8,900 research outputs found

    Reading Speculative Subjectivities: The Second Generation and the Afterlife of Migration

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    This dissertation takes a transethnic, transnational, relational, and comparative approach to literature about the children of immigrants, the second generation. It argues that second generation is a distinct subject position that is shaped but not wholly defined by race, ethnicity, and nation and, as such, ought to be considered across these boundaries. Negotiations of this subject position itself are also inflected by other factors that are not ethnically or nationally bound, including but not limited to gender, sexuality, age, class, and spirituality. I further argue that, by analyzing second-generation texts from diverse contexts and with diverse forms and styles, the central characteristic and themes of second-generation-focused literature can be discerned. The defining characteristic of second-generation texts and their representation of second-generation subjectivity is a focus on intergenerational relationships with immigrant parents or the first generation more broadly and the enduring effects and affects of that generations migration. This characteristic finds its expression through the central themes prevalent in second-generation-focused texts. This project takes up two such themes, the process of coming of age and the relationship between myth, memory, and history, through the analysis and comparison of four nationally and ethnically disparate texts, l thi diem thuys The Gangster We Are All Looking For, Meera Syals Anita and Me, David Chariandys Soucouyant, and Junot Diazs The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. I argue that these texts have a future-facing orientation that might seem at odds with the melancholy tones that suffuse them. Despite being deeply interested in looking backwards at how nations and migrations came to be, the second-generation-focused text always seems to turn towards the future. The past of the homeland and the past of the place of settlement are sites of inquiry but not of experience; there is no back home to remember as an escape from the flaws of here. As such, second-generation-focused texts are deeply invested in imagining futures that are rooted in an understanding of the past but also a necessary distancing from it, and a skeptical approach to the nation and to racial and ethnic essentialisms

    Talking Up: Study of Upward Influence Strategies

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    In organizations with emphasis on transparency, flexibility, informal talks and open door policies, subordinate-superior relationships and communication patterns are a significant deviation from the norm. This study analyzes transcripts of 23 pieces of interviews for identification of Upward Influence (UI) strategies in a multi-national FMCG company, with aforementioned cultural traits. Extensively discussed strategies like, imitation, reason and logic, and upward appeal, were identified through conversation analysis. Two new strategies, emerged in the course of the analysis, viz. reasoned aggression and nonchalance. The study describes the choice and use of UI strategies in this particular organization. It proceeds to discuss the need for improved understanding of UI strategies in isolation and combination, and in relation to culture, team affiliations, and interpersonal relationships.


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    Digitalization era requires Surabaya Government strive to meet socity’s needs for public services. This is shown by the launch of Wargaku application which serves all public problems and aspirations. The utilization of technology in Wargaku is an element of the cyber public relations approach. Claiming a response speed of 1x24 hours, this application has received a high response of public participation. Although considered successful, based on the public satisfaction survey there are still several things that need further attantion such as responsiveness, substance, appearance, convenience and interference with the application. In addition, external factors such as socialization and paradox of choices  to media that have almost same role also confuse the public. The purpose of research to describes cyber public relations of Wargaku complaint application on public services at Surabaya City. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a case study method. This research uses data collection techniques in the form of in depth interview and documentation. Then, the analyzed using an interactive data analysis model. The results obtained from the application of cyber public relations have been reflected in the Wargaku as an effort to provide good public services. However, the aspects of message transformation and reach still need to be improved.Era digitalisasi menuntut Pemerintah Kota Surabaya berupaya dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat akan pelayanan publik. Upaya tersebut ditunjukkan dengan merilisnya Aplikasi Wargaku yang melayani segala permasalahan dan aspirasi publik. Pemanfaatan teknologi pada Aplikasi Wargaku menjadi elemen dari pendekatan cyber public relations. Memiliki klaim kecepatan respon 1x24 jam aplikasi ini mendapatkan respon partisipasi masyarakat yang tinggi. Meski dinilai sukses, berdasarkan survei kepuasan masyarakat masih ada beberapa hal yang perlu dicermati kembali di antaranya, responsifitas, subtansi, tampilan, kemudahan dan gangguan pada aplikasi. Selain itu faktor eksternal seperti sosialisasi dan paradoks pilihan media yang memiliki peran hampir sama juga membingungkan masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian mendeskripsikan cyber public relation pada aplikasi pengaduan Wargaku dalam pelayanan publik di Kota Surabaya. Jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Selanjutnya, dianalisis menggunakan model analisis data interaktif. Hasil yang diperoleh dari yakni penerapan cyber public relations telah tercermin pada Aplikasi Wargaku sebagai upaya penyediaan pelayanan publik yang baik. Namun pada aspek transformasi pesan dan keterjangkauan masih perlu ditingkatkan

    The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Micro Enterprises: Do Banks Matter? Evidence from Indian Manufacturing

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    This paper looks at the impact of trade liberalization on output, factor intensity and labor productivity of micro enterprises with differential access to banks. It uses Indian data on micro enterprises employing fewer than ten workers in the manufacturing sector and finds that trade liberalization, measured by a fall in the tariff, is associated with higher enterprise output, capital-labor ratios and labor productivity in districts with a larger number of bank branches per capita. Evidence is consistent with strong complementarities between trade liberalization effects and better access to credit and greater economic dynamism due to greater bank presence in the enterprise’s location. In addition, the research points to greater likelihood of outsourcing of production activity to micro enterprises in more open industries. The study highlights the role of credit market institutions, labor regulation and linkages between micro enterprises and large firms in determining the effects of trade liberalization on developing country manufacturing.Trade Reform, Banks, Manufacturing, Informal Firms, Productivity, Outsourcing

    Privatization in East Germany: Can the Treuhandanstalt provide a model?

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    The dynamics of privatization in the Eastern Germany can be better understood in terms of the 'economic polities' applied to the 'political markets'. The Treuhandanstalt played a key role in transforming the entire economy of the former GDR into the market economy in the wake of unification of East Germany with West Germany. The present study discusses the agency's structure, functions and responsibilities, on the one hand and financing, functioning and evaluation, on the other. Although the Treuhandanstalt provides a unique example of privatization by the state and the market, it cannot be duplicated or copied in toto.


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    ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study is to investigate a simple and feasible approach for the production of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) by using leafextract of Ipmoea nil and to evaluate its antibacterial activity.Methods: The AgNPs synthesized was characterized by a change in color and the absorption peaks by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. The phytocompounds responsible for the reduction and capping of silver ions was known from Fourier transform infrared spectra and phytochemical analysis.The antibacterial effects of prepared aqueous AgNPs were detected against five types of pathogenic bacteria, including Gram-negative and Grampositivebacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Bacillius, Proteus, and Klebsilla pneumonia) using agar well diffusion method.Results: A peak absorption value between 400 and 450 nm and the color change of the extract from yellowish to red wine were corresponds tothe plasmon absorbance of AgNPs. On the other hand, aqueous extract of I. nil mediated AgNPs found to be effective against tested microorganisms(Salmonella, Bacillus, and Proteus) with inhibition zone in the range of 10-13 mm (20 μl and 10 μl) except E. coli and K. pneumonia. Furthermore,aqueous extract of I. nil leaves had no ability to suppress the growth of the tested microorganisms in the concentration of 10 μl. The control alsoproduced similar inhibition zones like AgNPs.Conclusions: Our findings indicated that green synthesized AgNPs mediated by I. nil leaf extract had an efficient anti-bactericidal activity against thebacterial species tested. Hence, further studies are needed to highlight its mechanism and application as an antibacterial agent.Keywords: Ipomoea nil, Silver nanoparticles, Antibacterial activity, Bacteria