183 research outputs found

    Rotational Abstractions for Verification of Quantum Fourier Transform Circuits

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    With the race to build large-scale quantum computers and efforts to exploit quantum algorithms for efficient problem solving in science and engineering disciplines, the requirement to have efficient and scalable verification methods are of vital importance. We propose a novel formal verification method that is targeted at Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT) circuits. QFT is a fundamental quantum algorithm that forms the basis of many quantum computing applications. The verification method employs abstractions of quantum gates used in QFT that leads to a reduction of the verification problem from Hilbert space to the quantifier free logic of bit-vectors. Very efficient decision procedures are available to reason about bit-vectors. Therefore, our method is able to scale up to the verification of QFT circuits with 10,000 qubits and 50 million quantum gates, providing a meteoric advance in the size of QFT circuits thus far verified using formal verification methods

    Structure of Indiana’s Manufacturing Sector during and after the Great Recession: A Spatial Perspective

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    The trend in manufacturing employment is on a downward trajectory nationally, further exacerbated by short-term fluctuations. Indiana mirrors this trend, and as such, we explore the structure of the manufacturing sector using a spatial and snapshot approach during and after the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Using two measures: (1) average firm size and (2) gap in percent of local manufacturing employment, we explain the dynamics at specific periods, viz., 2007 at the beginning of the Recession, 2009 at the trough of the Great Recession, 2014 at a point in recovery from the Great Recession, and 2016 at the endpoint for our analysis. Our results show counties are spatially dependent for the average firm size and percent employed in the manufacturing sector but spatially independent for the change (gap) in the same variables both during and after the Great Recession. Between 2007 and 2009, the decline in average firm size was greatest for Rural (R), followed by Non-Metro but adjacent to Metro (NMA), and then Metro (M) counties. However, by 2016, the average firm size in Metro counties was higher than the 2007 level, whereas non-Metro but adjacent to Metro and Rural counties, failed to rebound to the 2007 level. The relative ranking by degree of urbanization remains consistent with respect to local employment in manufacturing—although all groups experienced a decline during the Great Recession and even in recovery. These results suggest location is an important determinant and reinforce the importance of economic policies that can impact a group of counties or economic growth regions rather than individual counties

    Analysis of suitable converter for the implementation of drive system in solar photovoltaic panels

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    Introduction. Photovoltaic (PV) systems gained immense attraction in the recent years since it produces electricity without causing environmental pollution through direct conversion of solar irradiance into electricity. Solar PV panels produce DC power. The magnitude of this DC power varies with temperature and irradiance of the sun rays. The DC supply from solar panels can be regulated using DC-DC converter and then can further be converted into the desired AC voltage by means of a voltage source inverter before being fed to an induction motor (IM). The speed and torque of an IM, fed from PV arrays, can vary due to the variation in the output power of the panels. Goal of this work is to improve the dynamic performance and reduce the torque ripple of Cuk converter-inverter fed IM drive system. The novelty of the current work proposes interleaved Cuk converter between solar PV DC source and the inverter. Purpose. To provide continuous current using an interleaved Cuk converter to the IM drive and in turn to reduce the torque ripple in IM. Methodology. Introduced an interleaved Cuk converter which is a blend of Cuk converters connected in parallel with each other between solar PV arrays and IM drive system. Originality. Simulation results are obtained for Cuk converter and interleaved Cuk converter fed IM drive by means of MATLAB. The hardware setup for the same IM systems is developed. Practical value. Simulation and hardware results are coincided with each other and it is subject from the simulation and hardware results that the interleaved Cuk converter-inverter fed IM system produced results superior than the Cuk converter inverter fed IM drive system.Вступ. Фотоелектричні (ФЕ) системи набули величезної привабливості в останні роки, оскільки вони виробляють електроенергію, не викликаючи забруднення навколишнього середовища, за рахунок прямого перетворення сонячного випромінювання на електрику. Сонячні ФЕ панелі виробляють енергію постійного струму. Значення цієї потужності постійного струму залежить від температури та освітленості сонячних променів. Подача постійного струму від сонячних панелей може регулюватися за допомогою DC-DC перетворювача, а потім може бути перетворена в бажану змінну напругу за допомогою інвертора джерела напруги перед подачею на асинхронний двигун. Швидкість та обертаючий момент асинхронного двигуна, що живиться від ФЕ батарей, можуть змінюватися через зміну вихідної потужності панелей. Метою даної роботи є покращення динамічних характеристик та зменшення пульсацій обертаючого моменту системи приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача-інвертора. Новизна цієї роботи пропонує Cuk перетворювач, що чергується, між сонячним ФЕ джерелом постійного струму та інвертором. Мета. Забезпечення безперервності струму за допомогою Cuk перетворювача, що чергується, для приводу асинхронного двигуна і, у свою чергу, зменшення пульсації обертаючого моменту в асинхронному двигуні. Методологія. Представлений Cuk перетворювач, що чергується, який являє собою суміш Cuk перетворювачів, підключених паралельно один до одного між сонячними ФЕ батареями і системою приводу асинхронного двигуна. Оригінальність. Результати моделювання отримані для Cuk перетворювача і приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням Cuk перетворювача, що чергується, за допомогою MATLAB. Розроблено апаратну частину цих же асинхронних двигунів. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання та апаратного забезпечення збігаються один з одним, і з результатів моделювання та апаратного забезпечення випливає, що система асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача-інвертора, що чергується, дає результати, які перевищують результати, ніж система приводу асинхронного двигуна з живленням від Cuk перетворювача

    Inconspicuous Penis

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    Inconspicous penis refers to a constellation of conditions that make the penis look diminutive and small. This could be secondary to short penile shaft often termed as micropenis. But more commonly, this inconspicuous appearance is secondary to other causes ranging from congenital conditions such as penoscrotal webbing or megaprepuce, developmental conditions like prepubic adiposity that overhang the penis, and iatrogenic causes like trapped penis after adhesions secondary to circumcision. In this paper, we propose to define these entities and provide their descriptions and then to describe their management including surgical correction

    Request-specific routing in WDM grooming networks

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    Sub-wavelength traffic grooming in optical networks has gained significant importance due to the prevailing fractional wavelength traffic requirement of end-users. Dynamic routing schemes improve the performance of WDM grooming networks compared to static routing as they can adapt to changes in the network state. In this paper, the significance of dynamic routing of fractional wavelength traffic based on request characteristics is illustrated. We propose a request-specific routing scheme, called available shortest path routing, and study its performance. The results are compared against other routing schemes that do not use request characteristics in selecting a path. It Is shown that request-specific routing can improve the network performance with respect to utilization and fairness metrics

    Blocking performance of tree establishment in time-space switched optical networks

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    Multicasting in the optical layer has gained significant importance in the recent years due to several factors. Most of the research work in this area concentrate either on minimizing the number of wavelengths required to meet a given static demand or on multicast route selection algorithms to achieve efficient utilization of fiber bandwidth. Very few significant research has been found, to the best of authors\u27 knowledge, in developing an analytical model for evaluating the blocking performance of tree establishment in optical networks, which motivates this research. In this paper, an analytical model for evaluating the blocking performance of multicast tree establishment in time-space switched optical networks is developed. The performance of different switch architectures are then studied using the analytical model. it is observed that if the multicast tree has very low degree of branching, the blocking probability of establishing the tree is the same as that of establishing a path with same number of links

    Dynamic Routing with Partial Information in Mesh-Restorable Optical Networks

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    Changing trends in backbone transport networks towards dynamic path provisioning and evolving optical technologies have motivated the study of dynamic routing algorithms in the context of Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) based networks. Several methods have been proposed for joint optimization of working and spare capacity in survivable optical networks. These techniques are centralized and do not scale well as they rely on per-flow information. This motivates the need for developing a) distributed algorithms with complete infor­mation, b) source based algorithms with partial information which can be easily obtained from traffic engineering extensions to routing protocols. In this paper, we develop dynamic algorithms for source based routing with partial information. The algorithms are classified based on the path selection ap­proach used for the primary path. We compare the performance of various routing algorithms through simulation studies, based on metrics such as the call blocking probability, average path length of an accepted connections, capacity redundancy, and effective network utilization. Our studies show that dynamic routing algo­rithms perform better than static routing algorithms using pre-computed paths even when the path selection in static algorithms is based on optimizing a global network metric. The other interesting observation we make is that the perfor­mance improvement of dynamic routing algorithms using K pre-computed paths is significant even for small values of K

    Identification and authentication of Agnimantha plant species used in Ayurveda on the basis of anatomical and molecular phylogenetic analysis

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    Agnimantha plant species have been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine for many years and is widely used as an ingredient in many ayurvedic formulations. However, the source for Agnimantha remained controversial as it is difficult to authenticate from various reports. Hence, the present study aims to identify and authenticate its original and substitute sources. As per the literature sources Clerodendrum phlomidis L.f., C. inerme (L.) Gaertn. and Premna serratifolia L. are considered Agnimantha species. The anatomy of the above mentioned species confirmed the presence of patches of up to 20 cells in the sclerenchyma of the root cortex, while in the absence of sclerenchyma of the stem cortex, abundant chambered crystals were also present in the bark of the stem and root in C. phlomidis as compared to C. inerme and P. serratifolia. Phylogenetic analysis using chloroplast (matK, trnH-psbA) and nuclear markers (ITS, rbcl) also indicates the close relation between C. inerme and P. serratifolia and hence places them both in the same clade, though C. phlomidis is closely related to the other species but placed in the adjacent clade. Hence, the study concludes that anatomical as well as molecular phylogenetic analysis reflect close relation between C. inerme and P. serratifolia. while a distant relation with C. phlomidis

    The Robot-Assisted Extravesical Anti-reflux Surgery: How We Overcame the Learning Curve

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    Management of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) has evolved over the past several decades, with a trend toward a decrease in surgical management. In spite of this, ureteral reimplantation remains a commonly performed procedure by pediatric urologists in selected cases. Although the basic tenets of the ureteral reimplant procedure remain the same, the extra- vs. intravesical approach, and the traditional open vs. minimally invasive approach remain the primary options to correct reflux. Considering the advantages conferred by the robotic surgery platform, many leading centers have preferentially adopted robot-assisted laparoscopic extravesical anti-reflux surgery, or in common surgical parlance, the robot-assisted laparoscopic ureteral reimplantation (RALUR), over pure laparoscopic or open approaches. Predicated on our experience of performing over 170 cases of RALUR, we have made technical modifications which we posit reduce the morbidity of the procedure while offering acceptable outcomes. This review highlights the evolution and establishment of RALUR as a standardization of care in the surgical management of VUR at our institution. In particular, we emphasize the technical nuances and specific challenges encountered through the learning curve in hopes of facilitating this process for others