2 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Kemiripan Genetik Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Di Daerah Endemis Demam Berdarah Dengue Di Kota Palembang Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    One methode to detect early warning done by analyzing the pattern of the array of mosquito vectors. Through the isolation of genomic DNA obtained mosquitoes that are processed through RAPD. Analysis of RAPD products obtained from the results of all the array of DNA amplification is calculated based on the presence or absence of DNA arrays. Analysis of DNA array pattern is intended to obtain the percentage composition of the DNA array patterns by counting the presence of Aedes sp larik pattern. Levels of genetic polymorphisms of Aedes sp mosquitoes as vectors of dengue fever (DHF) by using six kinds of primary (combined) in endemic areas 0.67 (0.6-0.8) and 0.33 monomor phic, while non-endemichas level of 0.4 polymorphic and monomorphic 0,6. DNA array pattern on the Aedes sp in endemic areas is obtained by using the primer combination on average 24.78 (14-33). The highest polymorphism array at Kebon bunga (33 lines), Sukarame, and Lembung Gajah 28 line, Talang dondang 26 line, Skip Ujung, 27 Ilir, and 20 Ilir reach 24 line, and Pahlawan 22 line and non-endemic area Srimulya 9 lines. The percentage of DNA array as an indication of dengue vectors in endemic areas average 57.5% (53.9 to 75.9%) samples from the highest village of Pahlawan (75.9%). From the analysis using the program NTSYS-PC a kinship based on genetic distance matrix value, the highest genetic distance of 1.00 is obtained. In addition, there are three clusters that form the 32.5% level of kinship

    Konfirmasi Status Anopheles Vagus Sebagai Vektor Pendamping Saat Kejadian Luar Biasa Malaria Di Kabupaten Sukabumi Indonesia

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    Confirmation A nopheles Vagus As Vector Implicated Malaria Outbreak In Sukabumi District, Indonesia.A study on adult anopheline of malaria vector incrimination for the vector status ofAn. aconitus, An.sundaicus and An. barbirostris, An. vagus were infected with malaria parasites was conducted in Simpenan sub-district, Sukabumi district, West Java from January 2003 to February 2003. The observation of the identification of Anopheles spp. and its relationship with outbreak malaria as well as the determination of Anopheles spp. as malaria vectors in endemic areas should be given attention as an effort in preventing malaria outbreaks. Adult mosquitoes were collected from human bait indoor and outdoor catches. Mosquitoes head-thoraces were tested for the presence of circumsporozoite of Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax for the presence of human blood by ELISA. A total of 3,308 female anophelines representing 9 spesies were collected. Nine identified Anopheles species ie: An.aconitus, An.sundaicus, An maculatus, An.indefinitus, An. vagus, An. baezai, An.kochi, An.barbirostris and An.annularis, recorded during outbreak, were the main vectors of malaria in the Simpenan district. Malaria parasite infections were seen in nine mosquito species, with natural infection 0.12% of the positive An. vagus mosquitoes containing P. faciparum. An. vagus occurring in abundance, was involved in malaria transmission in outbreak period. The average inoculation rate was 0,213 While there was strong ELISA-based evidence implicating An. vagus as a dominant vector. Of these, An.aconitus, An.maculatus and An.sundaicus are suspected primary malaria vector in Simpenan sub-district, Sukabumi district, Indonesia, but An. vagus has been implicated with certainty in malaria transmission in the country