304 research outputs found

    Multiparametric MR imaging for detection of clinically significant prostate cancer: a validation cohort study with transperineal template prostate mapping as the reference standard.

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of multiparametric (MP) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for prostate cancer detection by using transperineal template prostate mapping (TTPM) biopsies as the reference standard and to determine the potential ability of MP MR imaging to identify clinically significant prostate cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Institutional review board exemption was granted by the local research ethics committee for this retrospective study. Included were 64 men (mean age, 62 years [range, 40-76]; mean prostate-specific antigen, 8.2 ng/mL [8.2 μg/L] [range, 2.1-43 ng/mL]), 51 with biopsy-proved cancer and 13 suspected of having clinically significant cancer that was biopsy negative or without prior biopsy. MP MR imaging included T2-weighted, dynamic contrast-enhanced and diffusion-weighted imaging (1.5 T, pelvic phased-array coil). Three radiologists independently reviewed images and were blinded to results of biopsy. Two-by-two tables were derived by using sectors of analysis of four quadrants, two lobes, and one whole prostate. Primary target definition for clinically significant disease necessary to be present within a sector of analysis on TTPM for that sector to be deemed positive was set at Gleason score of 3+4 or more and/or cancer core length involvement of 4 mm or more. Sensitivity, negative predictive value, and negative likelihood ratio were calculated to determine ability of MP MR imaging to rule out cancer. Specificity, positive predictive value, positive likelihood ratio, accuracy (overall fraction correct), and area under receiver operating characteristic curves were also calculated. RESULTS: Twenty-eight percent (71 of 256) of sectors had clinically significant cancer by primary endpoint definition. For primary endpoint definition (≥ 4 mm and/or Gleason score ≥ 3+4), sensitivity, negative predictive value, and negative likelihood ratios were 58%-73%, 84%-89%, and 0.3-0.5, respectively. Specificity, positive predictive value, and positive likelihood ratios were 71%-84%, 49%-63%, and 2.-3.44, respectively. Area under the curve values were 0.73-0.84. CONCLUSION: Results of this study indicate that MP MR imaging has a high negative predictive value to rule out clinically significant prostate cancer and may potentially have clinical use in diagnostic pathways of men at risk

    Extraterrestrial Prebiotic Molecules: Photochemistry vs. Radiation Chemistry of Interstellar Ices

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    In 2016, unambiguous evidence for the presence of the amino acid glycine, an important prebiotic molecule, was deduced based on in situ mass-spectral studies of the coma surrounding cometary ice. This finding is significant because comets are thought to have preserved the icy grains originally found in the interstellar medium prior to solar system formation. Energetic processing of cosmic ices via photochemistry and radiation chemistry is thought to be the dominant mechanism for the extraterrestrial synthesis of prebiotic molecules. Radiation chemistry is defined as the “study of the chemical changes produced by the absorption of radiation of sufficiently high energy to produce ionization.” Ionizing radiation in cosmic chemistry includes high-energy particles (e.g., cosmic rays) and high-energy photons (e.g., extreme-UV). In contrast, photochemistry is defined as chemical processes initiated by photon-induced electronic excitation not involving ionization. Vacuum-UV (6.2 –12.4 eV) light may, in addition to photochemistry, initiate radiation chemistry because the threshold for producing secondary electrons is lower in the condensed phase than in the gas phase. Unique to radiation chemistry are four phenomena: (1) production of a cascade of low-energy (\u3c 20 eV) secondary electrons which are thought to be the dominant driving force for radiation chemistry, (2) reactions initiated by cations, (3) non-uniform distribution of reaction intermediates, and (4) non-selective chemistry leading to the production of multiple reaction products. The production of low-energy secondary electrons during radiation chemistry may also lead to new reaction pathways not available to photochemistry. In addition, low-energy electron-induced radiation chemistry may predominate over photochemistry because of the sheer number of low-energy secondary electrons. Moreover, reaction cross-sections can be several orders of magnitude larger for electrons than for photons. Discerning the role of photochemistry vs. radiation chemistry in astrochemistry is challenging because astrophysical photoninduced chemistry studies have almost exclusively used light sources that produce \u3e 10 eV photons. Because a primary objective of chemistry is to provide molecular-level mechanistic explanations for macroscopic phenomena, our ultimate goal in this review paper is to critically evaluate our current understanding of cosmic ice energetic processing which likely leads to the synthesis of extraterrestrial prebiotic molecules

    The Role of Low-Energy (≤ 20 eV) Electrons in Astrochemistry

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    UV photon-driven condensed phase cosmic ice reactions have been the main focus in understanding the extraterrestrial synthesis of complex organic molecules. Low-energy (≤20 eV) electron-induced reactions, on the other hand, have been largely ignored. In this article, we review studies employing surface science techniques to study low-energy electron-induced condensed phase reactions relevant to astrochemistry. In particular, we show that low-energy electron irradiation of methanol ices leads to the synthesis of many of the same complex molecules formed through UV irradiation. Moreover, our results are qualitatively consistent with the hypothesis that high-energy condensed phase radiolysis is mediated by low-energy electron-induced reactions. In addition, due to the numbers of available low-energy secondary electrons resulting from the interaction of high-energy radiation with matter as well as differences between electron- and photon-induced processes, low-energy electron-induced reactions are perhaps as, or even more, effective than photon-induced reactions in initiating condensed-phase chemical reactions in the interstellar medium. Consequently, we illustrate a need for astrochemical models to include the details of electron-induced reactions in addition to those driven by UV photons. Finally, we show that low-energy electron-induced reactions may lead to the production of unique molecular species that could serve as tracer molecules for electron-induced condensed phase reactions in the interstellar medium

    Vacuum assisted closure in coloproctology

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    Vacuum-assisted closure has earned its indications in coloproctology. It has been described with variable results in the treatment of large perineal defects after abdominoperineal excision, in the treatment of stoma dehiscence and perirectal abscesses. The most promising indication for vacuum-assisted closure is probably the treatment of para-anastomotic presacral abscesses following anastomotic leakage after total mesorectal excision. Early initiation of vacuum-assisted closure has the potential to prevent debilitating persistent presacral sinuses precluding stoma closure and bad function of the neorectum. Prompt initiation of endosponge treatment is advised after the anastomotic leakage with the purulent cavity is diagnosed. The endosponge is inserted transanally and connected with a low vacuum bottle. With the gradual reduction in the cavity, the endosponge is reduced in size every 3–4 days when the endosponge is exchanged. It takes 3–6 weeks to close the cavity. Future studies should focus on the stoma closure rate and function to assess whether this intensive postoperative treatment of anastomotic leakages is justified

    Low-Energy (\u3c 20 eV) and High-Energy (1000 eV) Electron-Induced Methanol Radiolysis of Astrochemical Interest

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    We report the first infrared study of the low-energy (\u3c 20 eV) electron-induced reactions of condensed methanol. Our goal is to simulate processes which occur when highenergy cosmic rays interact with interstellar and cometary ices, where methanol, a precursor of several prebiotic species, is relatively abundant. The interactions of high-energy radiation, such as cosmic rays (Emax ~1020 eV), with matter produce large numbers of low-energy secondary electrons, which are known to initiate radiolysis reactions in the condensed phase. Using temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (IRAS), we have investigated low-energy (5–20 eV) and high-energy (~1000 eV) electron-induced reactions in condensed methanol (CH3OH). IRAS has the benefit that it does not require thermal processing prior to product detection. Using IRAS, we have found evidence for the formation of ethylene glycol (HOCH2CH2OH), formaldehyde (CH2O), dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3), methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and the hydroxyl methyl radical (•CH2OH) upon both low-energy and high-energy electron irradiation of condensed methanol at ~85 K. Additionally, TPD results, presented herein, are similar for methanol films irradiated with both 1000 eV and 20 eV electrons. These IRAS and TPD findings are qualitatively consistent with the hypothesis that high-energy condensed phase radiolysis is mediated by low-energy electron-induced reactions. Moreover, methoxymethanol (CH3OCH2OH) could serve as a tracer molecule for electron-induced reactions in the interstellar medium. The results of experiments such as ours may provide a fundamental understanding of how complex organic molecules (COM) are synthesized in cosmic ices

    Determination of optimal drug dose and light dose index to achieve minimally invasive focal ablation of localised prostate cancer using WST11-vascular-targeted photodynamic (VTP) therapy

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    Objective: To determine the optimal drug and light dose for prostate ablation using WST11 (TOOKAD® Soluble) for vascular-targeted photodynamic (VTP) therapy in men with low-risk prostate cancer. Patients and Methods: In all, 42 men with low-risk prostate cancer were enrolled in the study but two who underwent anaesthesia for the procedure did not receive the drug or light dose. Thus, 40 men received a single dose of 2, 4 or 6 mg/kg WST11 activated by 200 J/cm light at 753 nm. WST11 was given as a 10-min intravenous infusion. The light dose was delivered using cylindrical diffusing fibres within hollow plastic needles positioned in the prostate using transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) guidance and a brachytherapy template. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to assess treatment effect at 7 days, with assessment of urinary function (International Prostate Symptom Score [IPSS]), sexual function (International Index of Erectile Function [IIEF]) and adverse events at 7 days, 1, 3 and 6 months after VTP. TRUS-guided biopsies were taken at 6 months. Results: In all, 39 of the 40 treated men completed the follow-up. The Day-7 MRI showed maximal treatment effect (95% of the planned treatment volume) in men who had a WST11 dose of 4 mg/kg, light dose of 200 J/cm and light density index (LDI) of >1. In the 12 men treated with these parameters, the negative biopsy rate was 10/12 (83%) at 6 months, compared with 10/26 (45%) for the men who had either a different drug dose (10 men) or an LDI of <1 (16). Transient urinary symptoms were seen in most of the men, with no significant difference in IPSS score between baseline and 6 months after VTP. IIEF scores were not significantly different between baseline and 6 months after VTP. Conclusion: Treatment with 4 mg/kg TOOKAD Soluble activated by 753 nm light at a dose of 200 J/cm and an LDI of >1 resulted in treatment effect in 95% of the planned treatment volume and a negative biopsy rate at 6 months of 10/12 men (83%)

    Electron induced chemistry: a new frontier in astrochemistry

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    The commissioning of the ALMA array and the next generation of space telescopes heralds the dawn of a new age of Astronomy, in which the role of chemistry in the interstellar medium and in star and planet formation may be quantified. A vital part of these studies will be to determine the molecular complexity in these seemingly hostile regions and explore how molecules are synthesised and survive. The current hypothesis is that many of these species are formed within the ice mantles on interstellar dust grains with irradiation by UV light or cosmic rays stimulating chemical reactions. However, such irradiation releases many secondary electrons which may themselves induce chemistry. In this article we discuss the potential role of such electron induced chemistry and demonstrate, through some simple experiments, the rich molecular synthesis that this may lead to