4 research outputs found

    Storage potentials and influence of moisture contents on the germination of Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn

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    Viability of seeds of many tropical tree crops during storage is influenced by several factors among which are moisture content. However, the maintenance of Vitellaria paradoxa seed viability in storage has always been a concern. This study therefore investigated the potentials and influence of moisture content on germination of seeds of the species. Two hundred (200) seeds were selected and weighed. Ten (10) seeds were thereafter selected and oven dried at 60°C for 17 hours until they attained constant dry weight so as to determine moisture content (MC). Another seed lot of 10 was selected and sown in perforated germination trays containing washed and sterilized river sand as treatment 1 (T1) replicated 4 times. The remaining 150 seeds were spread on a platform at ambient temperature (25 ± 2°C). At 2nd week, the moisture content was determined and 10 seed lot replicated 4 times were sown (T2). The procedure was repeated at 4th week (T3) and 6th week. Germination Percentage (GP), Germination Energy (GE), Mean Daily Germination (MDG), Peak Value (PV) and Germination value (GV) were determined. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used in means separation. The highest germination percentage (95%) was recorded for T1 (MC = 23.33%), followed by T2 (MC = 20.93%) with (67.5%) while T4 ( MC = 10.87%), had the least (40%). The freshly depulped sown seeds (T1) had the highest MDG (1.85), PV (2.26), GV (3.82) and GE (52.2%) while T4 had least values of 0.42, 0.71, 0.50 and 25% for MDG, PV, GV and GE respectively. There were significant differences among the treatments at P<0.05 and T1 had the highest means (9.50± 0.13) while T4 had the least (5.21± 0.81).The progressive decrease in moisture content with increased storage period intensified the loss of viability of the seeds. It is therefore recommended that seeds of V. paradoxa should be stored at the temperature where their moisture content will be conserved and should not be stored beyond 4 weeks at ambient temperature for average germination percentage.Keywords: Viability, Vitellaria paradoxa, ambient temperature, moisture conten

    Bacteriological examination of public water taps and borehole water in Choba community, Rivers state

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    This study examined the bacteriological quality of public water taps available in Choba community of Rivers State. Public water tap samples were collected using sterile glass jars. The samples were serial diluted and from 10-1 to 10-5 and were plated, the samples were gram stained and viewed under light microscope. Total heterotrophic bacteria was analyzed using spread plate method, feacal and total coliform was enumerated, so also motility test was done for the identification of salmonella shigella spp. Biochemical test and physical parameters were also analyzed. Results showed that bore hole water1 (BHW1) had 9.7 10^5, 2 , 240 and 3 respectively, bore hole water 2 (BHW2) had 1.7x 10^7, 200,4 and were not motile. Public water tap1 (PWT1) had 1.7 x10^6, 60, 20 and 10.public water tap ( PWT2) showed 1.6x 10^7, 120, 7, and 16 respectively for each of the tests. Physicochemical properties were also examined and public water tap (PWT1) had the highest alkalinity of 30, temperature of 32.5, pH 3.24 and hardness of 160 while bore hole water 1(BHW1) had 13.9, 30.3, 4.32and 10 for each of the physicochemical parameters respectively. The results showed that the water from the boreholes in the study areas are contaminated with coliform bacteria. There is therefore need to increase awareness of the community towards preventive and treatment approaches in order to minimize the dangers associated with the use of contaminated water. Pipe connections should be checked properly and regularly. Keywords: Bacteriological analysis, Water quality, Coliform , Diseases and Contamination.&nbsp

    Pedogenic forms and distribution of potassium in soils along a complex toposequence within Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan

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    The study was designed to examine the forms and pedogenic distribution of potassium in soils formed along a toposequence within Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan. Four (4) profile pits were established, described and sampled. Particle size, soil reaction and organic matter were determined in addition to exchangeable K, solution K and Fixed K which were determined using flame  photometer. Results of particle size analysis showed that the silt content is low and varied randomly within the profiles possibly due to their location on the topography. The clay content was relatively high in the genetic B horizons. The exchangeable K, solution K, fixed K and total K varied randomly across the profiles, and this can also be attributed to the topographic positions. Results also showed that there is a high correlation between clay and exchangeable K and between total K and organic matter. This is an indication that soils with high clay content are likely to be rich in exchangeable K and where organic matter in the soil is high, the soil is likely to have a high value of total K Key words: Toposequence, Pedogenic, Potassiu

    Appraisal perceived economic factors affecting rice production and its yield in Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria

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    This work aimed to run an appraisal of the perceived economics factors affecting rice production and its yield in Obafemi-Owode Local Government Area, Ogun State, Nigeria. In order to effectively carry out this study; the descriptive survey research design was adopted. The multistage sampling technique was used in selecting 120 rice farmers in Ogun State. Data were collected by conducting a face-to-face interview as well as a well-structured questionnaire designed in line with the objective of the study and was analysed using descriptive statistics such as, budgetary techniques and Ordinary Least Square regression. The various challenges deduced to be facing rice production in the study area includes soil degradation, stagnant agricultural production, transportation cost, foreign exchange rate, pest and diseases, lack of funds and plantation site. According to the means rating carried out on each of the challenges, stagnant agricultural production with a mean score of 4.24 is ranked first as a major challenge in the study area, followed by harvesting process with a mean score of 4.20 and followed by lack of fund with a mean score of 4.16.The least challenge in the study area was family size with a mean score of 3.27. The regression results of the socio- economic factors affecting farmer’s output indicated that only farm size, quantity of seed, quantity of fertilizer, quantity of chemical and years of formal education of the farmers are significant. The value of the coefficient of determination (R2) showed that 68.2 percent of the variation in the output of the farmers is explained by the independent’s variable in the model. It was recommended that increased farm size, seed, level of education, controlled use of fertilizer and chemicals should be encouraged