8 research outputs found

    Effecacy of Kadali Kshara Sutra in the Management of Bhagandara (Fistula-In-Ano) - A Case Report

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    Bhagandara (Fistula in ano) is a common anorectal condition prevalent world wide, and its prevalence is second highest after Arshas (Haemorrhoids). Kshara Karma is a one of the parasurgical procedure in Ayurveda. In this study Palasha Kshara Sutra is used in Bhagandara (Fistula-in-ano). Though, Apamarga Kshara Sutra is highly effective in the management of Fistula-in-ano. But pain, irritation, difficulty in preparation has limited its use. Thus, various type of Kshara Sutra tried with their efficacy in different angle. In this present study effort will be made to define the probable mode of action of Palasha Kshara Sutra prepared in Arka Ksheera in Fistula-in-Ano. This is equally effective with less pain and easy to prepare because a single plant is enough and not a seasonal plant. A 56 yr old male presented with complaints of painful swelling with pus discharge in the anal region since 1 week has been presented here

    Ayurveda – A Nature’s Gift

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    Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India is one of the oldest scientific medical systems of the world with a long record of clinical experience. It is our ancient living medical heritage. It not merely a kind of antiquated medicine. It is science based upon the observation of living thing and their actual response and reactions to their environment. It encompasses not only science but religion and philosophy as well. It tackles the whole subject of life in its various ramifications. It speaks to every element and facet of human life offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries, to all those who seek greater harmony, peace and longevity. It is based not on constantly changing research data but on the eternal wisdom of the Acharyas, who received this science, expressive of the perfect wholeness of cosmic consciousness through religion introspection and meditation

    A Clinical Study of Apamarga Kshara Sutra in the Management of Bhagandara - A Case Study

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    In Ayurveda, Bhagandara is considered as one of the Ashta Mahagaroga (8 major disease) by Sushruta due to more recurrence rate. In present era anorectic disorders are increasing, due to sedentary life style and others factors. The word Bhagandara is composed of 2 words Bhaga and Darana, it is a common disease occurring in Anorectal region around the anus which extends up to Genitalia. The formation of Pidika leads development of Bhagandara it is characterized by opening around the Guda Pradesha with painful Discharge. Bhagandara is treated by different modalities modern science but till day no single modalities have proven to be complete one for Fistula, Kshara Sutra therapy is the unique specialized parasurgical procedure which is used in Fistula in Ano. The present study was undertaken to assess the role of Apamarga Kshara Sutra in treatment of Bhagandara on diagnosed case was taken from OPD of NKJ AMC attached teaching, Shree Siddharudha Charitable Hospital, Bidar, Age 26 yrs. Male Patient presenting with pain, swelling, discharge in scrotal to anterior anal canal (scrotal extension) was examined in Shalya OPD treated with Kshara Sutra considering it an ideal procedure in the treatment of Bhagandara as it cuts and curettes the unhealthy tissue present inside the fistulous tract

    Management of Pilonidal Sinus (Nadi Vrana) with Palasha Kshara Sutra prepared in Arka Ksheera - A Case Study

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    Pionidal Sinus is a common chronic disorder mainly seen in the sacrococcygeal region, especially in young males. Different surgical methods have been described for this disorder. The most commonly used are excision and primary closure and excision with reconstructive flap. However the risk of recurrence or developing an infection of the wound after the operation is high. The patient requires longer hospitalization and the procedure is expensive. There is a similarity between pilonidal sinus and Shalyaja Nadi Vrana described in Susruta Samhita. Susruta has advocated a minimally invasive parasurgical treatment, viz., Kshara Sutra procedure, for Naadivrana. Hence this procedure was tried in Pilonidal Sinus. This treatment not only minimizes complication and recurrence, but also enables the patient to resume work quicker and with less discomfort

    Ayurveda and Communicable Diseases

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    Indian medical heritage flows in two distinctive but mutually complimenting streams. The oral tradition being followed by millions of housewives and thousands of local health practitioners is the practical aspect of codified streams such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani. These oral traditions are head based and take care of the basic health needs of the people using immediately available local resources. Majority of these are plant based remedies, supplemented by animal and mineral products. Many of the practices followed by these local streams can be understood and evaluated by the codified stream such as Ayurveda. These streams are not static, historical scrutiny of their evolution shows the enriching phenomena at all times. Thus we have more than 7000 species of higher and lower plants and hundreds of minerals and animal product used in local health tradition to manage hundreds of disease conditions. A pertinent question that arises here is that in which basis these systems got enriched. Is it just trial error method over a point of time which gave rise to this rich tradition, is it an intuitive knowledge born out of close association with nature. One of the reasons for this attitude can be, that one is always made to believe that the science means that which can be explained by western models of logic and epistemology. The world view being developed and adopted by the dominant western scientific paradigm never fits in to the world view being followed and practiced by the indigenous traditions. This is well accepted by us due to the last 200 yrs of political and cultural domination by western and other alien forces

    Managament of Bhagandara (Fistula-in-Ano) by Palasha Ksharasutra prepared with Arkaksheera - A Case Report

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    A standard Ksharasutra is practiced in treatment of Bhagandara (fistula-in-ano) with high success rate and minimum recurrence rate. In previous research it was noted that Pittaja Prakruti patients sometime might cause more perianal irritation due to Apamarga Ksharasutra. So in this study Palasha Ksharasutra prepared in Arkaksheera was prepared by Palasha Kshara (Ash of Butea monosperma), Arka Ksheera (Calotropis gigantic) and turmeric powder (Curcuma longa). This Ksharasutra was prepared as per the API guidelines and preserved in air tight tube. A patient of Pittaja predominant Prakruti with fistula-in ano having two external opening at 6 and 7 O’ clock position of anus was treated with application of Ksharasutra. The Palasha Ksharasutra prepared in Arkaksheera was applied in these two opening under spinal anesthesia. Then Ksharasutra was changed by weekly interval under local xylocaine jelly 2%. The length of thread was measured weekly and noted in the case to assess the unit cutting time (UCT). The unit cutting time (UCT) of first thread was 7.5 days/cm and second one had UCT 6.8 days/cm. During the treatment patient was doing his job regularly without hampering the quality of life. After 2 months patient was free from all symptoms of fistula with normal scar and without any complications. This case study demonstrated the utility of Palasha Ksharasutra prepared in Arkaksheera in multiple fistula-in ano

    A Clinical Efficacy of Palasha Ksharasutra prepared with Arka Ksheera in the management of Bhagandara

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    Bhagandara (Fistula in ano) is a common ano-rectal condition prevalent worldwide. Ksharasutra being a chief modality in management of Bhagandara in Ayurveda. Exploration of new plants for the preparation of Ksharasutra as a better substitute of Apamarga Kshara is need of the hour. Hence present research work was planned to evaluate the effect of Palasha Ksharasutra prepared with Arka Ksheera and to compare the effect of Palasha Ksharasutra prepared with Arkaksheera and Apamarga Ksharasutra in the management of Bhagandara. In this study sample size was 30, patients were selected by simple random sampling, 15 in Trial Group and 15 in Control Group. Trial group treated with Palasha Ksharasutra prepared with Arkaksheera and Control group treated with Apamarga Ksharasutra in Bhagandara. In both group patients were symptoms free after treating, but when compared to the cutting rate Apamarga Ksharasutra has average of 0.8cm and Palasha Ksharasutra prepared in Arkaksheera with an average of 0.68cm. Thus, Palasha Ksharasutra had equipotent effect as Apamarga Ksharasutra

    Viruddha Ahara (wrong food combination) - A Review

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    The wellbeing of the individual chiefly depends upon the kind of food he consumes. The maximum benefits of Ahara (food) can be achieved only by following the healthy dietary guidelines mentioned in classics of Ayurveda whereas wrong dietary pattern can be hazardous to health. The food which is incompatible in respect to climate, quantity, method of preparation, combination etc. are described as potent cause of both physical and psychological illnesses. The present article is intended to explore the concept of Viruddha Ahara (incompatible food) described in Ayurveda classics mainly Charaka Samhita. The recent publications related to incompatible food is also referred for this. The ancient and recent surveys both prove that incompatible food habits are one of the chief causes of physical and psychological pathologie