2,713 research outputs found

    Update on herbicide usage

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    Weed problems in longer rotations

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    In Support of a Rationally Managed Fishery: Age and Growth in Patagonian Toothfish (\u3ci\u3eDissostichus eleginoides\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) occur on the continental shelves and shelf breaks of southern South America and the Southern Ocean. Stock structure, critical to good fisheries management, can be inferred from growth differences between areas, but available growth data are compromised by inconsistencies in age estimation methods, sampling and sample sizes, and techniques used to derive estimates. I asked the scientific question: how is growth in Patagonian toothfish structured spatially within the Southern Ocean? I developed a multi-stage randomized design to sample fish caught by commercial longline, and an age estimation methodology. Because toothfish are difficult to age, I developed an ANOVA model for estimating precision and accuracy of age data relative to a standard, as the basis for a protocol for quality control of age data. The methodology was used to obtain age data from toothfish taken from the Falkland Islands and South Georgia in the South Atlantic, and the Kerguelen Islands and Heard Island in the southern Indian Ocean. I estimated von Bertalanffy growth parameters for each area, constructed models to describe rival hypotheses of stock mixing and separation between areas, and selected between the models using normal likelihood methods. The abundance of the captured population varied at a scale of c500 m (76% of variance), and between fishing days (24%). Most variation in length composition was captured at scales less than 500 m (79%). I calculated that sampling 16 10-coil lengths of line/day on 36 days of a voyage of 60 days hauling would be the optimal sampling strategy. Significant bias in age estimation was found between readers and between readings by one reader but, once accounted for, precision of age estimation remained similar between sexes; however, a validation test of the accuracy of the age estimation methodology was inconclusive. Growth data supported the hypothesis of stock separation between the Falkland Islands and South Georgia, but not between South Georgia and Kerguelen

    Detecting Anti-vaccine Content on Twitter using Multiple Message-Based Network Representations

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    Social media platforms such as Twitter have a fundamental role in facilitating the spread and discussion of ideas online through the concept of retweeting and replying. However, these features also contribute to the spread of mis/disinformation during the vaccine rollout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Using COVID-19 vaccines as a case study, we analyse multiple social network representation derived from three message-based interactions on Twitter (quote retweets, mentions and replies) based upon a set of known anti-vax hashtags and keywords. Each network represents a certain hashtag or keyword which were labelled as "controversial" and "non-controversial" according to a small group of participants. For each network, we extract a combination of global and local network-based metrics which are used as feature vectors for binary classification. Our results suggest that it is possible to detect controversial from non-controversial terms with high accuracy using simple network-based metrics. Furthermore, these results demonstrate the potential of network representations as language-agnostic models for detecting mis/disinformation at scale, irrespective of content and across multiple social media platforms


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    A liability insurer has issued a policy, reserving the sole right to effect a settlement, and refuses to settle, within the limits of the policy, a claim against the insured. A judgment in excess of the policy limit is then recovered against the insured. These circumstances present the question whether the insurer may be liable to the insured for the amount of the judgment in excess of the policy limit. This comment will be limited to consideration of cases involving only the above facts, and no attempt will be made to consider the liability of the insurer for failing to undertake defense of the claim, to continue in defense of it or to prosecute an appeal. Nor will regard be given to the effect of cooperation clauses, settlement by the insured or improper conduct of the defense by the insurer

    Canada thistle regrowth control one year after herbicide application in winter wheat

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    Non-Peer ReviewedA field study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of several herbicides for long-term control of Canada thistle growing in winter wheat. Miscellaneous herbicides were applied at the five leaf stage of winter wheat in the presence of Canada thistle (30 plants per square meter). All herbicides gave effective control of Canada thistle top growth but did not increase yields compared to the weedy check. When Canada thistle control was evaluated one year after herbicide application, three of the nine treatments significantly reduced regrowth: 2,4-D amine at 840 g/ha, clopyralid + MCPA ester at 100 + 400 g/ha, and Clopyralid at 200 g/ha. These treatments reduced Canada thistle numbers by 58, 67, and 83 %, respectively. All herbicide treatments significantly reduced Canada thistle dry matter production one year after application as measured by shoot dry weight per square meter. Clopyralid at 100 g/ha in mixture with either 2,4-D or MCPA ester at 400 g/ha, and 2,4-D amine alone at 840 g/ha reduced dry weight of thistle shoots equally. Clopyralid at 200 g/ha was the most effective treatment tested; Canada thistle shoot dry weight per square meter was reduced by 93 % one year following treatment

    Development of space stable thermal control coatings for use on large space vehicles

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    The evaluation and environmental testing of zinc orthotitanate pigments for use as space stable thermal control coatings on large space vehicles are discussed. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the pigments and their precursor compounds are examined. A continuing study of the spectral intensity of mercury-argon and mercury-xenon sources in reported. Results of long term environmental testing of commercially available, strippable, protective coatings are discussed


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    At the present time this nation is greatly concerned over the state of its political health. Advocates of foreign ideologies are asserting their creeds with ever-increasing vigor. The doctrines they propound are generally conceded to be inconsistent with American ideals, and their activity has induced a feeling of alarm, sometimes attended by hostile reaction. There have been instances where this reaction has taken the form of demands that the proponents of these ideas be silenced. In these circumstances, it becomes important to examine the power of state and federal governments to restrict their activities, particularly with respect to the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution


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    Plaintiff\u27s cause of action arose out of a highway accident that occurred on October 1, 1943. Basing jurisdiction on diversity of citizenship, he brought suit in a United States District Court in Kansas. The complaint was filed on September 4, 1945, and defendant was served on December 28, 1945. In Kansas, the two-year statute of limitations applicable to such tort claims is tolled by service on the defendant, not by filing the complaint. Held, plaintiff is barred by the Kansas statute of limitations. Ragan v. Merchants Transfer & Warehouse Co., Inc., (U.S. 1949) 69 S.Ct. 1233

    Development of a space stable thermal control coatings for use in large space vehicles

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    The preparation and evaluation of zinc orthotitanate and of several new pigments and the environmental testing and evaluation of these pigments and of coatings made from them constitute the bulk of the work accomplished. New pigments were prepared and EPR spectra of pigments and their precursor compounds studied. Results of extensive testing of commercially-available, strippable, protective coatings are reported; Owens-Illinois 650 glass resin has been stabilized against progressive mechanical failures; and definite improvements have been noted. A zinc oxide pigmented lithium silicate paint has demonstrated very good ultraviolet stability