37 research outputs found

    The Influence of Managerial Style and Implementation of Computer-Based Accounting Information System (CBAIS) on Managerial Performance of Indonesian Sugar Industries

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    The purpose of this study was to find solutions for problems related to managerial style, implementation of computer-based accounting information system (CBAIS) on managerial performance of indonesian sugar industries. This research was conducted through deductive analysis supported the phenomenon then sought evidence through empirical facts, especially about the influence of managerial style, implementation of computer-based accounting information system (CBAIS) on managerial performance of indonesian sugar industries. This research is descriptive (expalanory research) that explain the causal relationship between certain variables through hypothesis testing. The managerial style of  use management accounting information on Indonesian sugar industries is categorized tend to be interactive, which reflects the managers use accounting information management tend to involve  regularly and personally the staff and subordinates in decision making activities. The application of computer-based AIS on Indonesian sugar industries is categorized moderate that indicates conditions are not classified as poor or not is also quite good. The results showed that managerial style and implementation of computer-based accounting information system (CBAIS) have a significant effect on managerial performance of indonesian sugar industries. Keywords : Managerial Style, Implementation, Computer Based Accounting Information System (CBAIS), Managerial Performance, Indonesian Sugar Industries

    Improving Infinity Haircut Financial Performance using Financial Statements Projection

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    Abstract. Financial performance of a company indicates the health condition of its organization, it is possible to be able to know current financial performance of a company by analyzing using various kinds of calculation. The main objective in this research is to project financial statement of a company based on its financial performance which would be assessed using financial ratio and common-sized analysis. By using time-series analysis to compare historical data of Infinity Haircut financial statement, it enables researcher to fine the root problem and propose improvements for Infinity Haircut. From the analysis, it was discovered that the profitability ratios in Infinity Haircut indicates a low financial performance. The cause of this problem is low value of profitability ratios that were caused by the low amount of total sales. The result of this analysis creates a projection which can be used as a target for Infinity Haircut in the future to have better financial performance.Keywords: Financial Performance, Financial Ratio, Financial Statement Projection


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    As a country with the highest Muslim population in the world, Islamic banking system becomes an important element in Indonesia. However, the performance of Islamic finance has not been able to keep up with conventional financial growth. Actually, Islamic banks in Indonesia have quiet low profitability level. The profitability level can be seen from its return on assets (ROA). Islamic banks return on assets (ROA) is lower than small conventional banks. It was caused by high cost of financing and low third party funds growth of Islamic banking. Therefore, this study is aimed to examine the effect of Sharia funding and financing products toward profitability level of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. A quantitative approach is used by collecting the data from monthly financial statements of all Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia for the period of June 2014 until April 2019. The independent variables used for this analysis consist of Sharia funding which included Mudaraba demand and saving deposit, and also Sharia financing which included Mudaraba financing, Musharaka financing, and Qard financing, while net profit after tax becomes dependent variable which represents the profitability of Islamic commercial banks itself. A multiple linear approach was used to examine the hypotheses with fulfilling five classical assumptions. From this research, it could be found that Mudaraba saving deposit, Musharaka financing and Qard financing has a positive and significant effect on net profit of Islamic commercial banks. Meanwhile Mudaraba demand deposit and Mudaraba financing has did not have any significant relationship towards net profit of Islamic commercial banks. Another finding showed that Mudaraba saving deposit and Musharaka financing becomes the most significant influence on profitability of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. Keywords: 1 Islamic banks· 2  Sharia funding · 3 Sharia financing · 4 Net profit

    Feasibility Study Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel Cooperate with PT Grahawita Santika

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    Abstract.Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel is one of the hotels in Lubuklinggau who participate actively welcome the tourists who come to Lubuklinggau.Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel located at Jl. Yos Sudarso No 28 Lubuklinggau, South Sumatera, Indonesia. The hotel established since 1997. Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel is a hotel with the nuances of Islamic, elegant minimalist decor blends with local culture. The hotel has 48 rooms with facilities such as restaurant, cafe, swimming pool, children play ground, outdoor garden party, ballroom, ATM Center, and meeting room. There are a couple of things and the perceived problems that need to be repaired. Some of the problems being experienced are owner does not have experience in the hospitality sector, cause the hotel is not well controlled, the financial statements hotel is not recorded properly while already using the system / software, the marketing activity is not running, and the human resources are difficult to find in South Sumatra.Lubuklinggau have an interesting developments, competitors can lead to decreased number of occupancy of Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel. Because of it, the owners had approached and meetings with some of the operators of the hotel management, which are Starwoods Hotels, Swiss-Belhotel, Accor, Tauzia, Santika, and Dafam. The results of the meeting with the hotel management operator and conclusions given by the hotel owners indicate a match with PT Grahawita Santika (GWS). All problem identification in this paper will be solved using economical feasibility study.A business feasibility study can be defined as a controlled process for identifying problems and opportunities, determining objectives, describing situations, defining successful outcomes, and assesing the range of costs and benefits associated with several alternatives for solving a problem. This study is used to support the decision-making process based on a cost benefit analysis of the actual business or project viability.It should help the company to find out does this invesment is the correct decision to do. The author will take the approach of the financial feasibility of using several methods such as NPV and IRR calculation, assisted by a brief explanation of market feasibility and legal feasibility The theoritical framework of this final assignment is based on various source which are text books, internet data and secondary data that collected from the company. Those source are used to find some supportive theories, information, and data to accomplish this final project.Formula that could be supportive for this final project are Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), and other formulas that related to financial feasibility.After analyzing the initial investment, income statement, statement of cash flow of the project, Author finally meet the conclusion that the project is not feasible to do. The project stated not feasible because the Net Present Value of the project is negative, Payback Period occur in the 9th year, and the Internal Rate of Return are lower than the discount rate which is Weighted Average Cost of Capital. If the owners still have the desire to run the project, there are some things that need to be calculated.Keywords : Financial, Hotel, Investment, Tourism, Lubuklinggau, Indonesia, Feasibilit

    Analysis to Make Managerial Decision to Preserve or To Cut Off One of Core Business (Study Case of PT Pos Indonesia)

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    Core businesses are those that are central to the main operations of a business organization, where the core earnings of the company are derived from. A core business product or service is strategic in nature and focused on the improvement of customer value. It is also deemed as the “profit center” (Anastasia, 2016). A study argues that company needs to focus on their core business to create sustained growth and profitability (Bain & Company, 2001). Every company has a core business which becomes a main activity from the company. To increase its profitability, company usually has supporting businesses that will help to increase its profitability.PT Pos Indonesia is a state owned company (Badan Usaha Milik Negara / BUMN) that runs in courier service. It has four segment businesses, they are retail and property, financial services, logistics, and mail and parcel postals. From those businesses, PT Pos Indonesia has core business that is mail and parcel postal. This makes business segment of mail and parcel postal should become center profit of PT Pos Indonesia. As a matter of fact, from the year of 2013 to 2017, the core business segment got loss. According to Posindo financial report, its core businesses do not always give net income. One of core businesses named parceld postal which had loss income for four times during the year of 2013-2017. Seen from business side, a company should cut off business segments which give negative contribution to company. However, in the reality, Posindo doesn’t cut off parcel postal business due to some reasons. Therefore, author conducts the case study to recommend various alternatives to make decision whether Posindo should cut off one of core businesses or not.

    Feasibility Study Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel Cooperate with PT Grahawita Santika

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    Abstract.Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel is one of the hotels in Lubuklinggau who participate actively welcome the tourists who come to Lubuklinggau.Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel located at Jl. Yos Sudarso No 28 Lubuklinggau, South Sumatera, Indonesia. The hotel established since 1997. Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel is a hotel with the nuances of Islamic, elegant minimalist decor blends with local culture. The hotel has 48 rooms with facilities such as restaurant, cafe, swimming pool, children play ground, outdoor garden party, ballroom, ATM Center, and meeting room. There are a couple of things and the perceived problems that need to be repaired. Some of the problems being experienced are owner does not have experience in the hospitality sector, cause the hotel is not well controlled, the financial statements hotel is not recorded properly while already using the system / software, the marketing activity is not running, and the human resources are difficult to find in South Sumatra.Lubuklinggau have an interesting developments, competitors can lead to decreased number of occupancy of Hakmaz Taba Syariah Hotel. Because of it, the owners had approached and meetings with some of the operators of the hotel management, which are Starwoods Hotels, Swiss-Belhotel, Accor, Tauzia, Santika, and Dafam. The results of the meeting with the hotel management operator and conclusions given by the hotel owners indicate a match with PT Grahawita Santika (GWS). All problem identification in this paper will be solved using economical feasibility study.A business feasibility study can be defined as a controlled process for identifying problems and opportunities, determining objectives, describing situations, defining successful outcomes, and assesing the range of costs and benefits associated with several alternatives for solving a problem. This study is used to support the decision-making process based on a cost benefit analysis of the actual business or project viability.It should help the company to find out does this invesment is the correct decision to do. The author will take the approach of the financial feasibility of using several methods such as NPV and IRR calculation, assisted by a brief explanation of market feasibility and legal feasibility The theoritical framework of this final assignment is based on various source which are text books, internet data and secondary data that collected from the company. Those source are used to find some supportive theories, information, and data to accomplish this final project.Formula that could be supportive for this final project are Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC), and other formulas that related to financial feasibility.After analyzing the initial investment, income statement, statement of cash flow of the project, Author finally meet the conclusion that the project is not feasible to do. The project stated not feasible because the Net Present Value of the project is negative, Payback Period occur in the 9th year, and the Internal Rate of Return are lower than the discount rate which is Weighted Average Cost of Capital. If the owners still have the desire to run the project, there are some things that need to be calculated.Keywords : Financial, Hotel, Investment, Tourism, Lubuklinggau, Indonesia, Feasibilit


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    A country can be considered developing if the total number of entrepreneurs reaches 4% of the total population. Up until now, total number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia only reaches 3.31% of the total population and more than 99% of them are Micro, Small, and Medium enterprises while the rests are big corporations. SMEs give a significant contribution to the country’s economies. They contributed 58.65% to the national gross domestic product and fashion industry is awarded as the second largest contribution to the national GDP. They contribute up to 166,135.30 million rupiah to the national gross domestic product. However, starting a new business is a difficult process, especially when it comes to financing constraints. Most SMEs have limited sources to run and scaling their business. This circumstance occurs because entrepreneurs do not really know what to be concerned in deciding the financing source for their business, while financial planning and management are the important things of survival for SMEs. Other than that, most entrepreneurs did less exploration about various financing sources. This research purposes is to examine the factors of that influence SMEs’ intention to used internal or external financing source. This research also provides short explanation about various types of financing sources. There are two options for the financing sources in this research, either from internal or external. This research used quantitative approach by spreading a questionnaire to SMEs that run in fashion industry and domiciled in Jakarta and Bandung. Collected data was analyse using Ordinal Logistic Regression. From 192 respondents, the result of this research is that there are several factors that influence entrepreneurs’ intention in deciding their financing source to run their business. Access to financing is significantly affects SMEs in deciding to use internal financing source, while gender is the only one that significantly influence SMEs in deciding to use external financing source. In conclusion, access to financing and gender are two significant factors that influence SMEs in making financing source decision.  Keywords: 1 SMEs · 2 Financial literacy · 3 Financial behaviour · 4 Access to financing · 5 Financing source decisio