6 research outputs found

    Development and Challenges of Sports Tourism in Pakistan

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    Tourism is one of the most rapidly growing industries in the world, which accounts for 10% of the global GDP. It is an important mean of income generation, job creation, poverty reduction, foreign exchange earnings and promotion of cross-culturing understanding. It comprises several types of activities including transportation, communication, hospitality, catering, entertainment and advertisement. The aim of this research is to analyse development and challenges faced by sports tourism in Pakistan. Literature is reviewed for this purpose. Data has also been collected from 60 respondents and simple random sampling technique is used for analysis. Closed ended questions were asked from all the respondents. Data analysis tools used for research are mean, mode, median, graphs and percentages. The strength analysis shows the results of research study which concludes that the mean, mode and median tool overall result are above 70% which proves that more development in sports tourism enhances its growth. Good governance has positive impact on sports tourism and more safety and security provided by government may enhance the growth in sports tourism and more tourists will come which encourage the growth of sports tourism industry. This study is of great importance to both academia and practitioners in the tourism Industry of Pakistan as less work has already been done in this field. Keywords: sports tourism, income generation, cross-culturin

    The influence of information and communication technology on trade in developing countries and partners

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    The widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) is evidenced by various devices, systems, and applications that enable organizations and individuals to interact with one another and the digital world. In this study, a comparative analysis framework was employed to evaluate different panel data techniques for the period 1990–2020. The aim is to ensure the robustness of the results and effectively assess ICT modeling in an economic context. The panel techniques found to be relevant and utilized in this study include pooled ordinary least squares (OLS), the fixed effects model (FEM), the random effects model (REM), two-stage least squares (2SLS), fully modified ordinary least squares (FMOLS), dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS), and robust least squares (ROBUSTLS). The sample comprises 12 trading partners in Pakistan, including both developed and developing economies. The results were consistent and robust across all the techniques employed. Based on these findings, various policy implications can be derived, such as the need for Pakistan to form strategic partnerships with both developed and developing nations to increase the trade component of ICT for rapid growth, because enhancing the ICT-based domestic industry will provide more employment and production opportunities

    SPARC 2019 Fake news & home truths : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2019 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also our first ever Doctoral School Best Supervisor awards, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 90 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant, innovative and collaborative PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the inspiring, relevant and impactful research in progress, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. Find an abstract that interests you, and say “Hello” to the author. Who knows what might result from your conversation? With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to take up this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas from your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research needs interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised and rewarded by all major research funders. Engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers. Even better, our free ice cream van means that you can have those conversations while enjoying a refreshing ice lolly

    Book review: Effective Management Control; Theory and practice by Flamholtz & Eric G.

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    Effective Management Control sheds light on relatively misunderstood and neglected aspect of organizational effectiveness. It critically analyzes the process of controlling people’s behaviour in any organization. The issue of the design of an optimal control system and organizational control is considered to be significant for an organization’s long-term effectiveness

    Executive compensation: A justified reward or a mis-fortune, an empirical analysis of banks in Pakistan

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    The relationship between compensation, performance, and risk in a sample of Pakistani banks, using panel data for 20 banks from 2011 to 2021 has been examined in this research. To the best of researcher's knowledge, this is one of the first study examining the relationship between performance, risk and employee compensation using panel data approach in the context of Pakistan and using data for longer period. To examine the influence of employee compensation on the performance and risk of banks, we employed three performance measures: return on assets, return on equity, and operating profits. Risk assessment was conducted using non-performing loans and risk-weighted assets. Findings of study suggest that employee compensation has no significant impact on performance and risk of banks in Pakistan; this means in Pakistan higher employee's compensation does not enable banks to improve their performance or enable banks to take more risk

    The Islamic effect: Exploring the dynamics of Islamic events on sustainable performance of Islamic and conventional stock markets

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    This study attempts to investigate the effects of Islamic events on both Islamic and conventional stock markets and analyze which market reacts more pronouncedly to these events. From 2012 to 2022, the research used daily stock return data from eight nations: Kuwait, India, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The study examines how Islamic holidays such as Ashura, Eid Meelad ul Nabi, Eid ul Azha, and Ramadan affect both Islamic and Western stock markets. The researchers use the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) model to analyze the data. The results of this analysis show that Islamic events in India, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Qatar have a strong and favorable link with Islamic stock returns. However, it was discovered that there is a little correlation between Islamic events and Islamic stock returns in the remaining three nations. The study also reveals a strong and favorable correlation between Islamic events and conventional stock performance in all countries. By offering a comparative analysis of the effect of Islamic events on Islamic stock markets and mainstream stock markets, these findings add to the body of current material. Every religion has its own set of rituals that its adherents observe, and these rituals frequently have an impact on different economic and non-economic activities. This study sheds light on the precise connection between these events and stock market performance by examining the impact of Islamic occasions on both Islamic and conventional stock markets