42 research outputs found

    Using a priori algorithm for supporting e-commerce system

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    The Internet technology has brought about a significant impact in doing business. It promotes the new way of doing business by enabling new system such as electronic commerce (e-commerce) to the worldwide users. Currently, the e-commerce system does not only provide electronic transactions like online payment, electronic cart shopping and ordering, and online tracking, but it must also be able to support a good relationship with their customers by providing a creative way in its business operations. It is because of many organizations having to maintain their customers by serving a good customer satisfaction. Lack understanding of the customers will cause an organization loss their customers and then would loss the company profit. This paper demonstrates the development of e-commerce system by focusing on the use of a Priori algorithm as supported feature in our e-commerce system. The feature is included to increase a good customer relationship management for the proposed system. It is hoped the proposed prototype would illustrate some practical ideas on how much advantages can be benefited from the e-commerce system and customer relationship management

    Bibliometrics, reference enhanced databases and research evaluation

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    This study presents the panoramic view of the described issues related to coverage, services and bibliometrics for Research Evaluation (RE) purposes by three reference enhanced databases. The researchers’ viewpoint is based on the relevant literature and data accessed from most preferred citation sources: Web of Science, Scopus and Google Scholar.The study seeks the worldview challenges, highlights and theorizes the core issues for those regions and disciplines that have more challenges and fewer opportunities in getting publishing, citing and cited by. It discusses the new insights and directs the stakeholders to explore other possible sources, metrics and evaluation techniques for RE

    A review on courseware for children with down syndrome

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    Educational courseware is very popular nowadays as an alternative teaching tool for children‟s early education. Courseware that integrates with multimedia elements can bring positive effects by reducing the difficulties in the learning process. Down Syndrome children who face difficulty in learning are being encouraged to utilize educational courseware as a learning tool in their education. Multimedia elements can integrate visual and auditory information into one by primarily presents the visual information first. Thus, other than common coursewares, there are coursewares being designed specifically for Down syndrome children according to their learning behaviours and problems. These coursewares implemented different courseware design techniques with different target subject. This article mainly reviewed on the selected coursewares designed for Down Syndrome children. As Down Syndrome has achieved the highest cases among all the learning disability cases in Malaysia in the recent years, it is crucial to conduct a review on the current research and works in field of courseware learning to understand the current trend and state. Besides, review is conducted on the coursewares in terms of the design techniques and content as a comparison. Thus, improvements and suggestions can be made through the comparison of the coursewares

    Designing a pre-school courseware to learn basic al-quran using ngaji method

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    Most Muslims recite Al - Quran in their daily lives. Therefore, basic Al - Quran needs to be introduced to children at an early age. T he purpose of this paper is to identifying the component of courseware for child ren to learn basic A l - Quran and design ing the courseware. The target group of this study is children aged four to six years, and learning is done through Book 1 of the Jom Ngaji series. The name of the courseware is MyNGaji. The des ign methodology used in study applied the Persuasive System Design (PSD) steps in order to research and to check the activities are going in the right direction

    A research framework of electronic document management systems implementation process in government

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    Many governments today have implemented Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS). The employment of EDMS systems has increased the operational (e.g. document storage and retrieval, auditing, workflow facilities, searching and publishing) effectiveness of governments on daily basis. However, not many studies had been undertaken into process of implementing EDMS in the government context. Therefore, this paper fills this gap by presenting a research framework for the implementation process of EDMS. Based on a content analysis of the reviewed literature, this paper identifies thirteen (13) common factors contributing to the implementation process of EDMS. The factors are: (1) Top management support; (2) Budgetary; (3) Implementation planning; (4) Anti-corruption; (5) Implementation staff; (6) Security and privacy; (7) Data quality, (8) User requirements; (9) Cooperation; (10) Systems integration; (11) Awareness; (12) Resistance to change; and (13) Staff training. All these factors subsequently were linked to the Prosci-ADKAR model of change to outline the structure of EDMS implementation process framework. The proposed framework contributes to the theoretical understanding of the EAI implementation process, which may support government practitioners in implementing the EDMS applications in their government organizations. The paper also highlights with three important issues that need to be explored further while developing the framework: 1) the EDMS implementation process meaning in system development life cycle; 2) the importance of EDMS implementation factors; and 3) the kind approach to investigate EDMS implementation process

    Publication Productivity Pattern of Malaysian Researchers in Scopus from 1995 to 2015

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    Aim: This study is to understand and analyze the publication productivity as one of the important scientometric indicators of HEI's performance in Malaysia for duration time of 20 years. Method: This study conducted the scientometric analysis of the research productivity performance of Malaysia's researchers from June 1995 to June 2015 using Scopus database. All type' field in the search box where chosen and the chosen keyword is `Malaysia'. All related papers are extracted, retrieved and compiled into the personal database in Microsoft Excel. Pre-processing task such as data cleaning were done and with total of 290 093 publications records was identified. These publications records included all type of documents such as articles, conference, review paper, book chapter and books. Result: The remarkably numbers of publication growth from 1995 to 2015. There are huge development of research happens in these 20 years in Malaysia with only 1,610 publication in 1995 increased to 180,797 publication in 2015. Subject area of pure science dominated the percentage of publication such as engineering with 15% from total and the small percentage with total of 5% comes from pure science as well which are physic and astronomy. Conclusion: The increase in publication productivity is a sign of good R&D that is actively happened in this country. This has a positive impact towards Malaysia as well as the related institutions in order to introduce and stamp their name to the world. Therefore, the numbers of collaboration with others countries especially with European countries and America is worth to emphasize. Nonetheless, we understand that there are numbers of factors that associated in producing the publication that can be barriers to the authors such as personal factors, environment factors and behavioral factors

    Malaysian publication productivity in the field of engineering using scopus: a bibliometric study

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    This paper analyzed on publication from Scopus in engineering subject area by using the bibliometrics analysis in twenty years. Data of publication obtained from Scopus website by using the affiliation from Malaysia and the keyword search are engineering and chemical engineering. There are 6137 publications was obtained in the study. The top three types of documents are conference paper (4035), article (1999) and review (62). The four most productive countries are Malaysia (6137), United Kingdom (429), United States of America (199) and India (199). Many researchers publish their work in IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, and IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics, Proceedings. The most prolific authors were Majlis B.Y. (60), Seetharamu K.N. (49) and Mohamed A.(47) has published the most article in the field of engineering in Malaysia

    Computer science research in Malaysia: a bibliometric analysis

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyse the publications of, and the citations to, the current staff of 19 departments of computer science in Malaysian universities, and to compare these bibliometric data with expert peer reviews of Malaysian research performance. Design/methodology/approach – This paper searches citation of the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Findings – Both publication and citation rates are low, although this is at least in part due to some Malaysian universities having only a teaching function. More of the departments' publications were identified in Scopus than in Web of Science, but both databases were needed for comprehensive coverage. Statistically significant relationships were observed between the departments' publication and citation counts and the rankings of the departments' parent universities in two evaluations of the research performance of Malaysian universities. Originality/value – This is the first comparison of bibliometric and peer-review data for Malaysia, and, more generally, for a country with a newly developed higher education system

    Review On Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory (EDT) Model In B2C E-Commerce

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    This study focuses on a review of “Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory” (EDT) as a famous theory in measuring customer’s satisfaction. In today’s competitive e-marketplace, e-businesses that determine an efficient strategic think behind their e-commerce activities involve designing a qualified website and presenting good quality of products and services will be more successful in attracting customer satisfaction. These points emphasize on the importance of attracting customer’s satisfaction for the vita of e-businesses. That’s why measuring customer’s satisfaction by an empowerment tool that has ability to cover and make relationship among all concepts that are explained above is imperative. “Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory” (EDT) which is defined as an theory for measuring customer satisfaction from perceived quality of products or services is reviewed in this research for measuring customers satisfaction. Evolution of “EDT” shown this theory is able to measure quality of services and information which provided by B2C E-commerce from customer’s point of view. Moreover, review on EDT measurement methods and their strengths and weaknesses in accuracy of the results shown that Additive Difference Model (ADM) and Direct Effects Model (DEM) worked well across both standards involve customer‘s expectation and desire. Between DEM and ADM methods, when managers need information about desires and expectations DEM appears to be a good choice but it does not provide a distinct measure of the disconfirmation of customer‘s expectation and desire. In versus ADM provide a distinct measure of the disconfirmation of customer‘s expectation and desire. That’s why it is concerned by managerial issues