713 research outputs found

    Quantification of Maceration Changes using Post Mortem MRI in Fetuses

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    BACKGROUND: Post mortem imaging is playing an increasingly important role in perinatal autopsy, and correct interpretation of imaging changes is paramount. This is particularly important following intra-uterine fetal death, where there may be fetal maceration. The aim of this study was to investigate whether any changes seen on a whole body fetal post mortem magnetic resonance imaging (PMMR) correspond to maceration at conventional autopsy. METHODS: We performed pre-autopsy PMMR in 75 fetuses using a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Avanto MR scanner (Erlangen, Germany). PMMR images were reported blinded to the clinical history and autopsy data using a numerical severity scale (0 = no maceration changes to 2 = severe maceration changes) for 6 different visceral organs (total 12). The degree of maceration at autopsy was categorized according to severity on a numerical scale (1 = no maceration to 4 = severe maceration). We also generated quantitative maps to measure the liver and lung T2. RESULTS: The mean PMMR maceration score correlated well with the autopsy maceration score (R(2) = 0.93). A PMMR score of ≥4.5 had a sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 64%, for detecting moderate or severe maceration at autopsy. Liver and lung T2 were increased in fetuses with maceration scores of 3-4 in comparison to those with 1-2 (liver p = 0.03, lung p = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: There was a good correlation between PMMR maceration score and the extent of maceration seen at conventional autopsy. This score may be useful in interpretation of fetal PMMR

    Simultaneous minimum-uncertainty measurement of discrete-valued complementary observables

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    We have made the first experimental demonstration of the simultaneous minimum uncertainty product between two complementary observables for a two-state system (a qubit). A partially entangled two-photon state was used to perform such measurements. Each of the photons carries (partial) information of the initial state thus leaving a room for measurements of two complementary observables on every member in an ensemble.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX, submitted to PR

    Cloning and Joint Measurements of Incompatible Components of Spin

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    A joint measurement of two observables is a {\it simultaneous} measurement of both quantities upon the {\it same} quantum system. When two quantum-mechanical observables do not commute, then a joint measurement of these observables cannot be accomplished by projective measurements alone. In this paper we shall discuss the use of quantum cloning to perform a joint measurement of two components of spin associated with a qubit system. We introduce a cloning scheme which is optimal with respect to this task. This cloning scheme may be thought to work by cloning two components of spin onto its outputs. We compare the proposed cloning machine to existing cloners.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Approximate joint measurement of qubit observables through an Arthur-Kelly type model

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    We consider joint measurement of two and three unsharp qubit observables through an Arthur-Kelly type joint measurement model for qubits. We investigate the effect of initial state of the detectors on the unsharpness of the measurement as well as the post-measurement state of the system. Particular emphasis is given on a physical understanding of the POVM to PVM transition in the model and entanglement between system and detectors.Two approaches for characterizing the unsharpness of the measurement and the resulting measurement uncertainty relations are considered.The corresponding measures of unsharpness are connected for the case where both the measurements are equally unsharp. The connection between the POVM elements and symmetries of the underlying Hamiltonian of the measurement interaction is made explicit and used to perform joint measurement in arbitrary directions. Finally in the case of three observables we derive a necessary condition for the approximate joint measurement and use it show the relative freedom available when the observables are non-orthogonal.Comment: 22 pages; Late

    Extending Bauer's corollary to fractional derivatives

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    We comment on the method of Dreisigmeyer and Young [D. W. Dreisigmeyer and P. M. Young, J. Phys. A \textbf{36}, 8297, (2003)] to model nonconservative systems with fractional derivatives. It was previously hoped that using fractional derivatives in an action would allow us to derive a single retarded equation of motion using a variational principle. It is proven that, under certain reasonable assumptions, the method of Dreisigmeyer and Young fails.Comment: Accepted Journal of Physics A at www.iop.org/EJ/journal/JPhys

    Comparative Activity of the Codling Moth Granulovirus Against Grapholita molesta and Cydia pomonella (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    The granulovirus of codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., CpGV, is now commercialized for codling moth control in pome fruit in the USA and Canada. It is highly specific for codling moth and related species. Comparative assays of CpGV against neonate larvae of another introduced tortricid pest, the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta Busck, revealed a 557 and 589 fold lower susceptibility of neonate larvae compared with the LC50 and LC95 values derived for C. pomonella

    The modern tools of quantum mechanics (A tutorial on quantum states, measurements, and operations)

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    This tutorial is devoted to review the modern tools of quantum mechanics, which are suitable to describe states, measurements, and operations of realistic, not isolated, systems in interaction with their environment, and with any kind of measuring and processing devices. We underline the central role of the Born rule and and illustrate how the notion of density operator naturally emerges, together the concept of purification of a mixed state. In reexamining the postulates of standard quantum measurement theory, we investigate how they may formally generalized, going beyond the description in terms of selfadjoint operators and projective measurements, and how this leads to the introduction of generalized measurements, probability operator-valued measures (POVM) and detection operators. We then state and prove the Naimark theorem, which elucidates the connections between generalized and standard measurements and illustrates how a generalized measurement may be physically implemented. The "impossibility" of a joint measurement of two non commuting observables is revisited and its canonical implementations as a generalized measurement is described in some details. Finally, we address the basic properties, usually captured by the request of unitarity, that a map transforming quantum states into quantum states should satisfy to be physically admissible, and introduce the notion of complete positivity (CP). We then state and prove the Stinespring/Kraus-Choi-Sudarshan dilation theorem and elucidate the connections between the CP-maps description of quantum operations, together with their operator-sum representation, and the customary unitary description of quantum evolution. We also address transposition as an example of positive map which is not completely positive, and provide some examples of generalized measurements and quantum operations.Comment: Tutorial. 26 pages, 1 figure. Published in a special issue of EPJ - ST devoted to the memory of Federico Casagrand

    The Standard Model of Quantum Measurement Theory: History and Applications

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    The standard model of the quantum theory of measurement is based on an interaction Hamiltonian in which the observable-to-be-measured is multiplied with some observable of a probe system. This simple Ansatz has proved extremely fruitful in the development of the foundations of quantum mechanics. While the ensuing type of models has often been argued to be rather artificial, recent advances in quantum optics have demonstrated their prinicpal and practical feasibility. A brief historical review of the standard model together with an outline of its virtues and limitations are presented as an illustration of the mutual inspiration that has always taken place between foundational and experimental research in quantum physics.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Found. Phys. 199

    Universally valid reformulation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle on noise and disturbance in measurement

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    The Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that the product of the noise in a position measurement and the momentum disturbance caused by that measurement should be no less than the limit set by Planck's constant, hbar/2, as demonstrated by Heisenberg's thought experiment using a gamma-ray microscope. Here I show that this common assumption is false: a universally valid trade-off relation between the noise and the disturbance has an additional correlation term, which is redundant when the intervention brought by the measurement is independent of the measured object, but which allows the noise-disturbance product much below Planck's constant when the intervention is dependent. A model of measuring interaction with dependent intervention shows that Heisenberg's lower bound for the noise-disturbance product is violated even by a nearly nondisturbing, precise position measuring instrument. An experimental implementation is also proposed to realize the above model in the context of optical quadrature measurement with currently available linear optical devices.Comment: Revtex, 6 page