57 research outputs found

    Condensation of Silica Nanoparticles on a Phospholipid Membrane

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    The structure of the transient layer at the interface between air and the aqueous solution of silica nanoparticles with the size distribution of particles that has been determined from small-angle scattering has been studied by the X-ray reflectometry method. The reconstructed depth profile of the polarizability of the substance indicates the presence of a structure consisting of several layers of nanoparticles with the thickness that is more than twice as large as the thickness of the previously described structure. The adsorption of 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine molecules at the hydrosol/air interface is accompanied by the condensation of anion silica nanoparticles at the interface. This phenomenon can be qualitatively explained by the formation of the positive surface potential due to the penetration and accumulation of Na+ cations in the phospholipid membrane.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Analysis of X-ray whispering gallery waves propagating along liquid meniscuses

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    X-ray diffraction and fluorescence of whispering galleries (WGs) which propagate along meniscuses of deionized water or silicahydrosols enriched by CsOH have been analyzed for the first time. The measurements have been performed using the diffractometer with a moving tube-detector system. The X-ray beam rotation angle reached a maximum value of 4° on a silica hydrosol sample. The WG mode propagating near the surface of a concave meniscus as well as the fluorescence intensity have been found from a solution of the respective Helmholtz equations. For analysis of intensities of the X-ray scattering and fluorescence we have used a two-layer model of the liquid with the upper non-uniform corrugated layer in which the concentration of levitating Cs+ ions near the surface has a maximum derived from the experiment in the hydrosol depth of ~ 15 nm for SiO2particle sizes of ~ 5...7 nm. In order to determine the fluorescence intensity we have used the approach based on a method of fundamental parameters using the reciprocity theorem

    Atomic force microscopy of layer-doped triglycine sulfate ferroelectric crystals

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    This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State assignment FSRC «Crystallography and Photonics» RAS

    О связи протонного облучения и термической обработки монокристаллического кремния с его структурой

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    The method of two-crystal X-ray diffractometry is used to control the quality and perfection of monocrystalline silicon obtained by implantation of hydrogen ions and subsequent thermal annealing, which is used in a number of semiconductor technologies. The principal feature of this approach is the ability to quickly obtain reliable experimental results, which was confirmed in this paper by the use of X-ray topography. The presented data provide information on the state of the disturbed layer of silicon crystals of n-type conductivity (ρ = 100 Om ⋅ cm) by orientation (111), 2 mm thick, implanted by protons with energy E = 200, 300, 100 + 200 + 300 keV, dose D = 2 ⋅ 1016cm-2 and subjected to subsequent thermal treatment in the temperature range T from 100 to 900 °С. We have established a non-monotonic dependence of the integral characteristics of the disturbed layer, namely the average effective thickness Leff and the average relative deformation ∆а/а, on annealing temperature, with the maximum level of distortion in the field of temperature ∼300 °С, using the method of integral characteristics. Obtained data allowed to assess the general condition of disturbed layer during thermal treatment.Метод двухкристальной рентгеновской дифрактометрии применен для контроля качества и совершенства монокристаллического кремния, получаемого с помощью имплантации ионов водорода и последующего термического отжига, который используется в ряде полупроводниковых технологий. Принципиальная особенность данного подхода состоит в возможности быстрого получения надежных экспериментальных результатов, что было подтверждено путем использования рентгеновской топографии. Представлены данные о состоянии нарушенного слоя кристаллов кремния n-типа проводимости (ρ = 100 Ом ⋅ см) ориентацией (111) толщиной 2 мм, имплантированных протонами с энергией Е = 200, 300 и 100 + 200 + 300 кэВ и дозой имплантации D = 2 ⋅ 1016 см-2 и подвергнутых последующей термической обработке в интервале температур Т от 100 до 900 °С. С использованием метода интегральных характеристик установлена немонотонная зависимость интегральных характеристик нарушенного слоя, а именно: средней эффективной толщины Lэфф и средней относительной деформации ∆а/а от температуры отжига, с максимальным уровнем искажений в области температуры ∼300 °С. Показано, что полученные данные позволили оценить общее состояние нарушенного слоя при термообработке