440 research outputs found

    Insights for a post-Brexit era: marketing the UK as a study destination – an analysis of Arab, Chinese and Indian student choices

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    Britain’s scheduled exit from the European Union (‘Brexit’) has long-term ramifications for strategic marketing. Faced with new challenges and uncertainty, UK universities are increasingly looking beyond EU borders to recruit international students. In this context, we draw upon country-of-origin theory to categorise the factors that influence non-EU international student decisions to select an overseas study destination and institution. Based on the results of a survey with 317 Arab, Chinese, and Indian students attending UK universities, we identify eight factors that influence international student decisions to study in the UK (social safety, education quality, entry obstacles, environment, recommendations, knowledge of host country, work and immigration, and meeting new cultures). The results address gaps in the literature, offering new insights that will help practitioners and academics to better understand how international students select a country and university as a study location

    On Robustness of Massive MIMO Systems Against Passive Eavesdropping under Antenna Selection

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    In massive MIMO wiretap settings, the base station can significantly suppress eavesdroppers by narrow beamforming toward legitimate terminals. Numerical investigations show that by this approach, secrecy is obtained at no significant cost. We call this property of massive MIMO systems `secrecy for free' and show that it not only holds when all the transmit antennas at the base station are employed, but also when only a single antenna is set active. Using linear precoding, the information leakage to the eavesdroppers can be sufficiently diminished, when the total number of available transmit antennas at the base station grows large, even when only a fixed number of them are selected. This result indicates that passive eavesdropping has no significant impact on massive MIMO systems, regardless of the number of active transmit antennas.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; To be presented in IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom) 2018 in Abu Dhabi, UA

    Optimal Number of Transmit Antennas for Secrecy Enhancement in Massive MIMOME Channels

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    This paper studies the impact of transmit antenna selection on the secrecy performance of massive MIMO wiretap channels. We consider a scenario in which a multi-antenna transmitter selects a subset of transmit antennas with the strongest channel gains. Confidential messages are then transmitted to a multi-antenna legitimate receiver while the channel is being overheard by a multi-antenna eavesdropper. For this setup, we approximate the distribution of the instantaneous secrecy rate in the large-system limit. The approximation enables us to investigate the optimal number of selected antennas which maximizes the asymptotic secrecy throughput of the system. We show that increasing the number of selected antennas enhances the secrecy performance of the system up to some optimal value, and that further growth in the number of selected antennas has a destructive effect. Using the large-system approximation, we obtain the optimal number of selected antennas analytically for various scenarios. Our numerical investigations show an accurate match between simulations and the analytic results even for not so large dimensions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Cytotoxic Effects of Pistacia khinjuk Seed Extracts on Different Cell Lines and its Mitogenic Effects on Blood Lymphocyte In Vitro

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    Reports indicated that extract Pistacia khinjuk has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antibacterial, and antiviral, in treating of diarrhea and throat infections and has hepatoprotective effects against acetaminophen and carbon tetrachloride. This study was undertaken to investigate the possible cytotoxic effects of methanolic and aqueous seeds extract of P. khinjuk on different tumors (rhabdomyosarcoma [RD] and murine mammary adenocarcinoma [Ahmed-Mohammed-Nahi-2003 (AMN-3)]) and normal cell lines (murine fibroblast) and its mitogenic effects on blood lymphocytes. The cytotoxic effects of P. khinjuk seed extracts were evaluated on two tumor cell lines, RD and murine mammary adenocarcinoma (AMN-3) and one normal cell line, murine fibroblast (L20B). Moreover, the mitogenic effects of the plant extract were studied, on human blood lymphocytes. Both methanolic and aqueous seed extracts of P. khinjuk significantly induced tumor cell lines and the normal cell line proliferation, especially in highest concentrations. The results show that the extracts induced significant increases in human blood lymphocyte proliferation at 72 h. This activity of plant extracts recommends it as a good mitogenic agent in researches; in conclusion, seed extracts of P. khinjuk induced proliferation of all tested cell lines. High concentrations of both aqueous and methanolic seed extracts of P. khinjuk showed mitogenic effects

    Breast Cancer MRI Classification Based on Fractional Entropy Image Enhancement and Deep Feature Extraction

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    سرطان الثدي يعتبر واحد من الامراض القاتلة الشائعة بين النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم. والتشخيص المبكر لسرطان الثدي الكشف المبكر من أهم استراتيجيات الوقاية الثانوية. نظرًا لاستخدام التصوير الطبي على نطاق واسع في تشخيص العديد من الأمراض المزمنة ومراقبتها، فقد تم اقتراح العديد من خوارزميات معالجة الصور على مر السنين لزيادة مجال التصوير الطبي بحيث تصبح عملية التشخيص أكثر دقة وكفاءة. تقدم هذه الدراسة خوارزمية جديدة لاستخراج الخواص العميقة من نوعين من صور الرنين المغناطيسي T2W-TSE و STIR MRI كمدخلات للشبكات العصبية العميقة المقترحة والتي تُستخدم لاستخراج الخواص للتمييز بين فحوصات التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي للثدي المرضية والصحية. في هذه الخوارزمية، تتم معالجة فحوصات التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي للثدي مسبقًا قبل خطوة استخراج الخواص لتقليل تأثيرات الاختلافات بين شرائح التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي، وفصل الثدي الايمن عن الايسر، بالإضافة الى عزل خلفية الصور. وقد كانت أقصى دقة تم تحقيقها لتصنيف مجموعة بيانات تضم 326 شريحة تصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي للثدي 98.77٪. يبدو أن النموذج يتسم بالكفاءة والأداء ويمكن بالتالي اعتباره مرشحًا للتطبيق في بيئة سريرية.Disease diagnosis with computer-aided methods has been extensively studied and applied in diagnosing and monitoring of several chronic diseases. Early detection and risk assessment of breast diseases based on clinical data is helpful for doctors to make early diagnosis and monitor the disease progression. The purpose of this study is to exploit the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in discriminating breast MRI scans into pathological and healthy. In this study, a fully automated and efficient deep features extraction algorithm that exploits the spatial information obtained from both T2W-TSE and STIR MRI sequences to discriminate between pathological and healthy breast MRI scans. The breast MRI scans are preprocessed prior to the feature extraction step to enhance and preserve the fine details of the breast MRI scans boundaries by using fractional integral entropy FIE algorithm, to reduce the effects of the intensity variations between MRI slices, and finally to separate the right and left breast regions by exploiting the symmetry information. The obtained features are classified using a long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network classifier. Subsequently, all extracted features significantly improves the performance of the LSTM network to precisely discriminate between pathological and healthy cases. The maximum achieved accuracy for classifying the collected dataset comprising 326 T2W-TSE images and 326 STIR images is 98.77%. The experimental results demonstrate that FIE enhancement method improve the performance of CNN in classifying breast MRI scans. The proposed model appears to be efficient and might represent a useful diagnostic tool in the evaluation of MRI breast scans