64 research outputs found

    Synchronous versus asynchronous transport of a paramagnetic particle in a modulated ratchet potential

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    We present a combined experimental and theoretical study describing the dynamical regimes displayed by a paramagnetic colloidal particle externally driven above a stripe-patterned magnetic garnet film. A circularly polarized rotating magnetic field modulates the stray field of the garnet film and generates a translating periodic potential which induces particle motion. Increasing the driving frequency, we observe a transition from a phase-locked motion with constant speed to a sliding dynamics characterized by a lower speed due to the loss of synchronization with the traveling potential. We explain the experimental findings with an analytically tractable theoretical model and interpret the particle dynamics in the presence of thermal noise. The model is in good quantitative agreement with the experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, published in Europhysics Letters (EPL

    Superexponential droplet fractalization as a hierarchical formation of dissipative compactons

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    We study the dynamics of a thin film over a substrate heated from below in a framework of a strongly nonlinear one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation. The evolution leads to a fractalization into smaller and smaller scales. We demonstrate that a primitive element in the appearing hierarchical structure is a dissipative compacton. Both direct simulations and the analysis of a self-similar solution show that the compactons appear at superexponentially decreasing scales, which means vanishing dimension of the fractal

    Bubble dynamics atop an oscillating substrate: Interplay of compressibility and contact angle hysteresis

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    We consider a sessile hemispherical bubble sitting on the transversally oscillating bottom of a deep liquid layer and focus on the interplay of the compressibility of the bubble and the contact angle hysteresis. In the presence of contact angle hysteresis, the compressible bubble exhibits two kinds of terminal oscillations: either with the stick-slip motion of the contact line or with the completely immobile contact line. For the stick-slip oscillations, we detect a double resonance, when the external frequency is close to eigenfrequencies of both the breathing mode and shape oscillations. For the regimes evolving to terminal oscillations with the fixed contact line, we find an unusual transient resembling modulated oscillations

    Transport and selective chaining of bidisperse particles in a travelling wave potential

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    We combine experiments, theory and numerical simulation to investigate the dynamics of a binary suspension of paramagnetic colloidal particles dispersed in water and transported above a stripe-patterned magnetic garnet film. The substrate generates a one-dimensional periodic energy landscape above its surface. The application of an elliptically polarized rotating magnetic field causes the landscape to translate, inducing direct transport of paramagnetic particles placed above the film. The ellipticity of the applied field can be used to control and tune the interparticle interactions, from net repulsive to net attractive. When considering particles of two distinct sizes, we find that, depending on their elevation above the surface of the magnetic substrate, the particles feel effectively different potentials, resulting in different mobilities. We exploit this feature to induce selective chaining for certain values of the applied field parameters. In particular, when driving two types of particles, we force only one type to condense into travelling parallel chains. These chains confine the movement of the other non-chaining particles within narrow colloidal channels. This phenomenon is explained by considering the balance of pairwise magnetic forces between the particles and their individual coupling with the travelling landscape

    Stick-slip dynamics of an oscillated sessile drop

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    The dynamics of an oscillated sessile drop of incompressible liquid with the focus on the contact line hysteresis is under theoretical consideration. The solid substrate is subject to transverse oscillations, which are assumed small amplitude and high frequency. The dynamic boundary condition that involves an ambiguous dependence of the contact angle on the contact line velocity is applied: the contact line starts to move only when the deviation of the contact angle exceeds a certain critical value. As a result, the stick-slip dynamics can be observed. The frequency response of surface oscillations on the substrate and at the pole of the drop are analyzed. It is shown that novel features such as the emergence of antiresonant frequency bands and nontrivial competition of different resonances are caused by contact line hysteresis.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Fluid
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