122 research outputs found


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    People who exhibit unhealthy lifestyle behaviours are at greater risk of severe disease outcomes, risk of hospitalisation and mortality when infected with COVID-19. Accordingly, it is suggested that those with higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness and who engage in regular physical activity (PA) are associated with a reduced risk of adverse outcomes. Although improved physiological function may protect individuals against severe acute COVID-19 outcomes, it is unknown whether it offers protection against developing sustained symptom profile, known as post-acute COVID-19 syndrome or Long COVID. Affecting an estimated 2 million people in the UK and 144 million globally, Long COVID is challenging healthcare services with broader social and economic impacts. Accordingly, this project aimed to determine the impact of PA status on Long COVID. An online survey was developed Utilizing adapted versions of preexisting Patient Re-ports Outcome Measures (Qualtrics, Provo, Utah, United States). Participants self-reported PA status in line with the World Health Organisation guidelines and their pre- and post-COVID-19 health status and symptom profile. A Mann-Whitney U test was used to analyse between-group responses, and a Wilcoxon Signed Rank test was used to analyse within-group responses. The survey was completed by 381 participants, of which n=253 reported meeting or exceeding the recommended guidelines of PA. A significant difference was found between pre- and post-COVID-19 health, whilst a Mann-Whitney U test concluded that there was no significant difference between PA groups and post-COVID-19 health status. According to the results, increased PA and cardiorespiratory fitness might offer protection against severe disease outcomes in the acute phase of infection but this does not offer full protection against developing a long-term symptom profile and increased mechanistic understanding of the physiological determinants is needed to restore the pre-COVID-19 status and assist in the development of multi-disciplinary interventions.  Article visualizations

    The usefulness of school-based syndromic surveillance for detecting malaria epidemics: experiences from a pilot project in Ethiopia.

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    BACKGROUND: Syndromic surveillance is a supplementary approach to routine surveillance, using pre-diagnostic and non-clinical surrogate data to identify possible infectious disease outbreaks. To date, syndromic surveillance has primarily been used in high-income countries for diseases such as influenza--however, the approach may also be relevant to resource-poor settings. This study investigated the potential for monitoring school absenteeism and febrile illness, as part of a school-based surveillance system to identify localised malaria epidemics in Ethiopia. METHODS: Repeated cross-sectional school- and community-based surveys were conducted in six epidemic-prone districts in southern Ethiopia during the 2012 minor malaria transmission season to characterise prospective surrogate and syndromic indicators of malaria burden. Changes in these indicators over the transmission season were compared to standard indicators of malaria (clinical and confirmed cases) at proximal health facilities. Subsequently, two pilot surveillance systems were implemented, each at ten sites throughout the peak transmission season. Indicators piloted were school attendance recorded by teachers, or child-reported recent absenteeism from school and reported febrile illness. RESULTS: Lack of seasonal increase in malaria burden limited the ability to evaluate sensitivity of the piloted syndromic surveillance systems compared to existing surveillance at health facilities. Weekly absenteeism was easily calculated by school staff using existing attendance registers, while syndromic indicators were more challenging to collect weekly from schoolchildren. In this setting, enrolment of school-aged children was found to be low, at 54%. Non-enrolment was associated with low household wealth, lack of parental education, household size, and distance from school. CONCLUSIONS: School absenteeism is a plausible simple indicator of unusual health events within a community, such as malaria epidemics, but the sensitivity of an absenteeism-based surveillance system to detect epidemics could not be rigorously evaluated in this study. Further piloting during a demonstrated increase in malaria transmission within a community is recommended

    COVID-19 and elite sport: Cardiovascular implications and return-to-play

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    Curtailing elite sports during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic was necessary to prevent widespread viral transmission. Now that elite sport and international competitions have been largely restored, there is still a need to devise appropriate screening and management pathways for athletes with a history of, or current, COVID-19 infection. These approaches should support the decision-making process of coaches, sports medicine practitioners and the athlete about the suitability to return to training and competition activities. In the absence of longitudinal data sets from athlete populations, the incidence of developing prolonged and debilitating symptoms (i.e., Long COVID) that affects a return to training and competition remains a challenge to sports and exercise scientists, sports medicine practitioners and clinical groups. As the world attempts to adjust toward 'living with COVID-19' the very nature of elite and international sporting competition poses a risk to athlete welfare that must be screened for and managed with bespoke protocols that consider the cardiovascular implications for performance

    Reactive case-detection of malaria in Pailin Province, Western Cambodia: lessons from a year-long evaluation in a pre-elimination setting.

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    BACKGROUND: As momentum towards malaria elimination grows, strategies are being developed for scale-up in elimination settings. One prominent strategy, reactive case detection (RACD), involves screening and treating individuals living in close proximity to passively detected, or "index" cases. This study aims to use RACD to quantify Plasmodium parasitaemia in households of index cases, and identify risk factors for infection; these data could inform reactive screening approaches and identify target risk groups. METHODS: This study was conducted in the Western Cambodian province of Pailin between May 2013 and March 2014 among 440 households. Index participants/index cases (n = 270) and surrounding households (n = 110) were screened for Plasmodium infection with rapid diagnostic tests (RDT), microscopy and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Participants were interviewed to identify risk factors. A comparison group of 60 randomly-selected households was also screened, to compare infection levels of RACD and non-RACD households. In order to identify potential risk factors that would inform screening approaches and identify risk groups, multivariate logistic regression models were applied. RESULTS: Nine infections were identified in households of index cases (RACD approach) through RDT screening of 1898 individuals (seven Plasmodium vivax, two Plasmodium falciparum); seven were afebrile. Seventeen infections were identified through PCR screening of 1596 individuals (15 P. vivax, and 22 % P. falciparum/P. vivax mixed infections). In the control group, 25 P. falciparum infections were identified through PCR screening of 237 individuals, and no P. vivax was found. Plasmodium falciparum infection was associated with fever (p = 0.013), being a member of a control household (p ≀ 0.001), having a history of malaria infection (p = 0.041), and sleeping without a mosquito net (p = 0.011). Significant predictors of P. vivax infection, as diagnosed by PCR, were fever (p = 0.058, borderline significant) and history of malaria infection (p ≀ 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study found that RACD identified very few secondary infections when targeting index and neighbouring households for screening. The results suggest RACD is not appropriate, where exposure to malaria occurs away from the community, and there is a high level of treatment-seeking from the private sector. Piloting RACD in a range of transmission settings would help to identify the ideal environment for feasible and effective reactive screening methods

    Programmatic options for monitoring malaria in elimination settings: easy access group surveys to investigate Plasmodium falciparum epidemiology in two regions with differing endemicity in Haiti.

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    BACKGROUND: As in most eliminating countries, malaria transmission is highly focal in Haiti. More granular information, including identifying asymptomatic infections, is needed to inform programmatic efforts, monitor intervention effectiveness, and identify remaining foci. Easy access group (EAG) surveys can supplement routine surveillance with more granular information on malaria in a programmatically tractable way. This study assessed how and which type of venue for EAG surveys can improve understanding malaria epidemiology in two regions with different transmission profiles. METHODS: EAG surveys were conducted within the departments of Artibonite and Grand'Anse (Haiti), in regions with different levels of transmission intensity. Surveys were conducted in three venue types: primary schools, health facilities, and churches. The sampling approach varied accordingly. Individuals present at the venues at the time of the survey were eligible whether they presented malaria symptoms or not. The participants completed a questionnaire and were tested for Plasmodium falciparum by a highly sensitive rapid diagnostic test (hsRDT). Factors associated with hsRDT positivity were assessed by negative binomial random-effects regression models. RESULTS: Overall, 11,029 individuals were sampled across 39 venues in Artibonite and 41 in Grand'Anse. The targeted sample size per venue type (2100 in Artibonite and 2500 in Grand'Anse) was reached except for the churches in Artibonite, where some attendees left the venue before they could be approached or enrolled. Refusal rate and drop-out rate were < 1%. In total, 50/6003 (0.8%) and 355/5026 (7.1%) sampled individuals were hsRDT positive in Artibonite and Grand'Anse, respectively. Over half of all infections in both regions were identified at health facilities. Being male and having a current or reported fever in the previous 2 weeks were consistently identified with increased odds of being hsRDT positive. CONCLUSIONS: Surveys in churches were problematic because of logistical and recruitment issues. However, EAG surveys in health facilities and primary schools provided granular information about malaria burden within two departments in Haiti. The EAG surveys were able to identify residual foci of transmission that were missed by recent national surveys. Non-care seeking and/or asymptomatic malaria infections can be identified in this alternative surveillance tool, facilitating data-driven decision-making for improved targeting of interventions

    Risk Factors for Malaria Infection and Seropositivity in the Elimination Area of Grand'Anse, Haiti: A Case-Control Study among Febrile Individuals Seeking Treatment at Public Health Facilities.

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    The island of Hispaniola aims to eliminate malaria by 2025; however, there are limited data to describe epidemiologic risk factors for malaria in this setting. A prospective case-control study was conducted at four health facilities in southwest Haiti, aiming to describe factors influencing the risk of current and past malaria infection. Cases were defined as individuals attending facilities with current or recent fever and positive malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT), while controls were those with current or recent fever and RDT negative. Serological markers of recent and cumulative exposure to Plasmodium were assessed using the multiplex bead assay from dried blood spots and used for alternate case definitions. Kuldorff's spatial scan statistic was used to identify local clusters of infection or exposure. Logistic regression models were used to assess potential risk factors for RDT positivity and recent exposure markers, including age-group, gender, and recruiting health facility as group-matching variables. A total of 192 cases (RDT positive) and 915 controls (RDT negative) were recruited. Consistent spatial clusters were identified for all three infection and exposure metrics, indicating temporal stability of malaria transmission at these sites. Risk factors included remoteness from health facilities and household construction, furthermore, insecticide-treated net ownership or use was associated with reduced odds of RDT positivity. These findings indicate the malaria risk in Grand'Anse is driven primarily by location. Travel, occupation, and other behavioral factors were not associated with malaria. These data can support the National Malaria Program to refine and target their intervention approaches, and to move toward elimination

    The Physiologic Benefits of Optimizing Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Physical Activity – From the Cell to Systems Level in a Post-Pandemic World

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    Cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD) is a leading cause of premature death and hospitalization which places a significant strain on health services and economies around the World. Evidence from decades of empirical and observational research demonstrates clear associations between physical activity (PA) and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) which can offset the risk of mortality and increase life expectancy and the quality of life in patients. Whilst well documented, the narrative of increased CRF remained pertinent during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, where individuals with lower levels of CRF had more than double the risk of dying from COVID-19 compared to those with a moderate or high CRF. The need to better understand the mechanisms associated with COVID-19 and those that continue to be affected with persistent symptoms following infection (Long COVID), and CV health is key if we are to be able to effectively target the use of CRF and PA to improve the lives of those suffering its afflictions. Whilst there is a long way to go to optimise PA and CRF for improved health at a population level, particularly in a post-pandemic world, increasing the understanding using a cellular-to-systems approach, we hope to provide further insight into the benefits of engaging in PA

    Forming a consensus opinion to inform long COVID support mechanisms and interventions: a modified Delphi approach

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    BackgroundCurrent approaches to support patients living with post-COVID condition, also known as Long COVID, are highly disparate with limited success in managing or resolving a well-documented and long-standing symptom burden. With approximately 2.1 million people living with the condition in the UK alone and millions more worldwide, there is a desperate need to devise support strategies and interventions for patients.MethodsA three-round Delphi consensus methodology was distributed internationally using an online survey and was completed by healthcare professionals (including clinicians, physiotherapists, and general practitioners), people with long COVID, and long COVID academic researchers (round 1 n = 273, round 2 n = 186, round 3 n = 138). Across the three rounds, respondents were located predominantly in the United Kingdom (UK), with 17.3–15.2% (round 1, n = 47; round 2 n = 32, round 2 n = 21) of respondents located elsewhere (United States of America (USA), Austria, Malta, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Finland, Norway, Malta, Netherlands, Iceland,Canada, Tunisie, Brazil, Hungary, Greece, France, Austrailia, South Africa, Serbia, and India). Respondents were given ∌5 weeks to complete the survey following enrolment, with round one taking place from 02/15/2022 to 03/ 28/22, round two; 05/09/2022 to 06/26/2022, and round 3; 07/14/2022 to 08/09/2022. A 5-point Likert scale of agreement was used and the opportunity to include free text responses was provided in the first round.FindingsFifty-five statements reached consensus (defined as >80% agree and strongly agree), across the domains of i) long COVID as a condition, ii) current support and care available for long COVID, iii) clinical assessments for long COVID, and iv) support mechanisms and rehabilitation interventions for long COVID, further sub-categorised by consideration, inclusion, and focus. Consensus reached proposes that long COVID requires specialised, comprehensive support mechanisms and that interventions should form a personalised care plan guided by the needs of the patients. Supportive approaches should focus on individual symptoms, including but not limited tofatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and dyspnoea, utilising pacing, fatigue management, and support returning to daily activities. The mental impact of living with long COVID, tolerance to physical activity, emotional distress and well-being, and research of pre-existing conditions with similar symptoms, such as myalgic encephalomyelitis,should also be considered when supporting people with long COVID.InterpretationWe provide an outline that achieved consensus with stakeholders that could be used to inform the design and implementation of bespoke long COVID support mechanisms

    Quality control of multiplex antibody detection in samples from large-scale surveys: the example of malaria in Haiti.

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    Measuring antimalarial antibodies can estimate transmission in a population. To compare outputs, standardized laboratory testing is required. Here we describe the in-country establishment and quality control (QC) of a multiplex bead assay (MBA) for three sero-surveys in Haiti. Total IgG data against 21 antigens were collected for 32,758 participants. Titration curves of hyperimmune sera were included on assay plates, assay signals underwent 5-parameter regression, and inspection of the median and interquartile range (IQR) for the y-inflection point was used to determine assay precision. The medians and IQRs were similar for Surveys 1 and 2 for most antigens, while the IQRs increased for some antigens in Survey 3. Levey-Jennings charts for selected antigens provided a pass/fail criterion for each assay plate and, of 387 assay plates, 13 (3.4%) were repeated. Individual samples failed if IgG binding to the generic glutathione-S-transferase protein was observed, with 659 (2.0%) samples failing. An additional 455 (1.4%) observations failed due to low bead numbers (<20/analyte). The final dataset included 609,438 anti-malaria IgG data points from 32,099 participants; 96.6% of all potential data points if no QC failures had occurred. The MBA can be deployed with high-throughput data collection and low inter-plate variability while ensuring data quality
