151 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis of Law: Some Realism About Nominalism

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    With the publication of Richard A. Posner\u27s Economic Analysisof Law, that field of learning known as Law and Economics has reached a stage of extended explicitness that requires and permits extendedand explicit comment

    Arno Cumming Becht

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    In the autumn of 1964, when I arrived at the law school to begin thefirst, most important, year of my teaching life, I was thoroughly andprofoundly ignorant. Not just deeply uninformed about the law ; Iwas that, of course, but that\u27s easily curable: you just work at it as yougo, and after a while you know enough of your subject to handle itbefore people who, after all, know nothing about it at all

    The Leff Dictionary of Law: A Fragment

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    A Letter from Professor Leff to a Prospective Publisher

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    Law and

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    The Cultural and Social Impact of Society on American Advertising

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    Professor Leff, a noted expert on consumer protection, was askedto analyze and comment on the preceding Article by CommissionerMary Gardiner Jones. In his response, he challenges several of theCommissioner\u27s basic premises concerning the nature and effect ofbroadcast advertising and the role of the advertising industry in thesocietal context. He examines the necessity and potential for successof the Commissioner\u27s exhortations to the industry that its messagesand techniques be reevaluated in order better to serve the publicinterest

    Unconscionability and the Code: The Emperor\u27s New Clause

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    This paper is devoted wholly to section 2-302 of the UniformCommercial Code, the so-called unconscionability clause


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    Injury, Ignorance and Spite-The Dynamics of Coercive Collection

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    Medical Devices and Paramedical Personnel: A Preliminary Context for Emerging Problems

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    On the morning of June 1st, Joseph K. awakened feeling terrible. Whenhis condition did not improve during the day, his wife called the K. familyphysician, Dr. George Powers, and Dr. Powers suggested that Mr. K. bebrought in to see him. When the K\u27s. arrived, Dr. Powers and his salariedassistant, Dr. Fingerling, examined Mr. K. thoroughly. They could findnothing wrong with him (other than his increasingly oppressive subjectivesymptoms), but as those symptoms were seriously debilitating, Dr. Powerssuggested that Mr. K. check into Central Hospital (a large teaching hospitalaffiliated with the local medical school) for further tests
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