575 research outputs found

    Faktor Penyebab Kecenderungan Kenakalan Remaja dan Alternatif Bk yang Dapat Diberikan pada Siswa Kelas XI

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    This thesis entitled "Causes of Juvenile Delinquency Trends and BK Alternative to Cast On Grade X1 SMK Mandiri Pontianak". A common problem in this research is "What are the factors of juvenile delinquency trends and alternatives BK can be given in class XI SMK Mandiri Pontianak. Sub question: What are the forms of juvenile delinquency and alternative BK that can be given in class XI SMK Mandiri Pontianak? What are the psychological factors causing juvenile delinquency trends and BK alternatives that can be provided in class XI SMK Mandiri Pontianak What are the physiological factors causing juvenile delinquency trends and BK alternatives that can be provided in class XI SMK Mandiri Pontianak What are the sociological factors causing juvenile delinquency trends and BK alternatives that can be provided in class XI SMK Mandiri PontianakThe research variables are factors causing juvenile delinquency trends and alternatives that can be given BK method used is descriptive method with quantitative approach to shape analysis. The population of this research consisted of 84 class XI SMK Mandiri Pontianak. Data collection techniques in this study is the indirect techniques. Data collection tool was a questionnaire. Based on the results of data analysis of the factors causing juvenile delinquency trends in class XI student of SMK Mandiri Pontianak totaled 84% in the category Good enough

    Pemilihan Jasa Ekspedisi dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    All enterprises must be trying to deliver their products to consumers with the right time, right quality, and the right price. One of the method is choosing the best expedition services from the firm outer. Thus, expedition services selection is an important aspect to improve enterprises' logistics performance. The research was done in PT Aries Indo Global Semarang, a cell phone assembly enterprise. The purpose of this research is determining which criteria is more important than the others in an expedition services selection. Therefore, these criteria used to evaluate each expedition services so the best expedition services is obtained. Methods used in this research is analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Research conducted using pairwise comparison to experts through questionnaire. The result of this research is price criteria is more important in an expedition services selection compared than responsiveness, previous experiences, and services quality. Then on responsiveness sub-criteria, response to defect claim is more important than response order and tracking order. While on services quality sub-criteria, not losing products is more important than on-time delivery and not defect products. These criteria and sub-criteria used to evaluate expedition services then the best expedition services is obtained which is FPE

    Konsep Green Building pada Bangunan Kantor (Studi Kasus : Spasio Office,Surabaya)

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    Surabaya merupakan kota yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah pusat sebagai kota percontohan dalam menggalakkan konsep kota hijau & telah mendapatkan penghargaan pada Indonesia Green Awards 2016. Salah satu bangunan bertingkat di Surabaya yang sedang menggalakkan konsep green building adalah Spazio. Spazio adalah bangunan dengan fungsi perkantoran, berlokasi di Jalan Mayjend Yono Soewoyo Kav. 3, Graha Famili Surabaya, Indonesia. Adanya evaluasi serta kajian berkaitan dengan penerapan konsep bangunan hijau, bertujuan agar tema green ini tidak hanya dijadikan sebagai label dari bangunan saja namun terdapat wujud nyata yang diterapkan. Selain itu diperlukan analisa penerapan green building yang telah sesuai dengan Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan pendekatan metode deskriptif analisis dan evaluatif. Metode evaluatif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kondisi eksisting pada Spazio dengan menganalisa penerapan konsep hijau pada Spazio Office, yang berpedoman pada greenship Existing Building versi 1.1, dari GBCI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa objek studi tergolong dalam bangunan hijau dengan peringkat Silver, dengan perolehan poin sebesar 53 poin dari 117 poin. Setelah ditambahkan rekomendasi baik arsitektural dan non arsitektural pada Gedung Spazio, berhasil mendapatkan peringkat Platinum dengan total 82 poin

    Optimalisasi Rumah Murah Tipe 36 Menjadi Rumah Sehat (Studi Kasus Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama Malang)

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    Rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia, setiap orang memiliki hak mendapatkan tempat tinggal. Rumah sederhana sehat sangat dibutuhkan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Kota Malang memiliki laju penduduk mencapai 1,56% setiap tahun, sehingga membuat kebutuhan akan hunian meningkat. Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama merupakan salah satu Perumahan yang menyediakan rumah untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah dengan rumah tipe 36 di Kota Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini membahas evaluasi terhadap rumah tipe 36 di Perumahan Bulan Terang Utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa eksisting rumah tipe 36 memiliki penilaian 53,25% sebagai hunian yang sehat. Pengoptimalan pada desan rumah tipe 36 mendapatkan penilaian 83,12% sebagai hunian yang sehat

    Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Pembelian Ulang pada Ritel Lotte Mart Semarang dengan Menggunakan Model Jalur Partial Least Square

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    Repurchase intention is one of the important factors for the company to achieve profitability. Lotte Mart Semarang is a modern retail is currently experiencing instability have predicted the number of visitors and the number of switching out bigger than any other modern retail. It is based on data about the number of visitors from Customer Service Development Lotte Mart Semarang since 2012 to October 2014 and supported by Brand Switching Analysis sources Frontier Consulting Group Research Division Top Brand Survey 2012. This study aims to examine the factors that affect the interests of repurchase intentions in customer non-members, among others perception of service quality, perceived discounts, perception of price comparisons, perception of product quality, customer trust, perceived value and customer satisfaction. Approach path model Partial Least Square (PLS) is used to construct a model of retail interest in the repurchase intention with linking theoretical hypotheses with the main factors that are taken from 131 customers. The results of the research showed the costumer satisfaction is the strongest factor affecting repurchase intention which is this factor is also affected by another factor

    Analysis of Types Code Switching and Code Mixing by the Sixth President of Republic Indonesia's Speech at the National of Independence Day

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    This research aimed to describe the use of code switching and code mixing in the speech of the spoken language. The research used qualitative research. Data were collected from script documented and grounded theories to roll out several types of code switching and code mixing. In collecting data for the research, writer took a few steps such as, observing of the speech, revewing the speech, and choosing the sentences containing code mixing and code switching. The theories were applied into object of the research that is former President of Republic Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's speech. The writer paid attention to the speech. As an official authority, the writer was attracted to analyze his speech during commemoration of Independence Day. The result of this research found that the speech has categorized as kinds of code switching and code mixing
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