2,650 research outputs found

    Surface magnetic ordering in topological insulators with bulk magnetic dopants

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    We show that a three dimensional topological insulator doped with magnetic impurities in the bulk can have a regime where the surface is magnetically ordered but the bulk is not. This is in contrast to conventional materials where bulk ordered phases are typically more robust than surface ordered phases. The difference originates from the topologically protected gapless surface states characteristic of topological insulators. We study the problem using a mean field approach in two concrete models that give the same qualitative result, with some interesting differences. Our findings could help explain recent experimental results showing the emergence of a spectral gap in the surface state of Bi2Se3 doped with Mn or Fe atoms, but with no measurable bulk magnetism.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Observability of a projected new state of matter: a metallic superfluid

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    Dissipationless quantum states, such as superconductivity and superfluidity, have attracted interest for almost a century. A variety of systems exhibit these macroscopic quantum phenomena, ranging from superconducting electrons in metals to superfluid liquids, atomic vapours, and even large nuclei. It was recently suggested that liquid metallic hydrogen could form two new unusual dissipationless quantum states, namely the metallic superfluid and the superconducting superfluid. Liquid metallic hydrogen is projected to occur only at an extremely high pressure of about 400 GPa, while pressures on hydrogen of 320 GPa having already been reported. The issue to be adressed is if this state could be experimentally observable in principle. We propose four experimental probes for detecting it.Comment: in print in Phys. Rev. Let

    Nonlinear instability of density-independent orbital-free kinetic energy functionals

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    We study in this article the mathematical properties of a class of orbital-free kinetic energy functionals. We prove that these models are linearly stable but nonlinearly unstable, in the sense that the corresponding kinetic energy functionals are not bounded from below. As a matter of illustration, we provide an example of an electronic density of simple shape the kinetic energy of which is negative.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Electron-ion and ion-ion potentials for modeling warm-dense-matter: applications to laser-heated or shock-compressed Al and Si

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    The pair-interactions U_{ij}(r) determine the thermodynamics and linear transport properties of matter via the pair-distribution functions (PDFs), i.e., g_{ij}(r). Great simplicity is achieved if U_{ij}(r) could be directly used to predict material properties via classical simulations, avoiding many-body wavefunctions. Warm dense matter (WDM) is encountered in quasi-equilibria where the electron temperature TeT_e differs from the ion temperature T_i, as in laser-heated or in shock-compressed matter. The electron PDFs g_{ee}(r) as perturbed by the ions are used to evaluate fully non-local exchange-correlation corrections to the free energy, using Hydrogen as an example. Electron-ion potentials for ions with a bound core are discussed with Al and Si as examples, for WDM with T_e \ne T_i, and valid for times shorter than the electron-ion relaxation time. In some cases the potentials develop attractive regions, and then become repulsive and `Yukawa-like' for higher TeT_e. These results clarify the origin of initial phonon-hardening and rapid release. Pair-potentials for shock-heated WDM show that phonon hardening would not occur in most such systems. Defining meaningful quasi-equilibrium static transport coefficients consistent with the dynamic values is addressed. There seems to be no meaningful `static conductivity' obtainable by extrapolating experimental or theoretical \sigma(\omega, T_i, T_e) to \omega \to 0, unless T_i \to T_e as well. Illustrative calculations of quasi-static resistivities R(T_i,T_e) of laser-heated as well as shock-heated Aluminum and Silicon are presented using our pseudopotentials, pair-potentials and classical integral equations. The quasi-static resistivities display clear differences in their temperature evolutions, but are not the strict \omega \to 0 limits of the dynamic values.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figues, Latex file

    Confinement-induced Berry phase and helicity-dependent photocurrents

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    The photocurrent in an optically active metal is known to contain a component that switches sign with the helicity of the incident radiation. At low frequencies, this current depends on the orbital Berry phase of the Bloch electrons via the "anomalous velocity" of Karplus and Luttinger. We consider quantum wells in which the parent material, such as GaAs, is not optically active and the relevant Berry phase only arises as a result of quantum confinement. Using an envelope approximation that is supported by numerical tight-binding results, it is shown that the Berry phase contribution is determined for realistic wells by a cubic Berry phase intrinsic to the bulk material, the well width, and the well direction. These results for the magnitude of the Berry-phase effect suggest that it may already have been observed in quantum well experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Break-junction experiments on the zero-bias anomaly of non-magnetic and ferromagnetically ordered metals

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    We have investigated break junctions of normal non-magnetic metals as well as ferromagnets at low temperatures. The point contacts with radii 0.15 - 15 nm showed zero-bias anomalies which can be attributed to Kondo scattering at a single Kondo impurity at the contact or to the switching of a single conducting channel. The Kondo temperatures derived from the width of the anomalies varied between 10 and 1000 K. These results agree well with literature data on atomic-size contacts of the ferromagnets as well as with spear-anvil type contacts on a wide variety of metals.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Low Temperature Physic

    Fast-field cycling NMR is sensitive to the method of cross-linking in BSA gels

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    This work was supported by ARUK (grant number 19689).Non peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Achievable Qubit Rates for Quantum Information Wires

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    Suppose Alice and Bob have access to two separated regions, respectively, of a system of electrons moving in the presence of a regular one-dimensional lattice of binding atoms. We consider the problem of communicating as much quantum information, as measured by the qubit rate, through this quantum information wire as possible. We describe a protocol whereby Alice and Bob can achieve a qubit rate for these systems which is proportional to N^(-1/3) qubits per unit time, where N is the number of lattice sites. Our protocol also functions equally in the presence of interactions modelled via the t-J and Hubbard models

    The role of quasi-momentum in the resonant dynamics of the atom-optics kicked rotor

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    We examine the effect of the initial atomic momentum distribution on the dynamics of the atom-optical realisation of the quantum kicked rotor. The atoms are kicked by a pulsed optical lattice, the periodicity of which implies that quasi-momentum is conserved in the transport problem. We study and compare experimentally and theoretically two resonant limits of the kicked rotor: in the vicinity of the quantum resonances and in the semiclassical limit of vanishing kicking period. It is found that for the same experimental distribution of quasi-momenta, significant deviations from the kicked rotor model are induced close to quantum resonance, while close to the classical resonance (i.e. for small kicking period) the effect of the quasi-momentum vanishes.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to be published in J. Phys. A, Special Issue on 'Trends in Quantum Chaotic Scattering

    A comprehensive study of electric, thermoelectric and thermal conductivities of Graphene with short range unitary and charged impurities

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    Motivated by the experimental measurement of electrical and hall conductivity, thermopower and Nernst effect, we calculate the longitudinal and transverse electrical and heat transport in graphene in the presence of unitary scatterers as well as charged impurities. The temperature and carrier density dependence in this system display a number of anomalous features that arise due to the relativistic nature of the low energy fermionic degrees of freedom. We derive the properties in detail including the effect of unitary and charged impurities self-consistently, and present tables giving the analytic expressions for all the transport properties in the limit of small and large temperature compared to the chemical potential and the scattering rates. We compare our results with the available experimental data. While the qualitative variations with temperature and density of carriers or chemical potential of all transport properties can be reproduced, we find that a given set of parameters of the impurities fits the Hall conductivity, Thermopower and the Nernst effect quantitatively but cannot fit the conductivity quantitatively. On the other hand a single set of parameters for scattering from Coulomb impurities fits conductivity, hall resistance and thermopower but not Nernst