3 research outputs found

    Application of Baltic Pine (Pinus sylvestris) Needle Extract as a Gut Microbiota-Modulating Feed Supplement for Domestic Chickens (Gallus gallus)

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    Funding Information: This research was funded within the framework of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) program, grant number 18-00-A01620-000042. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2023 by the authors.The valorization of wood industry residues is very desirable from a circular economy perspective. Pine needle extracts are known for their health-promoting properties and therefore can be used as herbal remedies and nutritional supplements. Since the withdrawal of antibiotics as growth promoters in the European Union, natural feed additives that improve poultry health and production are needed. It was proposed that pine needle extract could be a good alternative to antibiotic usage at sub-therapeutic concentrations. The results relevant to our assumption could be obtained by using domestic chickens as an in vivo model for the evaluation of gut microbiota-altering properties of pine needle extract as an herbal supplement. We tested the antimicrobial effects of Baltic pine (Pinus sylvestris) needle extract. Then, we used chicken (Gallus gallus) that received feed supplemented with two different concentrations of the extract for 40 days to evaluate the changes in gut microbiota using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. This preliminary study demonstrated trends toward dose-dependent desirable changes in broiler microbiome, such as a reduction in the relative abundance of Campylobacter.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Prevalence and treatment of arterial hypertension in hospitalised patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Arteriālā hipertensija ir bieži sastopama pacientiem ar 2. tipa CD. Pasaulē pēc prognostiskiem datiem 2. tipa CD slimnieku skaits dubultosies lÄ«dz 2030. gadam, tas nozÄ«mē, ka palielināsies arÄ« 2. tipa CD radÄ«to komplikāciju incidence, viena no kurām ir arteriālā hipertensija. Å Ä« komplikācija rada virkni procesu, kuri ietekmē pacienta darbaspējas, dzÄ«ves kvalitāti un dzÄ«ves ilgumu. PētÄ«juma mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot arteriālās hipertensijas izplatÄ«bu un ārstÄ“Å”anas metodes 2. tipa CD slimniekiem; iegÅ«tos rezultātus salÄ«dzināt ar kontroles grupu, kurā tika iekļauti hospitalizētie cilvēki vecumā pēc 45 gadiem bez 2. tipa CD un citām endokrÄ«nām saslimÅ”anām. Tika salÄ«dzināti riska faktori: smÄ“Ä·Ä“Å”ana, stresa ietekme, alkohola lietoÅ”ana, arteriālā hipertensija un 2. tipa CD anamnēze radiniekiem. Arteriālā hipertensija tika konstatēta 85,4% 2. tipa CD slimniekiem, tas ir par 54,7% biežāk nekā respondentiem, kuriem nav 2. tipa CD. Paaugstināts asinsspiediens dažādās pakāpēs tika konstatēts 87,9% sievieÅ”u un 70% vÄ«rieÅ”u, kuri slimo ar 2. tipa CD; savukārt respondentiem, kuri neslimo ar 2. tipa CD, sievieÅ”u starpā paaugstināts asinsspiediens tika konstatēts 53,4% un vÄ«rieÅ”u - 59%. Tas nozÄ«mē, ka arteriālā hipertensija ir vairāk izplatÄ«ta starp 2. tipa CD slimniekiem. Å ajā grupā ir biežāk sastopamas augstākas arteriālās hipertensijas pakāpes nekā kontroles grupā. Abās grupās respondentus vienādi ietekmē riska faktori - smÄ“Ä·Ä“Å”ana, palielināts ĶMI, diētas neievēroÅ”ana. Daudziem respondentiem trÅ«kst motivācijas sekot lÄ«dzi savam arteriālajam asinsspiedienam; respondenti nepievērÅ” uzmanÄ«bu tam, kādu antihipertensÄ«vo terapiju viņi saņem, kā arÄ« nozÄ«mētos medikamentus lieto neregulāri.Arterial hypertension is common for patients with type 2 diabetes. Prognostic data for worldwide shows that number of patients with type 2 diabetes will double by 2030, this means that the increase in type 2 diabetes incidence, also will increase the type 2 diabetes complications incidence one of which is arterial hypertension. This complication run series of processes, that effect patients ability to work, quality of life and survival. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and treatment methods of arterial hypertension for type 2 diabetes patients and to compare the results with the control group, which included people aged over 45 years, hospitalized without type 2 diabetes and other endocrinological diseases. The aim was also to compare risk factors such as: smoking, exposure to stress, alcohol intake, arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes in the family. Arterial hypertension was found for 85.4% of patients who have type 2 diabetes, which is 54.7% more likely than respondents who do not have type 2 diabetes. Increased varying degrees of blood pressure was found for 87.9% women and 70% men suffering from type 2 diabetes, while respondents who suffer from type 2 diabetes among women high blood pressure was found in 53.4% cases and for men - in 59% cases. This means that arterial hypertension is more common among patients with type 2 diabetes, this group is more common in higher grade arterial hypertension than in the control group. Both groups of respondents were equally affected by risk factors such as smoking, higher BMI. Many respondents are not motivated to follow up the level of blood pressure, they do not pay attention what antihypertensive medication they receive, as well they use antihypertensive therapies occasionally

    Application of Baltic Pine (<i>Pinus sylvestris</i>) Needle Extract as a Gut Microbiota-Modulating Feed Supplement for Domestic Chickens (<i>Gallus gallus</i>)

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    The valorization of wood industry residues is very desirable from a circular economy perspective. Pine needle extracts are known for their health-promoting properties and therefore can be used as herbal remedies and nutritional supplements. Since the withdrawal of antibiotics as growth promoters in the European Union, natural feed additives that improve poultry health and production are needed. It was proposed that pine needle extract could be a good alternative to antibiotic usage at sub-therapeutic concentrations. The results relevant to our assumption could be obtained by using domestic chickens as an in vivo model for the evaluation of gut microbiota-altering properties of pine needle extract as an herbal supplement. We tested the antimicrobial effects of Baltic pine (Pinus sylvestris) needle extract. Then, we used chicken (Gallus gallus) that received feed supplemented with two different concentrations of the extract for 40 days to evaluate the changes in gut microbiota using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. This preliminary study demonstrated trends toward dose-dependent desirable changes in broiler microbiome, such as a reduction in the relative abundance of Campylobacter