7 research outputs found

    Evaluating Social Problem Solving and Psychological Capital model on Academic Burnout through mediating Help Seeking from Peers and Academic Consciousness

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    The aim of this research was to assess the model of academic burnout based on social problem-solving skill, psychological capital, academic conscience, and seeking help from peers. This study is a descriptive-correlational research with an emphasis on possible causal relationships based on structural equation modeling. The population included senior high school students studying science in pre-University in the first district of Ardabil during 2016-2017 school year. Proportional stratified random sampling was used to select the participants. The sample size was determined to be 291 participants using Morgan Table 1970. The instruments included “Salmela-Aro and Naatanen’s Academic Burnout Questionnaire”, “D'Zurilla’s Social Problem-Solving Skills Inventory”, “Luthans’s Psychological Capital Questionnaire”, “Ilroy and Bunting’s Academic Conscience Questionnaire” and “Ryan and Pintrich’s Academic Help-Seeking Scale”. The results consistent with the hypotheses showed that social problem-solving skill and psychological capital had negative effect on academic burnout. In addition, the negative effect of seeking academic help as a mediator in the relationship between social problem-solving skills and academic burnout was confirmed. Academic conscience, as the mediator between psychological capital and academic burnout, was found to have an indirect and negative effect. And finally, the model with the experimental data from the study has a good fit

    نقش سبک زندگی در پیش‌بینی رضایت از زندگی معلمان متأهل با میانجی امیدواری

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    خلفية البحث وأهدافه: إن معرفة العوامل ذات الصلة بالرضی من الحیاة في حیاة المتعلیمن المتزوجین لتقدیم خطط تنمویة ورفع مستوی جودة حیاة هذه الفئة، أمر حیوي للقائمین علی سلك التعلیم والتربیة. وإنطلاقاً من هذه القناعة تسعی هذه الدراسة لتسلیط الضوء علی دراسة دور نمط حیاة هذه الفئة ودرجة الشعور بالرضی من الحیاة لدیهم من التأکید علی دور عنصر الأمل کدور وسیط في تأثیر العوامل الأخری. منهجية البحث: اعتمدت الدراسة المنهج الوصفي الإرتباطي وتحدیداً منهج المعادلات الهیکلیة. اما المجتمع الإحصائي فقد شمل جمیع معلمي المتوسطة الأولی والثانیة في مدینة طهران في عام 2021-2022م. ونظراً لکثرة الأفراد المعنیین فقد اختیر 300 منهم عبر أخذ العینات المتاحة. ولجمع المعطیات فقد اعتمدت الدراسة علی استبیان نمط الحیاة لدی لعلي والزملاء، واستبیان الأمل لدی اشنایدر والزملاء واستبیان الرضی من الحیاة لدی دینر والزملاء. وقد اعتمد الباحثون علی نموذج العلاقات بین المتغیرات عبر تطبیق SPSS الإصدار24 وتطبیق AMOS لتحلیل المعطیات. یُذکر أنّه قد تمت مراعاة جمیع الموارد الأخلاقیة في هذا البحث وإضافة إلی ذلك فإنّ مؤلفي البحث لم یشیروا إلی أيّ تضارب في المصالح. المعطیات: اظهرت النتائج الأولی أن نمط حیاة (۰۱/۰>P و ۶۴۹/۰=β) کان له تأثیر مباشر وإیجابي علی الأمل. کما کان مؤثر بصورة مباشرة (۰۱/۰>P و ۳۰۶/۰=β) وغیر مباشرة علی الدور الوسیط للأمل (۰۵/۰>P و ۳۳۹/۰=β) وکان مؤثراً علی الشعور بالرضی من الحیاة. کما أنّ الأمل کان له تأثیر مباشر وإیجابي علی الشعور بالرضی من الحیاة یمکن رسمه کالتالي: (۰۱/۰>P و ۵۲۲/۰=β). الاستنتاج: النتائج التي توصلت إلیها الدراسة تقول أنّ القائمین علی سلك التعلیم یجب علیهم الإهتمام بعنصر الرضی من الحیاة لدی المعلمین المتزوجین من خلال التأکید علی نمط الحیاة وتعزیز الأمل لدیهم. کما یمکن من خلال المداخلات التعلیمیة والعلاجیة رفع مستوی الرضی من الحیاة.Background and Objective: Identifying the factors related to teachers' life satisfaction is necessary for the education planners and authorities to improve this index. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of lifestyle in predicting life satisfaction of married teachers through the mediation of hope. Methods: The method used in the current research was descriptive correlational involving the use of structural equational modeling. The research community included first and second high school teachers in Tehran in the academic year 2022-2023, and 300 qualified people were selected as the research sample using available sampling method. In order to collect data, the lifestyle questionnaires of Laali et al., Schneider et al.'s hope and Diener et al.'s life satisfaction questionnaires were used. The research model and relationships between the variables were analyzed using SPSS software version 24 and Amos Software. In the present study, all ethical considerations were observed and the authors reported no conflict of interests. Results: The results showed that lifestyle (P<0.01, β=0.649) has a direct and positive effect on hope. Lifestyle affects life satisfaction both directly (P<0.01, β=0.306) and indirectly through the mediation of hope (P<0.05, β=0.339). Hope has a direct positive effect on life satisfaction (P<0.01, β=0.522). Conclusion: In order to increase life satisfaction in the teachers, the role of lifestyle and hope should be considered in planning by those involved in the educational system; It is also possible to deal with this problem through educational and therapeutic interventions in schools.سابقه و هدف: شناسایی عوامل مرتبط با رضایت از زندگی معلمان برای برنامه‌ریزان و مدیران اجرایی آموزش ‌و پرورش جهت ارتقای این شاخص ضروری است؛ ازاین‌رو مطالعۀ حاضر با هدف بررسی نقش سبک زندگی در پیش‌بینی رضایت از زندگی معلمان متأهل با میانجی امیدواری انجام شده است. روش کار: روش پژوهش حاضر توصیفی - همبستگی از نوع معادلات ساختاری است. جامعۀ پژوهش معلمان متأهل مقطع متوسطۀ اول و دوم شهر تهران در سال تحصیلی 02-1401 بودند که 300 نفر واجد شرایط به‌روش نمونه‌گیری دردسترس نمونۀ پژوهش در نظر گرفته شدند. جهت جمع‌آوری اطلاعات از پرسش‌نامه‌های سبک زندگی لعلی و همکاران، امیدواری اشنایدر و همکاران و رضایت از زندگی دینر و همکاران استفاده شد. الگوی پژوهش و روابط بین متغیّرها با استفاده از نرم‌افزار SPSS نسخۀ 24 و نرم‌افزار Amos تحلیل شد. در این پژوهش همۀ موارد اخلاقی رعایت شده است و مؤلفان مقاله تضاد منافعی گزارش نکرده‌اند. یافته‌ها: نتایج نشان داد که سبک زندگی (۰۱/۰>P و ۶۴۹/۰=β) به‌صورت مستقیم و مثبت بر امید؛ و هم به‌صورت مستقیم (۰۱/۰>P و ۳۰۶/۰=β) هم غیرمستقیم و با میانجیگری امید (۰۵/۰>P و ۳۳۹/۰=β) بر رضایت از زندگی تأثیر داشت و امید نیز به‌صورت مستقیم (۰۱/۰>P و ۵۲۲/۰=β) بر رضایت از زندگی تأثیر مثبت داشت. نتیجه‌گیری: متصدیان نظام آموزشی جهت افزایش رضایت از زندگی معلمان به نقش سبک زندگی و امید در برنامه‌ریزی‌ها توجه کنند؛ همچنین می‌توان از طریق مداخلات آموزشی و درمانی در مدارس برای تحقق این مسئله اقدام نمود

    The Effect of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on the Security and Mental health of Veterans' Wives

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    INTRODUCTION ... [1]. It is the responsibility of the wives to cope with the physical and mental problems of the veteran, especially when the injury is high or the veteran is suffering from post-trauma stress disorder [2]. Therefore, the wives of veterans in terms of mental health can be considered an at-risk group in society [3]. ... [4-7]. The challenges of this group, especially psychosocial security as a component affecting the lives of these people, are problematic and one of the issues to be considered important [8]. ... [9, 10]. Based on the growing trend of various psychological and social disorders among women, the role of preventive and therapeutic psychological interventions is of particular importance. One of the approaches that has been noticed by psychologists in recent years is acceptance and commitment therapy [11]. Du et al. have shown that acceptance and commitment therapy in women reduces their negative feelings and, consequently, improves their level of psychosocial and emotional adjustment and security [13]. The results of Mahmoudi et al.'s study indicate a steady upward trend in the scores of the Hope and Belief in a Fair World Scale for patients with breast cancer, which indicates the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy in increasing these variables [14]. Howells, Ivtzan, and Eiroa-Orosa have also reported in a study that acceptance and commitment therapy affects women's social desirability and improves their positive aspects of health [15]. Aslani and Azadeh have concluded in another study that acceptance and commitment therapy has an effect on social well-being and security and improves psychological security and well-being in women [16]. Shojaeian also reported in a study that commitment and acceptance therapy is effective on women's life expectancy and mental health. In fact, by using acceptance and commitment therapy the level of life expectancy and mental health of women improves [17, 18]. AIM(S) This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychosocial security and mental health of veterans' wives. RESEARCH TYPE The present study is a quasi-experimental study using a pretest-posttest design with a control group. RESEARCH SOCIETY, PLACE &TIME The statistical population of this study was the wives of veterans admitted to Niayesh Hospital in Tehran, Iran in 2021 from which 30 women were selected by available sampling and were examined. SAMPLING METHOD & NUMBER The researcher called 64 people from the available samples by telephone and finally, 30 people were randomly divided into two groups of experimental (15 people) and control (15 people). Inclusion criteria included: physical and mental health of individuals and exclusion criteria, a complete dissatisfaction with participation in sessions, and absence of more than two training sessions. USED DEVICES & MATERIALS Mental health questionnaire (reliability 0.91) [19, 20] and psychosocial security questionnaire (reliability 0.89) [21] were used to collect data. In the mental health questionnaire, if a person gets a score of 6 and a total score of 22 or higher in each subscale, it indicates symptoms and a lower score indicates higher mental health [19]. METHODS After the training package of acceptance and commitment therapy was developed based on the experts’ opinions, its validation was performed and it was intensively implemented in a pilot group of five volunteers. After selecting the final groups of the study, the participants of the two groups participated in a briefing session. Then the pre-test was held for both experimental and control groups on the same day and they filled the questionnaires. Then, the training package for the experimental group for 8 sessions per week was implemented by the first author of the article, who was responsible for performing psychological therapies in Niayesh Hospital (Table 1). During the training period, the participants in the control group did not receive any training. After completing the training course and after two months, a follow-up was performed. ETHICAL PERMISSION The ethical permissions of the present study were fully observed; participants could leave the research at any time and all their confidential information was stored in the questionnaire without exploitation. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS In the inferential statistics section, the analysis of covariance using SPSS 25 software was used to analyze the research data. FINDING BY TEXT Demographic data of the statistical sample showed that the age range of veterans' wives was between 23 to 54 years and their mean age was 48.5±4.61 years. The level of education of 50% of the samples was under high school diploma, 20% high school diploma, 25% an associate degree, and 5% higher than a bachelor. The results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test showed that the data were normal. In the pre-test stage, the mean scores of mental health and psychosocial security in the control and experimental groups were almost equal, but the results in the post-test showed that the mean scores of psychosocial security in the experimental group were higher than the control group (Table 2). Based on the Leven test and lack of significance for mental health and security variables, the condition of equality of intergroup variances was observed and the groups were homogeneous (Table 3). The value of F of the interaction of independent and covariant variables in the psychosocial security variable was also 3.04, which was not significant and it can be said that the correlation between covariant and independent variables was observed (Table 4). Therefore, an analysis of covariance was used. According to the obtained figures, after adjusting the pre-test scores, there was a significant effect on the factor between the subjects (F=6.42; p=0.01) and the mean scores of the experimental group increased significantly (Table 5). Also, the value of F was the interaction of independent and covariant in the mental health variable 2.76, which was not significant and it can be said that the correlation between variable and independent was observed (Table 6). According to the results obtained after adjusting the pre-test scores, there was a significant effect on the factor between the subjects (F=4.75; p=0.03) and the mean scores of the experimental group decreased significantly (Table 7). MAIN COMPARISION TO THE SIMILAR STUDIES The results showed that acceptance and commitment therapy had an effect on the psychological security of veterans' wives and increased women's psychosocial security. This finding is consistent with the results of Junkin as well as Mohammadi, Borjali, and Sohrabi studies [11, 12]. In explaining the obtained results, it can be said that acceptance and commitment therapy allows people to change their relationships with internal experiences, reduce empirical avoidance and increase acceptance flexibility and increase action in valuable ways in the first stage. Emphasis is also placed on strengthening a non-judgmental and enthusiastic relationship with experiences. Lack of judgment and flexibility can help increase psychological security. ... [22]. Howells, Ivtzan, and Eiroa-Orosa have also reported in a study entitled "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Happiness in Women" that acceptance and commitment therapy has an effect on women's happiness and social well-being and improves their positive health aspects [15]. By explaining the findings, it can be said that in acceptance and commitment therapy, the main emphasis is on accepting reality, accepting responsibility and the present. Therefore, the counselor helps the clients to evaluate their behavior and see if this behavior is practical and useful for them or not, and to set a realistic plan for better behaviors. Therefore, to achieve their goals, they must be committed to that plan. In other words, the goal of acceptance and commitment therapy is to reduce empirical avoidance and increase psychological flexibility by accepting unavoidable and distressing unpleasant feelings such as anxiety, cultivating mindfulness, and defining personal values related to behavioral goals. ... [23]. Also, the results of the research of Hartley and Shojaeian [6, 17] are consistent with the present study. ... [24]. SUGGESTIONS It is suggested that responsible institutions provide conditions for free psychological interventions, including acceptance and commitment therapy, along with appropriate economic, educational, and cultural support, for these families so that women have a positive evaluation of their social status. It is suggested to the practitioners that in real treatment sessions, regardless of the theoretical perspective or the style of counseling and treatment adopted, a plan to increase acceptance as well as a life based on the value of clients be considered to optimize the treatment of this disorder. LIMITATIONS The generalization of results requires caution due to cultural, ethnic, and social differences. Another limitation of the present study was the use of self-report scales. Coincidence of conducting research with the corona virus (Covid-19) epidemic was another limitation that made it difficult to collect data. CONCLUSIONS Psychological security and mental health are among the variables related to the health of veterans' wives and they can predict it. CLINICAL & PRACTICAL TIPS IN POLICE MEDICINE According to the results of the present study on the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapies in increasing psychological security and mental health, such interventions can be used in counseling and treatment centers of police headquarters. It is also possible to hold similar classes for wives and their family members in these centers to increase their awareness and skills, using the results of studies conducted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This article is taken from a research paper. We would like to thank all the participants in the research and all who helped us in this research. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors hereby declare that there is no conflict of interest in the present study. FUNDING SOURCES The present study had no financial support

    RIG-1 expression is associated with sexual malfunctions of female type 2 diabetic patients

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    Introduction: The patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) suffer from the malfunctions of the sexual behaviors, and several mechanisms have been proposed to describe these disorders. The innate immunity may be involved in the malfunctions of T2D patients. Melanoma differentiation-associated protein 5 (MDA5) and retinoic acid (RA)-inducible gene 1 (RIG-1), as the innate immunity receptors, are the responsible molecules for the activation of some intracellular signaling pathways and the induction of inflammation. Thus, this study aimed to examine the molecules which may participate in the induction/stimulation of sexual malfunctions in the female T2D patients. Methods: Sexual functions were evaluated in 41 female T2D patients using the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to quantify MDA5 and RIG-1 mRNA levels. Results: Results showed that increased RIG-1 mRNA levels were significantly associated with the bad orgasm in the female T2D patients compared to the female patients with good orgasm. Expression of RIG-1 and MDA5 levels were not associated with other sexual functions’ criteria. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrated that bad orgasm is associated with the increased RIG-1 expression. Consequently, the correlation between inflammation and bad orgasm in a RIG-1 dependent manner is suggested

    The effectiveness of transdiagnostic cognitive behavioral therapy for comorbid insomnia: a case report

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    Objective: Similar cognitive and behavioral factors underlie and perpetuate insomnia and emotional disorders. This brief case report aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Unified Protocol (UP), a transdiagnostic treatment designed to target emotional disorders in treating comorbid insomnia. Method: The patient was a 32-year-old male, who met the DSM-IV-TR criteria for chronic insomnia, major depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. After 3 baseline weeks, the patient underwent 14 sessions of UP and was retested after a 1-month follow-up. Consensus Sleep Diary (CSD), Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) were completed during baseline, treatment, and follow-up. Results: The treatment led to improvements in sleep onset latency, time awake after sleep onset, terminal awakenings, sleep quality, and insomnia severity. These gains were maintained at 1-month follow-up. Conclusion: UP is effective in improving different symptoms of chronic insomnia. Controlled clinical studies with more cases are required to investigate the effects of UP in the treatment of insomnia

    Reliability, validity, and factorial structure of the World Health Organization-5 Well-Being Index (WHO-5) in Iranian psychiatric outpatients

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    Abstract Introduction: The association between psychological well-being and physical and mental health has been shown in the literature. Psychological well-being is a multifaceted concept. The World Health Organization-5 Well-Being Index (WHO-5) is a 5-item instrument used to screen for depression. However, the validity of the WHO-5 has not been investigated in Iranian psychiatric or psychological settings. Objective: To investigate the validation of the Farsi version of the WHO-5 in a sample of Iranian psychiatric outpatients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a convenience sample of 116 Iranian volunteer psychiatric outpatients selected from the psychiatric and psychological clinics at the School of Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health - Tehran Institute of Psychiatry, Iran University of Medical Sciences. Patients completed the WHO-5, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), the Patient Health Questionnaire-15 (PHQ-15), and the short form of the Beck Depression Inventory-13 (BDI-13). Results: The mean score of the WHO-5 was 8.95 (standard deviation [SD] = 5.49). Cronbach's α for the WHO-5 was 0.91. The WHO-5 negatively correlated with PHQ-9 (-0.358), PHQ-15 (-0.328), and BDI-13 (-0.475), indicating good validity. Factor analysis of the WHO-5 items identified one factor labeled psychological well-being. Conclusions: The WHO-5 has a single dimensional structure and acceptable psychometric parameters. The results of this study suggest that WHO-5 can be used in a clinical context in Iran