875 research outputs found

    Orbital Variability in the Eclipsing Pulsar Binary PSR B1957+20

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    We have conducted timing observations of the eclipsing millisecond binary pulsar PSR~B1957+20, extending the span of data on this pulsar to more than five years. During this time the orbital period of the system has varied by roughly ΔPb/Pb=1.6×10−7\Delta P_b/P_b = 1.6 \times 10^{-7}, changing quadratically with time and displaying an orbital period second derivative P¨b=(1.43±0.08)×10−18 \ddot P_b = (1.43 \pm 0.08) \times 10^{-18}\,s−1^{-1}. The previous measurement of a large negative orbital period derivative reflected only the short-term behavior of the system during the early observations; the orbital period derivative is now positive and increasing rapidly. If, as we suspect, the PSR~B1957+20 system is undergoing quasi-cyclic orbital period variations similar to those found in other close binaries such as Algol and RS CVn, then the 0.025 M⊙0.025\,M{_\odot} companion to PSR~B1957+20 is most likely non-degenerate, convective, and magnetically active.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX, submitted ApJL 13 Dec. 1993, arz-00

    Discovery of an Energetic Pulsar Associated with SNR G76.9+1.0

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    We report the discovery of PSR J2022+3842, a 24 ms radio and X-ray pulsar in the supernova remnant G76.9+1.0, in observations with the Chandra X-ray telescope, the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Radio Telescope, and the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The pulsar's spin-down rate implies a rotation-powered luminosity Edot = 1.2 x 10^{38} erg/s, a surface dipole magnetic field strength B_s = 1.0 x 10^{12} G, and a characteristic age of 8.9 kyr. PSR J2022+3842 is thus the second-most energetic Galactic pulsar known, after the Crab, as well as the most rapidly-rotating young, radio-bright pulsar known. The radio pulsations are highly dispersed and broadened by interstellar scattering, and we find that a large (delta-f / f ~= 1.9 x 10^{-6}) spin glitch must have occurred between our discovery and confirmation observations. The X-ray pulses are narrow (0.06 cycles FWHM) and visible up to 20 keV, consistent with magnetospheric emission from a rotation-powered pulsar. The Chandra X-ray image identifies the pulsar with a hard, unresolved source at the midpoint of the double-lobed radio morphology of SNR G76.9+1.0 and embedded within faint, compact X-ray nebulosity. The spatial relationship of the X-ray and radio emissions is remarkably similar to extended structure seen around the Vela pulsar. The combined Chandra and RXTE pulsar spectrum is well-fitted by an absorbed power-law model with column density N_H = (1.7\pm0.3) x 10^{22} cm^{-2} and photon index Gamma = 1.0\pm0.2; it implies that the Chandra point-source flux is virtually 100% pulsed. For a distance of 10 kpc, the X-ray luminosity of PSR J2022+3842 is L_X(2-10 keV) = 7.0 x 10^{33} erg s^{-1}. Despite being extraordinarily energetic, PSR J2022+3842 lacks a bright X-ray wind nebula and has an unusually low conversion efficiency of spin-down power to X-ray luminosity, L_X/Edot = 5.9 x 10^{-5}.Comment: 8 pages in emulateapj format. Minor changes (including a shortened abstract) to reflect the version accepted for publicatio

    A simple approach to estimating three-dimensional supercavitating flow fields

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    A simple method is formulated for predicting three-dimensional supercavitating flow behind cavitators subject to gravitational acceleration and motion of the cavitator. The method applies slenderbody theory in the context of matched asymptotic expansions to pose an inner problem for the cavity evolution downstream from the locus of cavity detachment. This inner problem is solved by means of a coupled set of equations for the Fourier coefficients characterizing the cavity radius and the velocity potential as a function of downstream location and circumferential location, thus resulting in a two-dimensional multipole solution at each station. For the lowestorder term in the Fourier expansion, it is necessary to match the parabolic inner solution to a fully elliptic outer solution. This step allows the application of any one of a number of methods to solve the axisymmetric problem, which serves as the base solution that is perturbed by the three-dimensional effects. The method is an attempt to formalize the Logvinovich principle of independent cavity section evolution. Results flow past a circular disk cavitator are presented for severalvalues of the cavity Froude number.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/84318/1/CAV2009-final145.pd

    The Triple Pulsar System PSR B1620-26 in M4

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    The millisecond pulsar PSR B1620-26, in the globular cluster M4, has a white dwarf companion in a half-year orbit. Anomalously large variations in the pulsar's apparent spin-down rate have suggested the presence of a second companion in a much wider orbit. Using timing observations made on more than seven hundred days spanning eleven years, we confirm this anomalous timing behavior. We explicitly demonstrate, for the first time, that a timing model consisting of the sum of two non-interacting Keplerian orbits can account for the observed signal. Both circular and elliptical orbits are allowed, although highly eccentric orbits require improbable orbital geometries. The motion of the pulsar in the inner orbit is very nearly a Keplerian ellipse, but the tidal effects of the outer companion cause variations in the orbital elements. We have measured the change in the projected semi-major axis of the orbit, which is dominated by precession-driven changes in the orbital inclination. This measurement, along with limits on the rate of change of other orbital elements, can be used to significantly restrict the properties of the outer orbit. We find that the second companion most likely has a mass m~0.01 Msun --- it is almost certainly below the hydrogen burning limit (m<0.036 Msun, 95% confidence) --- and has a current distance from the binary of ~35 AU and orbital period of order one hundred years. Circular (and near-circular) orbits are allowed only if the pulsar magnetic field is ~3x10^9 G, an order of magnitude higher than a typical millisecond pulsar field strength. In this case, the companion has mass m~1.2x10^-3 Msun and orbital period ~62 years.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Very minor clarifications and rewording. Accepted for publication in the Astrophys.

    Measurement of gravitational spin-orbit coupling in a binary pulsar system

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    In relativistic gravity, a spinning pulsar will precess as it orbits a compact companion star. We have measured the effect of such precession on the average shape and polarization of the radiation from PSR B1534+12. We have also detected, with limited precision, special-relativistic aberration of the revolving pulsar beam due to orbital motion. Our observations fix the system geometry, including the misalignment between the spin and orbital angular momenta, and yield a measurement of the precession timescale consistent with the predictions of General Relativity.Comment: 4 pages, accepted to PRL. Version with high-resolution figure 2 available at http://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/stairs/papers/sta04b.ps.g
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