28 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Six Sigma Dmaic sebagai Metode Pengendalian dan Perbaikan Kualitas Produk Bedside Cabinet Skn 04-03abs pada PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha

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    (APPLICATION OF SIX SIGMA DMAIC AS A CONTROL AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT METHODS FOR SKN 04-03ABS BEDSIDE CABINET PRODUCT IN PT. SARANDI KARYA NUGRAHA)The main factors to achieve business success in global competition is quality. In the world of hospital equipment industry, quality is a key to maintaining customer loyalty. For PT. Sarandi Karya Nugraha, quality control is expected to help achieve corporate objectives related to the level of the company\u27s revenue. Reality on the ground from 2013 until August 2015 shows that the average of defective products for bedside cabinet SKN 04-03ABS is 10.74%. Therefore a study is conducted to analyze the causes of defectivity using the DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve, and control) Six Sigma. The stage of define and measure shows the dominant factor that causes defectivity is welding. Sigma values obtained after the calculation for the company amounted to 3.4 where it shows the value of the average amount of industry in Indonesia. Then from the calculation of Critical To Quality (CTQ) potential, cause of defectivity by welding obtained amounted to 43.22%. Fishbone diagram is used in analyze stages to analyze the causes of defectivity by analyzing five factors, those are construction design, environment, technical, structural, and human factors. The stage of control giving recommendation for direct improvement

    Usulan Perbaikan Operation Point Sheet Pada Mesin Feeder Aida 1100 PT. Xxx Dengan Menggunakan Metode Smed

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    Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) merupakan salah satu alat lean yang penting untuk mengurangi waste dan meningkatkan fleksibilitas dalam proses manufaktur yang memungkinkan dalam pengurangan ukuran lot dan perbaikan aliran manufaktur. SMED mengurangi waktu non-produktif dengan mempersatukan dan standardisasi operasi dalam pergantian alat, dengan menggunakan teknik sederhana dan aplikasi yang mudah. Namun proses tersebut tidak dapat memberikan hasil yang spesifik dalam pelaksanaannya, dimana masih dapat dilakukan suatu perbaikan. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, data statistik dan alat-alat teknik industri dapat diintegrasikan dalam pendekatan SMED untuk meningkatkan hasil penerapan SMED. Penerapan pendekatan SMED yang diusulkan diuji untuk mesin feeder didalam industri otomotif PT. XXX. Implementasi ini memungkinkan adanya pengurangan waktu setup, melalui reorganisasi sumber daya internal Perusahaan tanpa membutuhkan investasi yang signifikan. Kata kunci: Lean manufacturing systems, Single Minute Exchange of Die, Quick ChangeOver. Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) is one of the essential lean tools to reduce waste and increase flexibility in manufacturing processes that enable the reduction of lot size and improving manufacturing flow. SMED reduces non-productive time by streamlining and standardizing operations in the turn of the tool, using simple techniques and easy application. But the process can not provide a specific result in the implementation, which can still be an improvement. To overcome this, statistical data and tools can be integrated in industrial engineering approaches to improve outcomes SMED SMED implementation. The proposed application of SMED approach was tested for the automotive industry in the feeder machine PT. XXX. This implementation allows for the reduction of setup time, through the reorganization of the company's internal resources without requiring significant investment

    Implementasi Model Persediaan Probabilistik Multi Item dengan Mempertimbangkan Fluktuasi Permintaan dan Harga Barang (Studi Kasus : P.t. Purinusa Eka Persada)

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    Material is an important aspect in production activities. The availability of the materials will have an effect to production flows. Too much procurement caused the company will have to pay more cost due to saving cost. On the otherside, too few procurement caused the company will have the order cost increased and production activities stopped. Too much inventories and shortage during the 2013 period until first quartal in 2014 occurred because of the order policy is not optimal, because only considering the quantity of inventories in the warehouse, the order released but not received yet, and the average of USAge in last three montsh in order policy. While in the real condition the fluctuative demand, multi item materials, and fluctuative price is not considered yet by the order policy of the company. Furthermore, it needs to be analyzed in order to find the optimal order policy for the procurement system in the company using an appropriate model. Based on the calculation and analysis has been done by considering these three factors, obtained an order in inventory management as indicated by the quantity of materials purchased in accordance with the number of requests, ordering period uniform for all types of materials that each once a month, and a drop in the cost of inventories by 11% of the initial system of the company

    Usulan Strategi Untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk Mebel Rotan Single Chair Dengan Analisis Rantai Nilai (Studi Kasus : Klaster Mebel Rotan Kab. Cirebon)

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    Rattan furniture industry become one of the leading sector in Indonesia where the biggest rattan processing center palced in Cirebon,West Java. However, there are some constraints in rattan furniture industry in Cirebon which include the increasing of competition among global manufacturers and the government policy that allowed rattan export lead to profits in the competing countries.Therefore, we need a strategy to enhance the competitiveness of rattan products in world markets. This strategy can be obtained by analyzing the value chain. The purposes of this study are to analyze the value chain of rattan furniture products and get the appropriate competitive strategy to be implemented by each actor within value chain. The method is carried out financial analysis, SWOT analysis, Diamond Competitiveness analysis, and analysis of Critical Success Factor (CSF). Object of research are companies which are members of the Association of Indonesian Furniture (ASMINDO) Cirebon that produced single chair rattan. From the results of data processing and analysis, the strategies that can be applied in suppliers are to establish a subsidiary in the available raw materials and merged with the company. The strategies that can be applied in the company are applying its labor costs per unit of product produced, the allocation of funds for promotion, buyers prioritize subscriptions, sharing information and innovation with the buyer, has a high flexibility in terms of quality and price, collaborate with associations and government in exhibitions, and merged with another company or with suppliers. While strategies that can be applied in buyer in this case wholeseller are to lower the price of the product, maximize promotion and maintaining good relationships with companies that already truste

    Penentuan Lot Pesanan Dan Periode Pemesanan Menggunakan Teknik Lotting Dan Penentuan Safety Stock Untuk Arabian Light Crude Sebagai Umpan Fuel Oil Complex 1 Pada Bulan September 2014 Di PT Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap

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    PT. Pertamina (Persero) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap are under the responsibility of the Directorate processing PT. Pertamina (Persero), is one of the Public Server Obligation (PSO) to the government that one of his responsibilities is to provide fuel for various purposes in Indonesia. As a manufacturer of fuel, PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU IV Cilacap need of Crude Oil as feed or main raw materials. One of crude oil type used as a raw material in the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU IV Cilacap is Arabian Light Crude (ALC), which is the crude oil from Saudi light crude categories. Units within the company that is using ALC as feed, one of which was crude Distilate I Unit (CDU) in the Fuel Oil Complex I. The number and the booking period ALC has been done based on orders from Pertamina Head Manager. The basis for determining the number and the booking period is unknown, so the plant manager can not resolve a problem directly if there are constraints on the supply chain ALC. The theoretical approach is needed to analyze the behavior of lot size calculation system and the booking period. From these conditions, the formulation of the research problem is how to determine a lot of orders and the booking period lotting ALC using the techniques and how to determine the optimal safety stock for ALC. The purpose of the study is to determine the order and the booking period lot ALC uses lotting techniques to get a lot of orders and the booking period is optimal, determine safety stock and assess kesesesuaian ALC ALC purchase contract with the theoretical results of data processing. Results of the research showed orders lot ALC was 1.680.000 barrels. ALC booking period is done every 15 days. ALC optimal safety stock is 552.671 barrels. ALC lot size compared with theoretical calculations give a lot suitability of 93.33% results

    Implementasi Model Pengendalian Persediaan Eoq Multi Item dengan Mempertimbangkan Masa Deathstock pada Non-konstan Demand (Studi Kasus : Rumah Sakit X Tangerang)

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    The hospital is a community service facilities provided by the government . The hospital has a service goal is to provide medicines at the right time and in the dosage and how to use the right . Medication management process in hospitals include planning , procurement , storage and distribution . These four stages are interrelated and have a considerable impact on the availability of drugs in the hospital so it must be well coordinated . Disease and drug demand is unpredictable . Therefore , the management of inventory is crucial in dealing with cases of non- constant demand as demand for drugs . Each year , the number increases every year deathstock thereby increasing the cost of the warehouse store . This is because reservations are not scheduled drugs , causing a buildup of the drug ( deathstock ) warehouse and cause drug becomes outdated. Hence the importance of inventory control in the hospital . Controlling inventory in this study using Multi- Item EOQ model by considering deathstock conditions and expiry dates so that hospitals have the right medication ordering schedule is 0,406 in every year or once order for 149 days and resulting in lower total cost savings of Rp 10,274,584.52 per cycle