350 research outputs found

    Scalar Quartic Effective Action on AdS5AdS_5

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    We review the recent results concerning the computation of cubic and quartic couplings of scalar fields in type IIB supergravity on AdS_5\times S^5 background that are dual to (extended) chiral primary operators in N=4 SYM_4. We discuss the vanishing of certain cubic and quartic couplings and non-renormalization property of corresponding correlators in the conformal field theoryComment: 6 pages, Latex, JHEP style; based on the talk by G. Arutyunov at the TMR Meeting "Quantum Aspects of Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Unification" held in Paris, September 199

    Integrable Hamiltonian for Classical Strings on AdS_5 x S^5

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    We find the Hamiltonian for physical excitations of the classical bosonic string propagating in the AdS_5 x S^5 space-time. The Hamiltonian is obtained in a so-called uniform gauge which is related to the static gauge by a 2d duality transformation. The Hamiltonian is of the Nambu type and depends on two parameters: a single S^5 angular momentum J and the string tension \lambda. In the general case both parameters can be finite. The space of string states consists of short and long strings. In the sector of short strings the large J expansion with \lambda'=\lambda/J^2 fixed recovers the plane-wave Hamiltonian and higher-order corrections recently studied in the literature. In the strong coupling limit \lambda\to \infty, J fixed, the energy of short strings scales as \sqrt[4]{\lambda} while the energy of long strings scales as \sqrt{\lambda}. We further show that the gauge-fixed Hamiltonian is integrable by constructing the corresponding Lax representation. We discuss some general properties of the monodromy matrix, and verify that the asymptotic behavior of the quasi-momentum perfectly agrees with the one obtained earlier for some specific cases.Comment: 30 pages, LaTex; v2: a few comments added, misprints corrected, references adde

    A note on gravity-scalar fluctuations in holographic RG flow geometries

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    We study five-dimensional gravity models with non-vanishing background scalar fields which are dual to non-conformal boundary field theories. We develop a procedure to decouple the graviton fluctuations from the scalar ones and apply it to the simplest case of one scalar field. The quadratic action for the decoupled scalar fluctuations has a very simple form and can be used to compute two-point functions. We perform this computation for the two examples of background RG flow recently considered by DeWolfe and Freedman and find physically reasonable results.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figure

    Orbifolded Konishi from the Mirror TBA

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    Starting with a discussion of the general applicability of the simplified mirror TBA equations to simple deformations of the AdS_5 x S^5 superstring, we proceed to study a specific type of orbifold to which the undeformed simplified TBA equations directly apply. We then use this set of equations, as well as Luscher's approach, to determine the NLO wrapping correction to the energy of what we call the orbifolded Konishi state, and show that they perfectly agree. In addition we discuss wrapping corrections to the ground state energy of the orbifolded model under consideration.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, v2: corrected typos, added a short discussion on the ground state of the model; as submitted to J. Phys.

    Perturbative and instanton corrections to the OPE of CPOs in N=4 SYM_4

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    We study perturbative and instanton corrections to the Operator Product Expansion of the lowest weight Chiral Primary Operators of N=4 SYM_4. We confirm the recently observed non-renormalization of various operators (notably of the double-trace operator with dimension 4 in the 20 irrep of SU(4)), that appear to be unprotected by unitarity restrictions. We demonstrate the splitting of the free-field theory stress tensor and R-symmetry current in supermultiplets acquiring different anomalous dimensions in perturbation theory and argue that certain double-trace operators also undergo a perturbative splitting into operators dual to string and two-particle gravity states respectively. The instanton contributions affect only those double-trace operators that acquire finite anomalous dimensions at strong coupling. For the leading operators of this kind, we show that the ratio of their anomalous dimensions at strong coupling to the anomalous dimensions due to instantons is the same number.Comment: Latex, 26p, typos are removed, a strong-coupling anomalous dimension of one of the double-trace operators is correcte

    On AdS<sub>5</sub> x s<sup>5</sup> string s-matrix

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    Recently two interesting conjectures about the string S-matrix on AdS5×S5 have been made. First, assuming the existence of a Hopf algebra symmetry Janik derived a functional equation for the dressing factor of the quantum string Bethe ansatz. Second, Hernández and López proposed an explicit form of Click to view the MathML source correction to the dressing factor. In this Letter we show that in the strong coupling expansion Janik's equation is solved by the dressing factor up to the order of its validity. This observation provides a strong evidence in favor of a conjectured Hopf algebra symmetry for strings in AdS5×S5 as well as the perturbative string S-matrix
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