209 research outputs found

    The possibility of Applying Senge’s Learning Organization Principles in Irbid Public High Schools As Perceived By Principals and Teachers

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    Purpose of the study: 1. To be acquainted with the possibility of applying Senge’s learning organization principles in Irbid high public schools as seen by principals and teachers 2. To be acquainted with the individual differences of the participants about the possibility of applying Senge’s learning organization principles in Irbid high public schools related to the social type, experience and qualification 3. To be acquainted with the suggestions presented by principals and teachers in Irbid high public schools regarding the possibilities of applying Senge’s learning organization principle

    Marketing Orientation, Customer Satisfaction and Retention: the Case of the Telecommunications Services Market in Jordan

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    A great deal of attention has been devoted by researchers to examine different aspects of the relationship between marketing orientation (MO) and competitive advantage, mostly within causal relationship style research. However, the mechanisms and intermediate variables underlying this relationship remain vague and poorly investigated. Drawing upon mixed method research utilising qualitative and quantitative techniques, this study aims to offer further insight into this relationship within Jordan’s telecommunications market, focusing on customer satisfaction and customer retention as two prominent performance indicators in this market. Hence, this research set out to investigate the mechanisms and interrelationships that link marketing orientation and organisational performance, the issue that seems to be highly justified in the matured and competitive market where consumers have more choices, switching cost are decreasing and retention of the market base is becoming more and more difficult. As a case study undertaken in Jordan’s telecommunications market, the main four telecommunications operators in the market were represented. Quantitative data analysis was used to determine the variations between the main operators in the market regarding their adopted levels of marketing orientation. On the other hand, the qualitative technique - namely semi-structured interviews - represents the main instrument the study utilises to gain an in-depth insight into the relationship between marketing orientation (MO) and organisational performance. This qualitative tool enabled the researcher to construct a rich picture of the mechanisms and ways by which firms manage the different attitudinal dimensions of customer satisfaction and the behavioural dimensions of customer retention. Results of the research confirm significant variations between high- and low-marketing orientation telecommunications operators with regard to the approaches, drivers and mechanisms by which firms manage their capabilities to achieve customer satisfaction and customer retention. Thus, two different patterns were indicated which were associated with the adopted level of marketing orientation of these firms. The most important finding to come out of the research was that genuine marketing orientation is an integrated attitudinal-behavioural perspective. Hence, any deficiencies or even ignoring of any aspect will weaken a firm’s overall value creation capability, the main mission of the marketing-oriented firm. In addition, internal culture emerged as a critical success factor for marketing-oriented firms. It serves as the glue that ensures a firm’s values are adhered to, and also allows a clearer understanding of a firm’s vision and mission, which in turn resulted in the fact that these firms are more capable to translate their attitudes into practice on the ground. Moreover, the role of marketing orientation was substantial as it worked as a supportive environment that stimulates a firm’s capabilities to integrate and coordinate its resources and competencies into new ones in such a way as to enhance its overall performance as well as to achieve congruence with the changing business environment. The importance of this research stems from its nature and approach in studying the relationship between marketing orientation and organisational performance. The main issue being evaluated is different from the bulk of marketing orientation works that have focused on examining different aspects of marketing orientation and organisational performance within causal relationship-style research, and mostly within a short-run view. In contrast, this study is concerned with gaining in-depth understanding of this relationship through evaluating its mechanisms and interrelationships, the aspect that was treated as a black box in prior research

    The single nucleotide polymorphism rs2305957 G/A is not associated with recurrent pregnancy loss

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    Background: This study was conducted in order to investigate the association between the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs2305957 G/A and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) in a group of Palestinian women residing in Gaza strip.Methods: A retrospective case-control study was carried out during the period (May to August, 2015). A total of 380 females, 190 RPL patients and 190 control women without previous history of RPL, aged 20–35 years were included in the study. The SNP was analyzed by tetra-primer amplification refractory mutation system PCR (T-ARMS-PCR).Results: No statistically significant difference existed between RPL cases and controls in terms of the allelic and genotypic distribution of rs2305957 G/A.Conclusions: SNP rs2305957 G/A does not represent a risk factor for RPL in the investigated population

    Culture of Social Peace in Galilee Schools from a Community Perspective and Proposals for its Dissemination

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    The present study aimed to identify the culture of social peace in Galilee Schools from a community perspective and present proposals to school administration for ways of disseminating this culture. The study sample consisted of (27) participants, who were purposely chosen, including principals, teachers and representatives of civil society and local institutions. The interview utilized in the data collection process. The results showed that the respondents look at the culture of social peace from several perspectives including: the development of sound peaceful relations, the adoption of system of positive values ​​and attitudes, creating a set of positive outcomes, the rejection of violence in all its forms, and the system of positive behaviors. The results also showed that there were several proposals for disseminating the culture of social peace arranged in descending order: the development of positive descriptive school environment, the role of the school as an agent for education and educational development and enjoys the culture of social peace and good role models, the commendation for the positive results of the culture of social peace for society, and the provision of programs and events that promote the culture of social peace. Keywords: school administration, culture of social peace, Galilee Schools

    Cosine-Based Clustering Algorithm Approach

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    Due to many applications need the management of spatial data; clustering large spatial databases is an important problem which tries to find the densely populated regions in the feature space to be used in data mining, knowledge discovery, or efficient information retrieval. A good clustering approach should be efficient and detect clusters of arbitrary shapes. It must be insensitive to the outliers (noise) and the order of input data. In this paper Cosine Cluster is proposed based on cosine transformation, which satisfies all the above requirements. Using multi-resolution property of cosine transforms, arbitrary shape clusters can be effectively identified at different degrees of accuracy. Cosine Cluster is also approved to be highly efficient in terms of time complexity. Experimental results on very large data sets are presented, which show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach compared to other recent clustering methods

    Common MEFV Mutations in Palestinian Patients with Familial Mediterranean Fever

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    Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive inflammatory disorder caused by mutations in the MEFV gene that encodes the pyrin protein. The disease is relatively common among people originating from the Mediterranean areas. The aim of this study was to determine the common MEFV gene mutations in 270 Palestinian patients diagnosed with FMF. The patients were screened for four common MEFV gene mutations namely, p. M694V, p. M694I, p. V726A, and p. E148Q using allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR). The results revealed that around 22% of the patients harbored two MEFV mutations, with the compound heterozygous forms being more prevalent than the homozygous ones. The most frequently encountered mutant allele was p. M694V which existed in around 12% of the tested chromosomes. The p. M694I, p. V226A and p. E148Q mutations were observed in around 9, 9 and 7% of the tested chromosomes, respectively. In about 29% of the patients only one mutant allele could be detected and around 49% of the patients did not show any of the investigated mutations. In conclusion, the four tested MEFV gene mutations have a significant contribution to FMF in the Palestinian population of Gaza strip. Screening for those mutations should be offered to FMF patients to confirm diagnosis and effect timely treatment. Further mutations analysis the MEFV gene should be conducted in this population in order to document additional MEFV mutations

    The Relationship among Learning Styles, Language Learning Strategies, and the Academic Achievement among the English Majors at Al-Aqsa University

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    This thesis aims to identify the learning styles and learning strategies of students, to check whether there are significant differences in the learning style and strategy preferences between male and female learners, and investigate whether there is a relationship between students’ learning style , strategy preferences and the academic achievement among the third year English majors at Al Aqsa University. A total of 60 students were asked to complete two questionnaires. One was used to identify students’ perceptual learning style preferences and the other was used to identify students’ learning strategies. In addition, an achievement test was held to determine the students' level, and then correlate results with the learning style preferences , language learning strategies and the academic achievement. When the responses that the participants gave to the questionnaire mentioned above were analyzed, it seemed that only the mean scores of two learning style preference categories, kinesthetic being 22.567 with percent weight 90.27 and tactile learning, 20.567 with percent weight 82.27 respectively, fall into the major learning style preferences category. The third rank was occupied by the group learning style with percent weight 79.80 . The fourth rank was the visual style (minor learning style) with percent weigh 78.80. The fifth rank was for the auditory style (minor learning style) with percent weight 78.60. The sixth rank which is the (negligible learning style) preferences was for the individual learners with percent weight 54.73 Furthermore, there are statistically significant differences between male and female in visual, auditory and individual learning, towards female, and in Group learning towards male, and there are no statistically significant differences between male and female in kinaesthetic, tactile and the summation degree . The analysis of the second questionnaire revealed that metacognitive strategies were favoured the most. The results showed that there are no statistically significant differences between male and female in all domains of strategy use , and the total degree of the domains, except Compensation Strategies towards male. From the analysis of the results of the achievement test and their correlation with the students' learning styles , it was found that there are statistically significant correlation coefficient between achievement and auditory and total degree of style , but there are no statistically significant correlation coefficient between achievement and visual, kinaesthaetic, tactile, group learning, and individual learning. When the students' achievement test results were correlated with their learning strategies, it was shown that there are statistically significant correlation coefficient between achievement and all strategies except Part C -compensation strategies. The analysis with respect to the relationship between learning styles and learning strategies revealed that there are no statistically significant correlation coefficient between all strategies and all styles except part A -memory strategies with kinaesthetic style (positive relation) , and Part C- Compensation Strategies with visual style (negative relation) , and group learning style with part C- compensation strategies ( positive relation)

    On 2-absorbing Primal Hyperideals Of Multiplicative Hyperrings

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    Let R be a commutative multiplicative hyperring. In this paper, we introduce the concept of 2-absorbing primal hyperideals. A non zero hyperideal I of a multiplicative hyperring R is called a 2-absorbing primal hyperideal of R if the set of all elements in R; that are not 2-absorbing prime to I forms a hyperideal of R; denoted (I) = fd 2 R; d is not a 2 - absorbing prime to Ig: We study properties of 2-absorbing primal hyperideals and introduce a number of results concerning 2-absorbing primal hyperideals illustrated by several examples of 2-absorbing primal hyperideals

    Best sum-throughput evaluation of cooperative downlink transmission nonorthogonal multiple access system

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    In cooperative simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) downlink situations, the current research investigates the total throughput of users in center and edge of cell. We focus on creating ways to solve these problems because the fair transmission rate of users located in cell edge and outage performance are significant hurdles at NOMA schemes. To enhance the functionality of cell-edge users, we examine a two-user NOMA scheme whereby the cell-center user functions as a SWIPT relay using power splitting (PS) with a multiple-input single-output. We calculated the probability of an outage for both center and edge cell users, using closed-form approximation formulas and evaluate the system efficacy. The usability of cell edge users is maximized by downlink transmission NOMA (CDT-NOMA) employing a SWIPT relay that employs PS. The suggested approach calculates the ideal value of the PS coefficient to optimize the sum throughput. Compared to the noncooperative and single-input single-output NOMA systems, the best SWIPT-NOMA system provides the cell-edge user with a significant throughput gain. Applying SWIPT-based relaying transmission has no impact on the framework’s overall throughput

    Chromosomal aberrations in males occupationally exposed to chemical pollutants in the gaza strip-palestine

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    Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes from Palestinian males exposed to various chemical pollutants during their daily work. Subjects and Methods: The study population consisted of 32 males (mean age 35.5 years) distributed as: 14 farmers, 3 plumbers, 5 taxi drivers, 6 paint factory workers, and 4 gas station workers, exposed to pollutants like pesticide, petrol derivatives etc. The control group consisted of 10 healthy Palestinian individuals of the same age and gender, but not exposed directly to pollutants in their jobs. Chromosomes were prepared from peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures using standard methods. The evaluation of chromosomal aberrations was performed following the IPCS (International Program Chemical Safety) guidelines for the monitoring of genotoxicity effects of carcinogens in humans. Results: A significantly higher incidence (2.14%, p< 0.05) of chromosomal aberrations (chromatid breaks, iso-chromatid breaks, chromatid deletions, and acentric fragments) were detected in lymphocyte of the study population. Interestingly, no chromosomal damage at all was recorded in the control group lymphocyte. Conclusion: These results suggest that occupational exposure to chemical pollutants is the cause of the chromosomal aberrations observed in the study population, which could be related to exposure time, since chromosomal aberrations were more frequent in workers exposed for longer times. The increased chromosomal damage detected in the study population can be attributed to the complex mixture of genotoxic compounds to which