9 research outputs found


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    The most types of economic activities affect environment. That’s why, the effects of this connection have amplified in the last years and became a question of major public concern. As a target for the European Union, sustainable development enshrined in its treaties since 1997 but the first strategy was adopted in 2001, revised in 2006 and the last in 2009. Since 2001, the strategy set out measures on how to face the challenges of sustainable development and reaffirming the main aim of a permanent improvement in the life and health of peoples while prosperity, environmental protection and social cohesion are ensuring. Therefore, the Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) has been set up at the EU level as a management tool that allows the voluntary participation of organizations carrying out activities with an impact on the environment, in order to further improve environmental performance. This paper presents the role and benefits of conducting environmental auditing in organizations as part of this management system, but also the influence of this community management scheme on the EU policies on sustainable development

    Updating and Developing the Normative Framework for Strengthening the Internal Public Audit Function in State Institutions and Companies

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    In Romania, nearly 14,000 institutions and various state entities are subject to internal public audit. Among these, about 90% belong to local public administration. A recent report by the Romanian Ministry of Finance categorizes the auditable entities as follows: 21 ministries; 1,456 units subordinate to the ministries; 45 autonomous administrative authorities (including those with special reporting formats); 173 units subordinate to autonomous administrative authorities; 982 local administrative units and 5,713 entities subordinate to local administrative units. The legislation required internal public audit departments to carry out specific missions on the entity's activities at least once every three years; subsequently, a new amendment extends this period to four years. Our approach focuses not only on the findings of the internal public audit structures within the institutions and state-owned companies in Romania, reported on established objectives, but also on some legislative changes reflecting the updating and development of the regulatory framework to strengthen the internal public audit function

    Orientation of Public Audit Missions to the IT Activity Carried Out within the State Authorities/Entities

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    The exercise of public audit in Romania is the responsibility of the Supreme Audit Institution (the Court of Accounts, which exercises external public audit) and the special internal audit structures found in central and local public authorities/entities. With the present paper we bring to the reader's attention some aspects derived from the orientation of the public audit activity on the IT-related activity carried out by these authorities/entities. The authors refer to the information from the activity reports of the internal audit structures at the level of central and local public authorities/entities, submitted to the Supreme Audit Institution, as well as to some of its own findings, resulting from the assessment of the managerial internal control systems (including internal audit) carried out in the framework of the audit actions carried out at public authorities/entities

    Pharma Sector under the Influence of the Parafiscal Mechanism: Clawback Tax

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    The authors of this paper address the issue of the „Clawback Tax” in the context of the desire to ensure an efficient and sustainable public health care system, but without affecting the legitimate interests of the Romanian Pharma Sector. Knowing what is meant by taxation and parafiscality, the penetration of the Clawback Tax substrata certainly requires a double approach: a legal one and an economic one (fiscal- budgetary). We consider the circumstances that led to the introduction of the Clawback Tax, the effects generated along the way and any changes that may be necessary, giving our work the following structure: Introduction; Theoretical Background;Research methodology focusing on the adoption of the Clawback Tax in Romania; Size and evolution regarding the financial source for the Single National Health Insurance Fund (FNUASS), based on the collection of the Clawback Tax; Adaptation of the regulatory framework on the Clawback Tax to the requirements of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Conclusions

    Current Research Trends in IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers: a Comprehensive Review

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    Due to the need to provide a framework to motivate consistency, comparability and simplification of financial reporting arose a new standard IFRS 15, which intrigued the academic environment, challenged researchers to explore its implications in depth and raised the interest of the international financial community for a better understanding of how it influences accounting practices and reporting processes. Through a meticulous analysis of research available in the Web of Science database, this article discusses significant developments in the interpretation and application of IFRS 15, thus providing a comprehensive perspective on the subject. The interpretation of the data in the field was carried out using the bibliometric analysis tool Biblioshiny, thus obtaining relevant information about the current state of IFRS 15 research. This study is a useful guide for accounting professionals, researchers and practitioners in the financial and accountanting field, providing an up-to-date understanding of IFRS 15 trends and the challenges associated with applying it in an ever-changing environment

    The Use of Cash-Flow Statement for Decision-Making

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    The Cash-flow statement provide an important ingredient of decision-making due to the company’s financial stability and viability. The succes and survival of every organisation depends on its ability to generate an aquire cash. Cash flow is a concept that we all understatnd. Companies survive because they have cash, they fail when they don’t. We must therefore be interested in a company’s ability to generate cash for itself, and to acquire it from other sources. This can be clearly seen in cash flow statement. Thus the focus of this article is on understanding and interpreting cash flow statements.cash, Cash-flow statement, decision-making, managerial accounting.

    Considerations of Performances in Tourism

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    Performance represent an economic category by which quality of the economic activity is appreciated by companies with indexes such as : turnover, added value ,profitability , labor productivity , gross and net profit, etc .The profit may not represent aim of the company but it is necessary in order to reach the targets . Generally the most powerful competitors :create value ;obtain competitive advantages and distribute optimally the created value ;improve the ratio efforts/effects .performances, profitability, tourism


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    The reflection capacity of values in the taking decisions process, to govern the way that these values and decisions affect the various groups of partners and to establish the way that the managers can use these observations in the company’s daily conditions, represents the named business ethics. The absence of an ethical behaviour in business goes to corruption, falsifies the legal boosts, undermines the institutions legitimacy, leads to the reduction of the foreign investments and assistance from abroad and, not the least, disheartens the consumers with negative causes to the entrepreneurial culture and the business environment. The importance of observing and implementing ethical principles makes possible the elaboration of plans and anticipations for long term concerning not only the company’s activity result but also with the expand of the foreign environment’s relations. The relation between the ethics and the market economy hinge on the political structure, the territorial administration, the structure and objectives of the organizations, culture and legality of affaires. The ethical principles and the implementation of a demeanour code represent constitutive part in elaboration of a strategy at the organization level. The ethical code is a formal statement which constitutes a guide for taking decisions and for the actions from an organization. The demeanour code efficiency is being illustrated when it’s closely connected to the specific features of the competitive environment, efficiency devolved from decreasing situations of conflicts of interest, reduction corruption, fraud, clients’ and purveyors’ suspicion. The present paper proposes to approach the aspects that aim at the implementation or adhesion to ethical principles and values as part of the organization integrated at the strategy level, as well as the benefits that can be obtained by the enterprise from this perspective.ethics, strategy, compe - titive environment, conflicts of interests, demeanour code