18 research outputs found

    Genome analysis of the rice coral \u3cem\u3eMontipora capitata\u3c/em\u3e

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    Corals comprise a biomineralizing cnidarian, dinoflagellate algal symbionts, and associated microbiome of prokaryotes and viruses. Ongoing efforts to conserve coral reefs by identifying the major stress response pathways and thereby laying the foundation to select resistant genotypes rely on a robust genomic foundation. Here we generated and analyzed a high quality long-read based ~886 Mbp nuclear genome assembly and transcriptome data from the dominant rice coral, Montipora capitata from Hawai’i. Our work provides insights into the architecture of coral genomes and shows how they differ in size and gene inventory, putatively due to population size variation. We describe a recent example of foreign gene acquisition via a bacterial gene transfer agent and illustrate the major pathways of stress response that can be used to predict regulatory components of the transcriptional networks in M. capitata. These genomic resources provide insights into the adaptive potential of these sessile, long-lived species in both natural and human influenced environments and facilitate functional and population genomic studies aimed at Hawaiian reef restoration and conservation

    GIFtS: annotation landscape analysis with GeneCards

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene annotation is a pivotal component in computational genomics, encompassing prediction of gene function, expression analysis, and sequence scrutiny. Hence, quantitative measures of the annotation landscape constitute a pertinent bioinformatics tool. GeneCards<sup>® </sup>is a gene-centric compendium of rich annotative information for over 50,000 human gene entries, building upon 68 data sources, including Gene Ontology (GO), pathways, interactions, phenotypes, publications and many more.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present the GeneCards Inferred Functionality Score (GIFtS) which allows a quantitative assessment of a gene's annotation status, by exploiting the unique wealth and diversity of GeneCards information. The GIFtS tool, linked from the GeneCards home page, facilitates browsing the human genome by searching for the annotation level of a specified gene, retrieving a list of genes within a specified range of GIFtS value, obtaining random genes with a specific GIFtS value, and experimenting with the GIFtS weighting algorithm for a variety of annotation categories. The bimodal shape of the GIFtS distribution suggests a division of the human gene repertoire into two main groups: the high-GIFtS peak consists almost entirely of protein-coding genes; the low-GIFtS peak consists of genes from all of the categories. Cluster analysis of GIFtS annotation vectors provides the classification of gene groups by detailed positioning in the annotation arena. GIFtS also provide measures which enable the evaluation of the databases that serve as GeneCards sources. An inverse correlation is found (for GIFtS>25) between the number of genes annotated by each source, and the average GIFtS value of genes associated with that source. Three typical source prototypes are revealed by their GIFtS distribution: genome-wide sources, sources comprising mainly highly annotated genes, and sources comprising mainly poorly annotated genes. The degree of accumulated knowledge for a given gene measured by GIFtS was correlated (for GIFtS>30) with the number of publications for a gene, and with the seniority of this entry in the HGNC database.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>GIFtS can be a valuable tool for computational procedures which analyze lists of large set of genes resulting from wet-lab or computational research. GIFtS may also assist the scientific community with identification of groups of uncharacterized genes for diverse applications, such as delineation of novel functions and charting unexplored areas of the human genome.</p

    Proteomics of Heat-Stress and Ethylene-Mediated Thermotolerance Mechanisms in Tomato Pollen Grains

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    Heat stress is a major cause for yield loss in many crops, including vegetable crops. Even short waves of high temperature, becoming more frequent during recent years, can be detrimental. Pollen development is most heat-sensitive, being the main cause for reduced productivity under heat-stress across a wide range of crops. The molecular mechanisms involved in pollen heat-stress response and thermotolerance are however, not fully understood. Recently, we have demonstrated that ethylene, a gaseous plant hormone, plays a role in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) pollen thermotolerance. These results were substantiated in the current work showing that increasing ethylene levels by using an ethylene-releasing substance, ethephon, prior to heat-stress exposure, increased pollen quality. A proteomic approach was undertaken, to unravel the mechanisms underlying pollen heat-stress response and ethylene-mediated pollen thermotolerance in developing pollen grains. Proteins were extracted and analyzed by means of a gel LC-MS fractionation protocol, and a total of 1,355 proteins were identified. A dataset of 721 proteins, detected in three biological replicates of at least one of the applied treatments, was used for all analyses. Quantitative analysis was performed based on peptide count. The analysis revealed that heat-stress affected the developmental program of pollen, including protein homeostasis (components of the translational and degradation machinery), carbohydrate, and energy metabolism. Ethephon-pre-treatment shifted the heat-stressed pollen proteome closer to the proteome under non-stressful conditions, namely, by showing higher abundance of proteins involved in protein synthesis, degradation, tricarboxylic acid cycle, and RNA regulation. Furthermore, up-regulation of protective mechanisms against oxidative stress was observed following ethephon-treatment (including higher abundance of glutathione-disulfide reductase, glutaredoxin, and protein disulfide isomerase). Taken together, the findings identified systemic and fundamental components of pollen thermotolerance, and serve as a valuable quantitative protein database for further research

    A portable near infrared spectroscopy system for bedside monitoring of newborn brain

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    BACKGROUND: Newborns with critical health conditions are monitored in neonatal intensive care units (NICU). In NICU, one of the most important problems that they face is the risk of brain injury. There is a need for continuous monitoring of newborn's brain function to prevent any potential brain injury. This type of monitoring should not interfere with intensive care of the newborn. Therefore, it should be non-invasive and portable. METHODS: In this paper, a low-cost, battery operated, dual wavelength, continuous wave near infrared spectroscopy system for continuous bedside hemodynamic monitoring of neonatal brain is presented. The system has been designed to optimize SNR by optimizing the wavelength-multiplexing parameters with special emphasis on safety issues concerning burn injuries. SNR improvement by utilizing the entire dynamic range has been satisfied with modifications in analog circuitry. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: As a result, a shot-limited SNR of 67 dB has been achieved for 10 Hz temporal resolution. The system can operate more than 30 hours without recharging when an off-the-shelf 1850 mAh-7.2 V battery is used. Laboratory tests with optical phantoms and preliminary data recorded in NICU demonstrate the potential of the system as a reliable clinical tool to be employed in the bedside regional monitoring of newborn brain metabolism under intensive care

    MAPK Regulation of Sclerotial Development in \u3ci\u3eSclerotinia sclerotiorum\u3c/i\u3e Is Linked with pH and cAMP Sensing

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    Sclerotial development is fundamental to the disease cycle of the omnivorous broad host range fungal phytopathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. We have isolated a highly conserved homolog of ERK-type mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) from S. sclerotiorum (Smk1) and have demonstrated that Smk1 is required for sclerotial development. The smk1 transcription and MAPK enzyme activity are induced dramatically during sclerotiogenesis, especially during the production of sclerotial initials. When PD98059 (a specific inhibitor of the activation of MAPK by MAPK kinase) was applied to differentiating cultures or when antisense expression of smk1 was induced, sclerotial maturation was impaired. The smk1 transcript levels were highest under acidic pH conditions, suggesting that Smk1 regulates sclerotial development via a pH-dependent signaling pathway, involving the accumulation of oxalic acid, a previously identified pathogenicity factor that functions at least in part by reducing pH. Addition of cyclic AMP (cAMP) inhibited smk1 transcription, MAPK activation, and sclerotial development. Thus, S. sclerotiorum can coordinate environmental signals (such as pH) to trigger a signaling pathway mediated by Smk1 to induce sclerotia formation, and this pathway is negatively regulated by cAMP

    Identification and Mapping of Tomato Genome Loci Controlling Tolerance and Resistance to <i>Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus</i>

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    Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) was identified in Israel during October 2014 in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum). These plants, carrying the durable resistance gene against tomato mosaic virus, Tm-22, displayed severe disease symptoms and losses to fruit yield and quality. These plants were found infected with a tobamovirus similar to that discovered earlier in Jordan. This study was designed to screen and identify tomato genotypes resistant or tolerant to ToBRFV. The identified resistance and tolerance traits were further characterized virologically and genetically. Finally, DNA markers linked to genes controlling these traits were developed as tools to expedite resistance breeding. To achieve these objectives, 160 genotypes were screened, resulting in the identification of an unexpectedly high number of tolerant genotypes and a single genotype resistant to the virus. A selected tolerant genotype and the resistant genotype were further analyzed. Analysis of genetic inheritance revealed that a single recessive gene controls tolerance whereas at least two genes control resistance. Allelic test between the tolerant and the resistant genotype revealed that these two genotypes share a locus controlling tolerance, mapped to chromosome 11. This locus displayed a strong association with the tolerance trait, explaining nearly 91% of its variation in segregating populations. This same locus displayed a statistically significant association with symptom levels in segregating populations based on the resistant genotype. However, in these populations, the locus was able to explain only ~41% of the variation in symptom levels, confirming that additional loci are involved in the genetic control of the resistance trait in this genotype. A locus on chromosome 2, at the region of the Tm-1 gene, was finally found to interact with the locus discovered on chromosome 11 to control resistance

    Applications of Microwaves in Medicine

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    Advances and updates in medical applications utilizing microwave techniques and technologies are reviewed in this paper. The article aims to provide an overview of enablers for microwave medical applications and their recent progress. The emphasis focuses on the applications of microwaves, in the following order, for 1) signal and data communication for implants and wearables through the human body, 2) electromagnetic energy transfer through tissues, 3) noninvasive, remote or in situ physical and biochemical sensing, and 4) therapeutic purposes by changing tissue properties with controlled thermal effects. For signal and data communication and wireless power transfer, implant and wearable applications are discussed in the categories of pacemakers, endoscopic capsules, brain interfaces, intraocular, cardiac and intracranial pressure sensors, neurostimulators, endoluminal implants, artificial retina, smart lenses, and cochlear implants. For noninvasive sensing, remote vital sign radar, biological cell probing, magnetic resonance and microwave imaging, biochemical, blood glucose, hydration and biomarker sensing applications are introduced. For therapeutic uses, the developments of microwave ablation, balloon angioplasty, and hyperthermia applications are reviewed. The scopes of this article mainly concentrate on the research and development efforts in the past 20 years. Recent review articles on specific topics are cited with accomplishment highlights and trends deliberated. At the end of this article, a brief history of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Biological Effects and Medical Applications committee and the contributions by its members to the promotion and advancement of microwave technologies in medical fields are chronicled