15 research outputs found

    Ostry zespół wieńcowy z uniesieniem odcinka ST u pacjenta przewlekle leczonego doustnym antykoagulantem

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    Approximately 6–8% of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) have an indication for long-term oral anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) or novel oral anticoagulants due to various conditions. Primary PCI with adjunctive pharmacological therapy for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients on chronic VKA treatment carry increased risk of bleeding, however, very few studies are available so far. We describe a patient, who presented with STEMI and international normalized ratio of 4.5 and discuss possible treatment options.Około 6–8% pacjentów poddawanych przezskórnej angioplastyce wieńcowej (PCI) ma wskazania do przewlekłej terapii przeciwkrzepliwej antagonistami witaminy K (VKA) lub nowymi lekami antykoagulacyjnymi. Pierwotna PCI u pacjenta leczonego dodatkowo z powodu zawału serca z uniesieniem odcinka ST (STEMI), poddanego jednocześnie przewlekłej terapii VKA, jest obarczona istotnie zwiększonym ryzykiem krwawienia. Dostępnych jest jednak niewiele badań odnoszących się do tego ważnego scenariusza klinicznego. Opisano pacjenta ze STEMI, u którego wyjściowy międzynarodowy współczynnik znormalizowany wynosił 4,5

    Crusader Castles in the Holy Land. Reception of Western European defense architecture model on the basis of the Middle East.

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    Okres wypraw krzyżowych w Ziemi Świętej obejmujący XII i XIII w., cechował się recepcją zachodnioeuropejskich wpływów kulturowych na teren Palestyny. Wpływy te obejmowały również architekturę o charakterze obronnym. Autor omawia w swojej pracy zamki, które wznosili krzyżowcy w XII w. na terenie Ziemi Świętej, wskazując na elementy architektoniczne pochodzące z Europy Zachodniej, jak również te miejscowe, wywodzące się z tradycji rzymsko-bizantyjskiej i arabskiej. Zalicza się do nich głównie forma budowli w postaci donżonu, wywodząca się z Francji i Anglii. Za wpływy bliskowschodnie, z dużym prawdopodobieństwem można uznać wykorzystanie murów, czy ogólnej formy zamków, znanej z arabskich cytadel, czy rzymskiego castrum. Poza elementami konstrukcyjnymi, na ogólny obraz zamków krzyżowców składały się także wpływy w zakresie budownictwa. Oprócz drewna, kamienia, czy wapiennej zaprawy znanych z Europy, używano także twardego bazaltu oraz masy bitumicznej, czyli materiałów będących cechą bliskowschodnich budowli. Autor pokazuje, że zamki krzyżowców powstające w XII w. w Ziemi Świętej są sumą wpływów architektonicznych pochodzących z Europy i Bliskiego Wschodu.The period of the Crusades in the Holy Land, including the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, characterized by a reception of Western Europe cultural influences in the area of Palestine. Proceeds also included a defensive architecture. The author discusses in his work castles, which erected the Crusaders in the twelfth century in the Holy Land, pointing to the architectural elements from Western Europe, as well as the local, derived from the traditions of the Roman-Byzantine and Arabic. These include mainly a form of structure in the form of donjon, originating from France and England. The Middle Eastern influences, with high probability, can be used walls and the general form of castles, known for the Arab citadel or the Roman castrum. In addition to structural elements, the overall view of Crusader castles consisted of the proceeds for the construction industry. In addition to wood, stone or lime mortar known in Europe, also used the hard basalt and bitumen, or materials that are characteristic of Middle Eastern building. The author shows that the Crusaders castles resulting in the Holy Land in the twelfth century, is the sum of architectural influences from Europe and the Middle East

    Reconstruction of an architectural object. Case study: Citadel fort No. 33 “Krakus” in Krakow

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    The aim of the study was to recreate, in the form of a 3D model, the Citadel fort No. 33 “Krakus” in Krakow. The data on the basis of which the three-dimensional model was made were obtained using a Leica ScanStation P40 terrestrial laser scanner, which is owned by the Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy of the University of Agriculture Hugona Kollataj in Krakow. The scope of field work included performing laser measurements, and then processing the point cloud in the Leica Cyclone 3D program and creating a full architectural model in SketchUp 2016

    Effect of combined in ovo administration of zinc glycine chelate (Zn-Gly) and a multistrain probiotic on the modulation of cellular and humoral immune responses in broiler chickens

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to determine the effect of in ovo administration of zinc glycine chelate (Zn-Gly), and a multistrain probiotic on the hatchability and selected parameters of the cellular and humoral immune response of chickens. The study was conducted on 1,400 fertilized eggs from commercial broiler breeders (Ross x Ross 708). Material for the study consisted of peripheral blood and spleens of chicks taken 12 h and 7 d after hatching. The results showed that both combined and single in ovo administration of the multistrain probiotic and zinc glycine chelate significantly reduced hatchability of chicks. The flow cytometry study showed that the highest percentage of CD4+ T cells, CD4+CD25+, and high expression of KUL01 in the serum were obtained in the group supplemented with probiotic and Zn-Gly both 12 h and 7 d after hatching. In birds supplemented with probiotic and zinc chelate, a high percentage of TCRγδ+ cells was found in serum and spleen 12 h after hatching and in serum after 7 d. The percentage of Bu-1A+ lymphocytes in serum and spleen 12 h and 7 d after hatching was the highest in the group supplemented with probiotic and Zn-Gly. The highest expression of CD79A was observed in the group supplemented only with zinc chelate. There were no significant differences in the percentage of CD4+ cells in the spleens of birds in the groups receiving the multistrain probiotic at 12 h after hatching, and after 7 d, the percentage of CD4+ T cells was lower in the experimental groups than in the control group. The percentage of CD8+ cells in the serum of birds after hatching was lower in the group supplemented with multistrain probiotic and Zn-Gly than in the control group, but reached the highest value on d 7 after hatching. The obtained results confirm the strong effect of the combined administration of a multistrain probiotic and Zn-Gly chelate on lymphocyte proliferation and stimulation of cellular immune mechanisms in birds

    Evaluation of antibody titres in cats and dogs vaccinated and non‑vaccinated against panleukopenia and parvovirosis

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    The aim of this article was to present results of the study on the quantitative determination of antibodies anti-CPV-1 and anti-FPV in vaccinated and nonvaccinated dogs and cats, respectively, and to establish whether vaccination stimulated protective immunity against these diseases in both animal species. In the group of dogs vaccinated against parvovirosis, high titres of antibodies to CPV-1 were found in 86.7%, and low titres in 13.3% of animals. In the group of non-vaccinated dogs low titres of antibodies were recorded in 30%, and high titres in 70% of animals. In the group of cats nonvaccinated against panleukopenia, mean titre of antibodies to FPV was recorded in 20% and high titre in 80% of animals. All cats vaccinated against panleukopenia had high titres of FCV antibodies. Results from this study have indicated widespread contamination of the environment with CPV i FPV and have confirmed that immunization against feline paleukopenia and canine parvovirosis induced protective immunity in both species. They have also indicated that serological tests are a valuable tool in assessing the epizootic situation and moreover, they can be used to determine the efficacy of vaccination, as well as the optimal vaccination date

    Effect of In Ovo Administration of a Multi-Strain Probiotic and Zinc Glycine Chelate on Antioxidant Capacity and Selected Immune Parameters in Newly Hatched Chicks

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of in ovo co-supplementation of chicken embryos with a multi-strain probiotic containing effective microorganisms and zinc glycine chelate on total antioxidant capacity; concentrations of sulfhydryl groups, bityrosine bridges, formylkynurenines, hydroperoxides, proteins, corticosterone, pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and heat shock proteins; and the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase in the serum, yolk sac and tissues of broiler chickens at 12 h and at 7 days after hatching. The results indicate high SOD activity in the small and large intestines of chicks at 12 h post-hatch in the groups receiving the multi-strain probiotic and in the small intestine and yolk sac of birds receiving the multi-strain probiotic and Zn-Gly chelate. High concentrations of TNF-α and IFN-γ in the yolk sac and serum after in ovo administration of Zn-Gly chelate were observed 12 h after hatching. The use of a probiotic and a probiotic with Zn-Gly chelate increased the total antioxidant capacity in the tissues of chickens. It can be concluded that in ovo administration of a multi-strain probiotic and Zn-Gly chelate can maintain the oxidant/antioxidant balance in chickens and increase the defense capacity against oxidative stress

    The Effect of Glutamine as Feed Additive on Selected Parameters of the Nonspecific Immune Response in Pigs

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    The use of feed additives containing glutamine can influence the growth and development of piglets during the weaning period. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of feed supplementation with 0.5% L-glutamine on selected parameters of the nonspecific immune response of pigs. The research was carried out on 60 pigs (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace), from 28 days of age to slaughter. The obtained results showed an increased percentage of phagocytic cells (monocytes and granulocytes) and oxygen blast cells in pigs between 28 and 70 days of age, proving that non-specific immune mechanisms were stimulated, which contributed to the improvement of the processes of antigen elimination from the body. The increase in the percentage of cells expressing SWC3, CD11b/CD18+, CD14+ and CD14+CD16+ molecules on granulocytes and monocytes during this period resulted in the enhancement of the host defense mechanisms by stimulating phagocytosis and enhancing the mechanisms of a non-specific immune response. The high concentration of TNF-α and IL-1β as well as Il-10 in the experimental group indicates the cellular phenotype of the Th1-type response, and the maintenance of the immune balance between the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses and ensuring the homeostasis of the organism

    Proteome and Peptidome Changes and Zn Concentration in Chicken after In Ovo Stimulation with a Multi-Strain Probiotic and Zn-Gly Chelate: Preliminary Research

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    The aim of the study was to determine differences in the proteome and peptidome and zinc concentrations in the serum and tissues of chickens supplemented with a multi-strain probiotic and/or zinc glycine chelate in ovo. A total of 1400 fertilized broiler eggs (Ross × Ross 708) were divided into four groups: a control and experimental groups injected with a multi-strain probiotic, with zinc glycine chelate, and with the multi-strain probiotic and zinc glycine chelate. The proteome and peptidome were analyzed using SDS-PAGE and MALDI—TOF MS, and the zinc concentration was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. We showed that in ovo supplementation with zinc glycine chelate increased the Zn concentration in the serum and yolk sac at 12 h post-hatch. The results of SDS-PAGE and western blot confirmed the presence of Cu/Zn SOD in the liver and in the small and large intestines at 12 h and at 7 days after hatching in all groups. Analysis of the MALDI—TOF MS spectra of chicken tissues showed in all experimental groups the expression of proteins and peptides that regulate immune response, metabolic processes, growth, development, and reproduction