73 research outputs found

    Double Wick rotating Green-Schwarz strings

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    Via an appropriate field redefinition of the fermions, we find a set of conditions under which light cone gauge fixed world sheet theories of strings on two different backgrounds are related by a double Wick rotation. These conditions take the form of a set of transformation laws for the background fields, complementing a set of transformation laws for the metric and B field we found previously with a set for the dilaton and RR fields, and are compatible with the supergravity equations of motion. Our results prove that at least to second order in fermions, the AdS_5 x S^5 mirror model which plays an important role in the field of integrability in AdS/CFT, represents a string on `mirror AdS_5 x S^5', the background that follows from our transformations. We discuss analogous solutions for AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4 and AdS_2 x S^2 x T^6. The main ingredient in our derivation is the light cone gauge fixed action for a string on an (almost) completely generic background, which we explicitly derive to second order in fermions.Comment: v2, updated discussion on target space interpretation, elaborated discussion on minor points, content matches published version, 28 pages, 3 figure

    Puzzles of eta-deformed AdS_5 x S^5

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    We derive the part of the Lagrangian for the sigma model on the eta-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 space which is quadratic in fermions and has the full dependence on bosons. We then show that there exists a field redefinition which brings the corresponding Lagrangian to the standard form of type IIB Green-Schwarz superstring. Reading off the corresponding RR couplings, we observe that they fail to satisfy the supergravity equations of motion, despite the presence of kappa-symmetry. However, in a special scaling limit our solution reproduces the supergravity background found by Maldacena and Russo. Further, using the fermionic Lagrangian, we compute a number of new matrix elements of the tree level world-sheet scattering matrix. We then show that after a unitary transformation on the basis of two-particle states which is not one-particle factorisable, the corresponding T-matrix factorises into two equivalent parts. Each part satisfies the classical Yang-Baxter equation and coincides with the large tension limit of the q-deformed S-matrix.Comment: 59 pages, 1 figure, v2: minor correction

    Limiting Geometries of Two Circular Maldacena-Wilson Loop Operators

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    We further analyze a recent perturbative two-loop calculation of the expectation value of two axi-symmetric circular Maldacena-Wilson loops in N=4 gauge theory. Firstly, it is demonstrated how to adapt the previous calculation of anti-symmetrically oriented circles to the symmetric case. By shrinking one of the circles to zero size we then explicitly work out the first few terms of the local operator expansion of the loop. Our calculations explicitly demonstrate that circular Maldacena-Wilson loops are non-BPS observables precisely due to the appearance of unprotected local operators. The latter receive anomalous scaling dimensions from non-ladder diagrams. Finally, we present new insights into a recent conjecture claiming that coincident circular Maldacena-Wilson loops are described by a Gaussian matrix model. We report on a novel, supporting two-loop test, but also explain and illustrate why the existing arguments in favor of the conjecture are flawed.Comment: 16 pages, numerous figure

    Four-point functions of all-different-weight chiral primary operators in the supergravity approximation

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    Recently a Mellin-space formula was conjectured for the form of correlation functions of 1/21/2 BPS operators in planar N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM in the strong 't Hooft coupling limit. In this work we report on the computation of two previously unknown four-point functions of operators with weights ⟨2345⟩\langle 2345 \rangle and ⟨3456⟩\langle 3456\rangle, from the effective type-IIB supergravity action using AdS/CFT. These correlators are novel: they are the first correlators with all-different weights and in particular ⟨3456⟩\langle 3456\rangle is the first next-next-next-to-extremal correlator to ever have been computed. We also present simplifications of the known algorithm, without which these computations could not have been executed without considerable computer power. The main simplifications we found are present in the computation of the exchange Lagrangian and in the computation of aa tensors. After bringing our results in the appropriate form we successfully corroborate the recently conjectured formula.Comment: 20+23 pages, 3 figures; v2: published versio

    Five-loop Konishi from the Mirror TBA

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    We use the Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations for the AdS_5 \times S^5 mirror model to derive the five-loop anomalous dimension of the Konishi operator. We show numerically that the corresponding result perfectly agrees with the one recently obtained via the generalized Luscher formulae. This constitutes an important test of the AdS/CFT TBA system.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, v2: published versio

    Four-point functions of 1/2-BPS operators of any weights in the supergravity approximation

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    We present the computation of all the correlators of 1/2-BPS operators in N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 SYM with weights up to 8 as well as some very high-weight correlation functions from the effective supergravity action. The computation is done by implementing the recently developed simplified algorithm in combination with the harmonic polynomial formalism. We provide a database of these results attached to this publication and additionally check for almost all of the functions in this database that they agree with the conjecture on their Mellin-space form.Comment: 6 pages, database included; v2: database extended, appendix adde

    Superstrings on AdS_4 x CP^3 as a Coset Sigma-model

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    According to the recent proposal by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena the N=6 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions has a 't Hooft limit whose holographic dual is described by type IIA superstings on AdS_4 x CP^3 background. We argue that the Green-Schwarz action for type IIA string theory on AdS_4 x CP^3 with kappa-symmetry partially fixed can be understood as a coset sigma-model on the same space supplied with a proper Wess-Zumino term. We construct the corresponding sigma-model Lagrangian and show that it is invariant under a local fermionic symmetry which for generic bosonic string configurations allows one to remove 8 out of 24 fermionic degrees of freedom. The remaining 16 fermions together with their bosonic partners should describe the physical content of AdS_4 x CP^3 superstring. As further evidence, we demonstrate that in the plane-wave limit the quadratic action arising from our model reproduces the one emerging from the type IIA superstring. The coset sigma-model is classically integrable which opens up the possibility to investigate its dynamics in a way very similar to the case of AdS_5 x S^5 superstrings.Comment: 29 pages; v2: typos corrected, refs adde
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