74 research outputs found

    Multi-compartment diffusion magnetic resonance imaging models link tract-related characteristics with working memory performance in healthy older adults

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    Multi-compartment diffusion MRI metrics [such as metrics from free water elimination diffusion tensor imaging (FWE-DTI) and neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI)] may reflect more specific underlying white-matter tract characteristics than traditional, single-compartment metrics [i.e., metrics from Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)]. However, it remains unclear if multi-compartment metrics are more closely associated with age and/or cognitive performance than single-compartment metrics. Here we compared the associations of single-compartment [Fractional Anisotropy (FA)] and multi-compartment diffusion MRI metrics [FWE-DTI metrics: Free Water Eliminated Fractional Anisotropy (FWE-FA) and Free Water (FW); NODDI metrics: Intracellular Volume Fraction (ICVF), Orientation Dispersion Index (ODI), and CSF-Fraction] with both age and working memory performance. A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) guided, white matter tractography approach was employed to compute diffusion metrics within a network of tracts connecting functional regions involved in working memory. Ninety-nine healthy older adults (aged 60-85) performed an in-scanner working memory task while fMRI was performed and also underwent multi-shell diffusion acquisition. The network of white matter tracts connecting functionally-activated regions was identified using probabilistic tractography. Diffusion metrics were extracted from skeletonized white matter tracts connecting fMRI activation peaks. Diffusion metrics derived from both single and multi-compartment models were associated with age (p s ≀ 0.011 for FA, FWE-FA, ICVF and ODI). However, only multi-compartment metrics, specifically FWE-FA (p = 0.045) and ICVF (p = 0.020), were associated with working memory performance. Our results suggest that while most current diffusion metrics are sensitive to age, several multi-compartment metrics (i.e., FWE-FA and ICVF) appear more sensitive to cognitive performance in healthy older adults

    White Matter Integrity, Creativity, and Psychopathology: Disentangling Constructs with Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    That creativity and psychopathology are somehow linked remains a popular but controversial idea in neuroscience research. Brain regions implicated in both psychosis-proneness and creative cognition include frontal projection zones and association fibers. In normal subjects, we have previously demonstrated that a composite measure of divergent thinking (DT) ability exhibited significant inverse relationships in frontal lobe areas with both cortical thickness and metabolite concentration of N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA). These findings support the idea that creativity may reside upon a continuum with psychopathology. Here we examine whether white matter integrity, assessed by Fractional Anisotropy (FA), is related to two measures of creativity (Divergent Thinking and Openness to Experience). Based on previous findings, we hypothesize inverse correlations within fronto-striatal circuits. Seventy-two healthy, young adult (18–29 years) subjects were scanned on a 3 Tesla scanner with Diffusion Tensor Imaging. DT measures were scored by four raters (α = .81) using the Consensual Assessment Technique, from which a composite creativity index (CCI) was derived. We found that the CCI was significantly inversely related to FA within the left inferior frontal white matter (t = 5.36, p = .01), and Openness was inversely related to FA within the right inferior frontal white matter (t = 4.61, p = .04). These findings demonstrate an apparent overlap in specific white matter architecture underlying the normal variance of divergent thinking, openness, and psychotic-spectrum traits, consistent with the idea of a continuum

    Independent Component Analysis for Brain fMRI Does Indeed Select for Maximal Independence

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    A recent paper by Daubechies et al. claims that two independent component analysis (ICA) algorithms, Infomax and FastICA, which are widely used for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis, select for sparsity rather than independence. The argument was supported by a series of experiments on synthetic data. We show that these experiments fall short of proving this claim and that the ICA algorithms are indeed doing what they are designed to do: identify maximally independent sources

    High and low levels of an NTRK2-driven genetic profile affect motor- and cognition-associated frontal gray matter in prodromal Huntington's disease

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    This study assessed how BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) and other genes involved in its signaling influence brain structure and clinical functioning in pre-diagnosis Huntington’s disease (HD). Parallel independent component analysis (pICA), a multivariate method for identifying correlated patterns in multimodal datasets, was applied to gray matter concentration (GMC) and genomic data from a sizeable PREDICT-HD prodromal cohort (N = 715). pICA identified a genetic component highlighting NTRK2, which encodes BDNF’s TrkB receptor, that correlated with a GMC component including supplementary motor, precentral/premotor cortex, and other frontal areas (p < 0.001); this association appeared to be driven by participants with high or low levels of the genetic profile. The frontal GMC profile correlated with cognitive and motor variables (Trail Making Test A (p = 0.03); Stroop Color (p = 0.017); Stroop Interference (p = 0.04); Symbol Digit Modalities Test (p = 0.031); Total Motor Score (p = 0.01)). A top-weighted NTRK2 variant (rs2277193) was protectively associated with Trail Making Test B (p = 0.007); greater minor allele numbers were linked to a better performance. These results support the idea of a protective role of NTRK2 in prodromal HD, particularly in individuals with certain genotypes, and suggest that this gene may influence the preservation of frontal gray matter that is important for clinical functioning

    Mining the Mind Research Network: A Novel Framework for Exploring Large Scale, Heterogeneous Translational Neuroscience Research Data Sources

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    A neuroinformatics (NI) system is critical to brain imaging research in order to shorten the time between study conception and results. Such a NI system is required to scale well when large numbers of subjects are studied. Further, when multiple sites participate in research projects organizational issues become increasingly difficult. Optimized NI applications mitigate these problems. Additionally, NI software enables coordination across multiple studies, leveraging advantages potentially leading to exponential research discoveries. The web-based, Mind Research Network (MRN), database system has been designed and improved through our experience with 200 research studies and 250 researchers from seven different institutions. The MRN tools permit the collection, management, reporting and efficient use of large scale, heterogeneous data sources, e.g., multiple institutions, multiple principal investigators, multiple research programs and studies, and multimodal acquisitions. We have collected and analyzed data sets on thousands of research participants and have set up a framework to automatically analyze the data, thereby making efficient, practical data mining of this vast resource possible. This paper presents a comprehensive framework for capturing and analyzing heterogeneous neuroscience research data sources that has been fully optimized for end-users to perform novel data mining

    Multi-Vendor and Multisite Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping Using Hypercapnia Challenge

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    Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), which measures the ability of cerebral blood vessels to dilate or constrict in response to vasoactive stimuli such as CO2 inhalation, is an important index of the brain\u27s vascular health. Quantification of CVR using BOLD MRI with hypercapnia challenge has shown great promises in research and clinical studies. However, in order for it to be used as a potential imaging biomarker in large-scale and multi-site studies, the reliability of CO2-CVR quantification across different MRI acquisition platforms and researchers/raters must be examined. The goal of this report from the MarkVCID small vessel disease biomarkers consortium is to evaluate the reliability of CO2-CVR quantification in three studies. First, the inter-rater reliability of CO2-CVR data processing was evaluated by having raters from 5 MarkVCID sites process the same 30 CVR datasets using a cloud-based CVR data processing pipeline. Second, the inter-scanner reproducibility of CO2-CVR quantification was assessed in 10 young subjects across two scanners of different vendors. Third, test-retest repeatability was evaluated in 20 elderly subjects from 4 sites with a scan interval of less than 2 weeks. In all studies, the CO2 CVR measurements were performed using the fixed inspiration method, where the subjects wore a nose clip and a mouthpiece and breathed room air and 5% CO2 air contained in a Douglas bag alternatively through their mouth. The results showed that the inter-rater CoV of CVR processing was 0.08 ± 0.08% for whole-brain CVR values and ranged from 0.16% to 0.88% in major brain regions, with ICC of absolute agreement above 0.9959 for all brain regions. Inter-scanner CoV was found to be 6.90 ± 5.08% for whole-brain CVR values, and ranged from 4.69% to 12.71% in major brain regions, which are comparable to intra-session CoVs obtained from the same scanners on the same day. ICC of consistency between the two scanners was 0.8498 for whole-brain CVR and ranged from 0.8052 to 0.9185 across major brain regions. In the test-retest evaluation, test-retest CoV across different days was found to be 18.29 ± 17.12% for whole-brain CVR values, and ranged from 16.58% to 19.52% in major brain regions, with ICC of absolute agreement ranged from 0.6480 to 0.7785. These results demonstrated good inter-rater, inter-scanner, and test-retest reliability in healthy volunteers, and suggested that CO2-CVR has suitable instrumental properties for use as an imaging biomarker of cerebrovascular function in multi-site and longitudinal observational studies and clinical trials

    A Baseline for the Multivariate Comparison of Resting-State Networks

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    As the size of functional and structural MRI datasets expands, it becomes increasingly important to establish a baseline from which diagnostic relevance may be determined, a processing strategy that efficiently prepares data for analysis, and a statistical approach that identifies important effects in a manner that is both robust and reproducible. In this paper, we introduce a multivariate analytic approach that optimizes sensitivity and reduces unnecessary testing. We demonstrate the utility of this mega-analytic approach by identifying the effects of age and gender on the resting-state networks (RSNs) of 603 healthy adolescents and adults (mean age: 23.4 years, range: 12–71 years). Data were collected on the same scanner, preprocessed using an automated analysis pipeline based in SPM, and studied using group independent component analysis. RSNs were identified and evaluated in terms of three primary outcome measures: time course spectral power, spatial map intensity, and functional network connectivity. Results revealed robust effects of age on all three outcome measures, largely indicating decreases in network coherence and connectivity with increasing age. Gender effects were of smaller magnitude but suggested stronger intra-network connectivity in females and more inter-network connectivity in males, particularly with regard to sensorimotor networks. These findings, along with the analysis approach and statistical framework described here, provide a useful baseline for future investigations of brain networks in health and disease
