4 research outputs found


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    Relationships between Modus Vivendi, Stress Responses, and Scholastic attainments in Grade School: Dose Guidance to the Modus Vivendi Influence Children's QOL?

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate about the influence of modus vivendi on stress responses and scholastic attainments. 586 grade school students were asked by questionnaire. The first graders and the second graders were answered about modus vivendi. Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth graders did about modus vivendi and stress responses. Scholastic attainments of fourth graders were used for analysis. The following results were obtained: modus vivendi consists of three sub concepts; regular life, tooth brushing and facial cleansing, and guidance before going out. Stress responses consist of two sub concepts; low concentration and aggression. Differences in grades and sex were partially confirmed. The relations between the modus vivendi, stress responses, and scholastic attainments were partially shown. In conclusion, the guidance of the modus vivendi to the grade school student might decrease stress responses and improve scholastic attainments.本研究は586名の小学生を対象とした調査から、生活態度と不安・ストレス反応、学力の実態を把握し、これらの関連から、生活態度への指導が不安・ストレス反応と学力に与える影響を検討することを目的としたものである。分析の結果、生活態度は生活リズム、歯磨き・洗顔、家を出る前の指導という3つの下位概念からなっていること、不安・ストレス反応は集中力の低さ、攻撃性という2つの下位概念からなっていることが明らかにされた。生活態度と不安・ストレス反応については部分的に学年差と性差が確認された。生活態度と不安・ストレス反応、学力の関連より、小学生への生活態度の指導が不安・ストレス反応を低減し、学力を高める可能性が示唆された