179 research outputs found

    Identifying Common Elements of Evidence – Based Psychological Treatments for Females with Extramarital Experience

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    Introduction: The therapeutic consequences of extramarital relationships is a difficult issue amongtherapists, so majority of clinicians are faced with several challenges. Although, they are not able toconceptualize and modify these issues with a suitable and recognized approach, the purpose of thisstudy was to identify common elements of psychological evidence-based therapies in order todevelop multi-dimensional intervention for females involved in extramarital relationships.Method: This study was conducted in two phases. The first phase was a qualitative content analysisto identify factors influencing the extramarital relations in three steps. The second phase aimed todesign and develop multi-dimensional treatments using common elements identified in the firststudy. This procedure conducted according to Garland et al., method.Result: Sixty-four effective factors identified in four categories: individual’s personality, familyeducational, cultural-social and religious-beliefs. In the second phase , 13 effective therapeuticapproaches in the treatment of extramarital relationships were selected. Finally, 10 commontherapeutic elements were developed to design a protocol for extramarital relationships involvedfemales.Conclusion: This treatment emphasized on helping women with the experience of extramaritalrelationship who want to save their marital commitment and family.Declaration of Interest: Non

    Prioritizing Public- Private Partnership Models for Public Hospitals of Iran Based on Performance Indicators

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    Background: The present study was conducted to scrutinize Public- Private Partnership (PPP) models in public hospitals of different countries based on performance indicators in order to se-lect appropriated models for Iran hospitals.Methods: In this mixed (quantitative-qualitative) study, systematic review and expert panel hasbeen done to identify varied models of PPP as well as performance indicators. In the second stepwe prioritized performance indicator and PPP models based on selected performance indicatorsby Analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) technique. The data were analyzed by Excel 2007 andExpert Choice11 software’s.Results: In quality – effectiveness area, indicators like the rate of hospital infections(100%), hospital accidents prevalence rate (73%), pure rate of hospital mortality (63%), patientsatisfaction percentage (53%), in accessibility equity area indicators such as average inpatientwaiting time (100%) and average outpatient waiting time (74%), and in financial – efficiency area,indicators including average length of stay (100%), bed occupation ratio (99%), specific incometo total cost ratio (97%) have been chosen to be the most key performance indicators. In the prioritizationof the PPP models clinical outsourcing, management, privatization, BOO (build, own,operate) and non-clinical outsourcing models, achieved high priority for various performance indicatorareas.Conclusion: This study had been provided the most common PPP options in the field of public hospitals and had gathered suitable evidences from experts for choosing appropriate PPP option for public hospitals. Effect of private sector presence in public hospital performance, based on which PPP options undertaken, will be different

    Insulin Can Improve the Normal Function of the Brain by Preventing the Loss of the Neurons

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    Background: Insulin promotes the expression of genes related to brain function, thus preventing the neurodegeneration process. The present study was designed to find the neuroprotective effect of insulin by reducing neuron loss in the brain. Materials and Methods: In this study, 20 adult male NMRI mice were divided into two groups: control and insulin. The control group was intact, and the insulin group received 100 µL of insulin at a 72-hour interval by intraperitoneal (I.P.) injection for 30 days. At the end of the study, the brain was removed. The volume of the brain and the total number of neurons and glia were estimated by stereological techniques, and also the gene expression of NSR, PI3K, AKT, IGF-1, and FOXO-1 was measured using real-time PCR. Results: The results showed that the total number of neurons decreased in the control group compared to the experimental group. Furthermore, the expression of NSR, PI3K, AKT, IGF-1, and FOXO-1 genes was lower in the control group than in the insulin group. Conclusion: The results showed that treating mice with insulin prevented reducing the number of neurons and gene expression related to normal brain function. So, insulin could have neuroprotective effects against neuron loss. Insulin may be beneficial as a new approach to avoiding neuron loss in regenerative medicine

    Psychometric characteristics of the rowland universal dementia assessment scale amongst Iranian elderly

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    Introduction: The aim of the Global Dementia Scale factor structure Roland (Rudas) was conducted in patients with dementia. Methods: This descriptive correlation study was conducted. Population of all nursing home patients with dementia Tehran Bazaar was formed in 1390., In this study, 78 patients from the Kahrizak nursing home patients with dementia sampling method Selected Data on the Global Assessment of Dementia Roland (Rudas) was completed by the investigator to interview the patient. Research data analysis using descriptive statistics, sampling adequacy and Bartlett's test of sphericity Spearman correlation test (KMO) and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted. Results: The findings indicate sampling adequacy and Bartlett's test of sphericity good value (KMO) that the 76/0 is 149.292. Well as special values of 2.952 and 59.044% of the variance, respectively, were reported. Conclusion: The results showed that a single factor is the scale of the construction of the scale of this issue shows a high correlation between items. Diagram Askryt is also confirmed

    Neuroticism and Frontal EEG Asymmetry Correlated With Dynamic Facial Emotional Processing in Adolescents

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the link between resting frontal EEG asymmetry, neuroticism and the valence of emotional face processing in adolescents. Fifty right-handed adolescents (50% male; mean age = 14.20, SD = 1.97) were selected from schools in Mashhad. In order to investigate variables, we used BFQ-C, ADFES-BIV, and EEG. All data were analyzed using SPSS 22. The results showed that neuroticism correlates with the valences of fear, disgust, sadness, and surprise, but not with happiness, anger, and neutral faces. Furthermore, it was found that N was significantly positively correlated with mid-frontal asymmetry (F3–F4), and the lateral-frontal (F7–F8), whereas no correlation was found between N and frontal pole (Fp1–Fp2). We found significant negative correlations between the valence of fear, Fp1–Fp2, F3–F4, and F7–F8. The interaction findings revealed that neuroticism∗mid-frontal asymmetry can significantly affect the valence of fear. Therefore, neuroticism and mid-frontal EEG asymmetry may serve as a risk indicator for psychopathology

    Attitudes of Patients and Their Families Towards Medical Privacy and Competence of Bearer or Receiver of Bad News

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    Background: Based on the patients’ and relatives’ views on the level of preservation of privacy rights of individuals, we propose a way to reduce problems and disagreements about the competence of the provider and recipient of bad news.Methods: In the current cross-sectional study, the participants were recruited from the main northwest hospital of Iran. It was also conducted to study the scope of medical privacy and competence of bearers or receivers of bad news. After the literature review, two questionnaires were designed and administered. They contained items pertinent to the scope of medical privacy and competence of bearers and receivers of bad news. Each item of the original questionnaire was scored on a 5-point Likert scale.Results: The model quality and significance level were obtained using KMO and Bartlett tests. The results (patient’s attitudes questionnaire: KMO=0729 and P<0.05 in the Bartlett test; family attitudes questionnaire: KMO=0.764 and P<0.05 in the Bartlett test) confirmed the model efficiency. According to the results from factor variance and their cumulative rate, the predictive power of the model was obtained as 62.019%, based on the overall factor variance rate. The majority of patients wanted to be informed about their disease conditions. They also considered bad news to be medical privacy and disagreed that their medical information should be opened up with others without permission.Conclusion: To preserve medical privacy, it is recommended that a system be designed that allows patients at the admission to the medical center to enlist their eligible family members to whom medical information can be delivered

    Job Satisfaction Differences between Primary Health Care and Treatment Sectors: An Experience from Iran

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    Background: The aim of this study was to compare the levels of job satis¬faction and its predictors among primary health care and treatment sectors' staff in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran.Methods: This comparative study was conducted in East Azerbaijan Province, Iran in 2011. A questionnaire survey was performed on 420 staff from health care and treatment sectors using multi-stage proportional cluster sampling method. Job satisfaction was measured in five aspects namely: structural and managerial; individual; social; work-itself; environ¬mental and welfare job satisfaction factors. The job satisfaction measure¬ment score was normalized to fall into a range of zero to 100. Statistical analyses were performed using Friedman and independent sample t-tests.Results: Overall satisfaction in health and treatment sectors was moderate with a mean score above 50. Hospital General Practitioners reported sig¬nifi¬cantly higher job satisfaction score (mean ± SD=57.34 ± 17.02) com¬pared to health care center General Practitioners (mean ± SD= 31.74±14.99). The highest satisfaction scores belonged to individual factors both in health care sector staff (64.83±18.50) and treatment sector staff (63.55±17.44). The lowest job satisfaction was observed with environmental and welfare factors (38.47±19.86 and 36.83±19.86, respectively).Conclusion: The job satisfaction significantly differs between primary health care and treatment sectors. Based on the results, environmental and welfare factors may be targeted to improve the job satisfaction in public health care system

    Prealbumin/CRP Based Prognostic Score, a New Tool for Predicting Metastasis in Patients with Inoperable Gastric Cancer

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    Background. There is a considerable dissimilarity in the survival duration of the patients with gastric cancer. We aimed to assess the systemic inflammatory response (SIR) and nutritional status of these patients before the commencement of chemotherapy to find the appropriate prognostic factors and define a new score for predicting metastasis. Methods. SIR was assessed using Glasgow Prognostic Score (GPS). Then a score was defined as prealbumin/CRP based prognostic score (PCPS) to be compared with GPS for predicting metastasis and nutritional status. Results. 71 patients with gastric cancer were recruited in the study. 87% of patients had malnutrition. There was a statistical difference between those with metastatic (n=43) and those with nonmetastatic (n=28) gastric cancer according to levels of prealbumin and CRP; however they were not different regarding patient generated subjective global assessment (PG-SGA) and GPS. The best cut-off value for prealbumin was determined at 0.20 mg/dL and PCPS could predict metastasis with 76.5% sensitivity, 63.6% specificity, and 71.4% accuracy. Metastatic and nonmetastatic gastric cancer patients were different in terms of PCPS (P=0.005). Conclusion. PCPS has been suggested for predicting metastasis in patients with gastric cancer. Future studies with larger sample size have been warranted
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