanje i ex vivo permeacija (toplinom odvojena humana epiderma). Oslobađanje lijeka iz filmova slijedilo je anomalni transport (0,5 < n < 1). Najbolji rezultati postignuti su kombinacijom polimera Eudragit RL 100 i PVP K 30 u omjeru 4:6. Maksimalno oslobađanje ljekovite tvari i najbolji koeficijent permeacije kroz kožu tijekom 48 h bio je 85,8 %, odnosno 0,0142 cm h1 za formulaciju C3 (Eudragit RL 100 : Plasdone S 630; 4:6) i 88,0 %, odnosno 0,0155 cm h1 za formulaciju D3 (Eudragit RL 100 : PVP K 30; 4:6). FTIR i TLC ukazuju na to da nema interakcije između ljekovite tvari i polimera


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    The object of the present study was to develop a simple, precise simultaneous HPLC method for estimation of Tamsulosin (TAM) and Finasteride (FIN) in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form. The method involves the use of easily available inexpensive laboratory solvents. The separation was achieved on spherisorb  C-18 column with isocratic flow detected at 210nm. The mobile phase consisted of methanol: 0.03mM phosphate buffer pH 3.5 (70:30v/v) with flow rate of 1.0mL/min. A linear response was observed over concentration range of 4-40μg/mL for tamsulosin and 10-80μg/mL for finasteride. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation for tamsulosin were 1.13μg/mL and 3.43μg/mL, and for finasteride were 1.37μg/mL and 4.21μg/mL, respectively. The recovery of tamsulosin and finasteride was found to be in the range of 98.80-100.24% and 99.33-100.33%,respectively. The low %RSD value indicated a good precision and stability of the analytical method. The analysis concluded that the method was selective for simultaneous estimation of tamsulosin and finasteride can be potentially used for the estimation of these drugs in combined dosage form.Key words: HPLC, tamsulosin, finasteride, validation, pharmaceutical dosage for

    Indian aspects of drug information resources and impact of drug information centre on community

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    Drug information centre refer to facility specially set aside for, and specializing in the provision of drug information and related issues. The purpose of drug information center is to provide authentic individualized, accurate, relevant and unbiased drug information to the consumers and healthcare professionals regarding medication related inquiries to the nation for health care and drug safety aspects by answering their call regarding the all critical problems on drug information, their uses and their side effects. Apart from that the center also provides in-depth, impartial source of crucial drug information to meet the needs of the practicing physicians, pharmacists and other health care professionals to safeguard the health, financial and legal interests of the patient and to broaden the pharmacist role visible in the society and community. The service should include collecting, reviewing, evaluating, indexing and distributing information on drugs to health workers. Drug and poisons information centers are best established within major teaching hospitals. This allows access to clinical experience, libraries, research facilities and educational activities. Information present in the current paper will not only enlighten the role of drug information center but also focused on the rational use of drug


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    The object of the present study was to develop a simple, precise simultaneous HPLC method for estimation of Tamsulosin (TAM) and Finasteride (FIN) in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form. The method involves the use of easily available inexpensive laboratory solvents. The separation was achieved on spherisorb C-18 column with isocratic flow detected at 210nm. The mobile phase consisted of methanol: 0.03mM phosphate buffer pH 3.5 (70:30v/v) with flow rate of 1.0mL/min. A linear response was observed over concentration range of 4-40μg/mL for tamsulosin and 10-80μg/mL for finasteride. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation for tamsulosin were 1.13μg/mL and 3.43μg/mL, and for finasteride were 1.37μg/mL and 4.21μg/mL, respectively. The recovery of tamsulosin and finasteride was found to be in the range of 98.80-100.24% and 99.33-100.33%,respectively. The low %RSD value indicated a good precision and stability of the analytical method. The analysis concluded that the method was selective for simultaneous estimation of tamsulosin and finasteride can be potentially used for the estimation of these drugs in combined dosage form

    Pattern of childhood onset vitiligo at a tertiary care centre in south- west Rajasthan

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    Context : Onset of vitiligo during childhood is not uncommon but the data is limited on this subject. Aims : This study was planned to assess the magnitude of childhood onset vitiligo (COV) and adulthood onset vitiligo (AOV), and compare their clinical pattern. Settings and Design : A cross sectional hospital based clinical study. Materials and Methods : Consecutive patients with vitiligo attending the Dermatology OPD of RNT Medical College and MB Government Hospital, Udaipur, from April 2012 to September 2012 were the subjects of this study. A detailed history taking followed by general, systemic and cutaneous examination, and relevant investigations were carried out. The findings were recorded in a proforma for analysis and interpretation of data. Statistical analysis used : Statistical analysis of data was done using chi- square and Z test. Results: Of the 295 patients seen during the study period, 109 (36.95%) were patients with COV while 186 (63.05%) had AOV; the COV: AOV ratio being 1: 1.71. Amongst COV patients, females (65/109; 59.63%) outnumbered males (44/109; 40.37%). Maximum (51; 46.79%) patients of COV had onset of their disease on head and neck, out of which eyelid was the initial site of lesion in 29 (26.61%) patients. None of COV patients had universal and isolated mucosal vitiligo. Conclusions : Female predominance, affection of eyelids as initial site, and less frequent mucosal involvement in COV were the clinical features different from AOV

    Trends of loss of peripheral muscle thickness on ultrasonography and its relationship with outcomes among patients with sepsis

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    Abstract Background and aims Data regarding trends of muscle loss on ultrasonography (USG) and its relationship with various outcomes among critically ill patients is limited. This study aimed to describe the trends of loss of muscle thickness of the arm and thigh (assessed using USG) and to determine the relationship between loss of muscle thickness and in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes. Methods Muscle thickness of 70 patients with sepsis was measured at the level of the mid-arm and mid-thigh using bedside USG on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 14 and then weekly till discharge or death. Patients were followed up for 90 days after discharge. Results The muscle thickness (mean ± SD) at the level of the mid-arm and mid-thigh on day 1 was 23.13 ± 4.83 mm and 31.21 ± 8.56 mm, respectively. The percentage muscle thickness [median (min, max)] decline at the mid-arm and mid-thigh was 7.61 (− 1.51, 32.05)% and 10.62 (− 1.48, 32.06)%, respectively on day 7 as compared to baseline (p < 0.001). The decline in muscle thickness at the mid-arm and mid-thigh were higher among non-survivors compared to survivors at all time points. Also, the decline in muscle thickness was significantly higher among patients with worse outcome at day 90. Patients with ICU-acquired weakness also had significantly higher decline in muscle thickness (p < 0.05). Early decline (from day 1 to day 3) in muscle thickness was associated with in-hospital mortality. The probability of death by day 14 was higher for patients who had early decline (from day 1 to day 3) in muscle thickness of ≥ 6.59% and ≥ 5.20% at the mid-arm [HR 7.3 (95% CI 1.5, 34.2)] and the mid-thigh [HR 8.1 (95% CI 1.7, 37.9)], respectively. Decline in thickness from day 1 to day 3 was a good predictor of in-hospital mortality with area under the curve (AUC) of 0.81 and 0.86 for arm and thigh muscles, respectively. Conclusions Critically ill patients with sepsis exhibit a gradual decline in muscle thickness of both the arm and thigh. Decline in muscle thickness was associated with in-hospital mortality. USG has a potential to identify patients at risk of worse in-hospital and post-discharge outcomes

    Pleiotropic Nanostructures Built from l‑Histidine Show Biologically Relevant Multicatalytic Activities

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    The essential amino acid histidine plays a central role in the manifestation of several metabolic processes, including protein synthesis, enzyme-catalysis, and key biomolecular interactions. However, excess accumulation of histidine causes histidinemia, which shows brain-related medical complications, and the molecular mechanism of such histidine-linked complications is largely unknown. Here, we show that histidine undergoes a self-assembly process, leading to the formation of amyloid-like cytotoxic and catalytically active nanofibers. The kinetics of histidine self-assembly was favored in the presence of Mg(II) and Co(II) ions. Molecular dynamics data showed that preferential noncovalent interactions dominated by H-bonds between histidine molecules facilitate the formation of histidine nanofibers. The histidine nanofibers induced amyloid cross-seeding reactions in several proteins and peptides including pathogenic Aβ1–42 and brain extract components. Further, the histidine nanofibers exhibited oxidase activity and enhanced the oxidation of neurotransmitters. Cell-based studies confirmed the cellular internalization of histidine nanofibers in SH-SY5Y cells and subsequent cytotoxic effects through necrosis and apoptosis-mediated cell death. Since several complications including behavioral abnormality, developmental delay, and neurological disabilities are directly linked to abnormal accumulation of histidine, our findings provide a foundational understanding of the mechanism of histidine-related complications. Further, the ability of histidine nanofibers to catalyze amyloid seeding and oxidation reactions is equally important for both biological and materials science research