8 research outputs found

    Keterwakilan Politik Perempuan Dalam Pemilu Legislatif Provinsi Riau Periode 2014-2019

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    Women and men have equal position in politics; women\u27s participation is highly needed. Such thing is due to the fact that there are many issues regarding women\u27s interests requiring women\u27s representation in legislative institutions as well as regarding the 30% quota for women in the election of legislative members in Riau Province in 2014-2019. This research focuses on the level of women\u27s political representation in the legislative general election in Riau Province 2014 - 2019. This was a normative legal research. The data source was from primary and secondary law materials, and result of library research from various references. The finding shows that the level of women\u27s representation increases as expected from the policy regarding women\u27s representation

    Analisis Yuridis Pembentukan Desa Bagan Limau Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 72 Tahun 2005 Tentang Desa

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    Before the village was expanded into the origin of the village is very important. The origin of this is the main issue of various parties, the establishment of Bagan Limau Hamlet. Proposal division Dusun Desa Bagan Bagan Limau Limau be filed by the village of Lubuk Kembang Bungo. In accordance with a map of the boundary between the village of Black Water and the village of Lubuk Kembang Bunge in 2004 made by the Government of Pelalawan and deal the two villages between Air Hitam village and the village of Lubuk Kembang Bungo, Hamlet Bagan Limau get into government territory Desa Air Hitam not Lubuk Kembang Bungo but Pelalawan Regional Regulation No. 11 of 2007 on the establishment Desa Bagan Limau. Article 3, that the village of Bagan Limau come from parts of the village of Lubuk Kembang Bungo Subdistrict Ukui. The purpose of writing this skirpsi, namely, first, to understand the formation of the village of Bagan Limau diliat of the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 72 Year 2005 on the village. Second, to determine the Establishment Legal Implications Hamlet Bagan Bagan Limau Limau into the village

    Legal Standing Pemantau Pemilu sebagai Pemohon Sengketa Hasil Pemilihan Kepala Daerah dengan Calon Tunggal

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    Legal standing is a prerequisite for filing perselisian material in the local election results to the Supreme Komstitusi. Implementation of the elections with a single candidate in 2015 the Constitutional Court has given a chance on election monitoring as a legal subject or the applicant in the dispute in the elections. The purpose of this thesis, namely; First, to know how the legal standing of election observers in election disputes with a single candidate, Secondly, to know how is the concept of dispute resolution with a single candidate election.This type of research is classified study of normative law this study further discusses the legal synchronization. The source of data is secondary data which is divided into 3 (three), which is the primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. In the data collection methods of documentary study literature or studies. Data were analyzed quantitatively, the descriptive outline of the data obtained.From the research, there are two main things that can be inferred. Firstly, the Constitutional Court provides the opportunity for election monitoring as a legal subject / applicant in the dispute to the constitutional court which were previously not regulated in the Law on the Constitutional Court. Regarding the election observers as an applicant to the Constitutional Court that has been set in the PMK 4 in 2015 is contrary to the Law on Constitutional Court No. 25 Year 2003. Two, dispute resolution of disputes with a single candidate as well as the settlement of disputes in general. single candidate election implementation and completion of the election with a single candidate does not fit in the concept of democracy in their preferred electoral system more than one pair of candidates. Elections without konstestasi pemulu essentially not ideal in a democracy. The Constitutional Court is expected to issue a sage in any existing regulations, and the Government of the House of Representatives is expected to revise the Law on the Constitutional Court Number 24 of 2003 to enable the synchronization with existing regulations

    Analisis Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Uang Paksa Dan Sanksi Administratif Di Pengadilan Tata USAha Negara

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    Indonesia is a country that is based on state law. Then surely the actions of the government should be based on the applicable law. Principles of the State Administration of justice, to put the judicial control in the implementation of good governance a bias in the state system of Indonesia. Where a State Administrative Court's decision does not have the power eksekutorial, how could the law and the public can supervise the government that carried out by officials of the Administration Negara.maka required an ordinance implementing the forced money and administrative sanctions tegasa that the decision of Justice State Administration can be executed properly. The purpose of this thesis is to find an idea about the procedures of money forced and administrative sanctions in the State Administrative Court.This type of research is research with normative juridical approach, yatu approach is to discuss the principles of law. This research was conducted by examining the library materials or secondary data such as legislation and books written by lawyers. Source data used are primary data source, secondary data sources, and tertiary data sources. Data pengupulan technique is the method of literature study.The conclusion is the first forceful measures as mandated in Article 116 of Law No. 51 of 2009 has yet to be implemented effectively related to the absence of implementing regulations regarding the forced currency and the administrative sanctions. Both for the payment of money shall be drawn from the paka personal finances because yangbersangkutan officials had deliberately not implementing the court ruling. In the case of the imposition of administrative sanctions, types of penalties can be adjusted by judges with huge losses suffered by the plaintiffs for not implementation of the court ruling.Advice authors to the problems studied were first need uniform laws to formulate the idea of the researchers stated in the form of government regulation that material containing cargo the ordinance. Both the State Administrative Court (Chief Justice) need to be proactive in monitoring the implementation of court decisions that have permanent legal force. Third parties especially active berpertisipasi plaintiffs judged necessary to provide information on whether a decision has force of the law have been implemented or not.Keywords; Forced money - administrative sanctions - PTU

    Politik Hukum Kesetaraan Gender di Indonesia

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    Dalam kehidupan ketatanegaraan, undang-undang dasar sebagai hukumdasar tertulis adalah merupakan norma yang sangat fundamental baginegara, karena mengatur hal-hal yang sangat mendasar dalampenyelenggaraan negara dan pemerintahan, meliputi bentuk dansusunan negara, alat-alat perlengkapaan negara yang satu dengan alatperlengkapan negara yang lain, serta jaminan perlindungan terhadaphak asasi manusia dan warga negara. Di kala rezim orde baru masihberkuasa, nilai sebuah demokrasi seakan terabaikan dengan adanyakekuasaan mutlak dari penguasa orde baru yang cenderungmengabaikan kesetraan gender, karena itu perlu dilihat politik hukumpemerintah saat ini atas kesetaraan gender. Makalah ini menyimpulkanbahwa politik hukum Indonesia dalam perspektif gender masih perluditingkatkan, karena masih banyak peraturan Perundang-undangan yangbelum berperspektif gender