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    Kota Lama’s retention basin in Semarang is one of flood controller building which has many potentions to be developed as a public space and its already done by government. But the way of its development use as a public space, it still has several problems and need to be solved in order to make it used optimally. In another word, it requires development efforts with an involvement of its stakeholders. That will create a Kota Lama’s retention basin as a recreatif public space for the users, especially the local community as the potential one, which also as the purpose of this study. The developments efforts adapt to the public space and recreation concepts, the real conditions of Kota Lama’s retention basin, community perception as the users which analyzed with frequentive distribution and deliver alternative developments efforts. The government as managers will make a priority for the alternative based on their perception which is influenced by their competence and responsibility with analytical hierarchy process as the tools. The results are 89% community need an comfortable. Their need appear because 98% of them feel that there are only few trees and plants so the air surroundings the basin is hot. So do the government, which are tourism official, Bappeda and PT. KAI, as the manager have the same perception with the community, except public works official. They have different priority for the development of Kota Lama’s retention basin as public space, which is need a cleanliness quality improvement. And also, requires a good managements with all stakeholders involvements in a corporate framework, good coordination with transparent job and obligation for each of the stakeholders