104 research outputs found

    Microenvironmental Factors that Shape Bacterial Metabolites in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a significant global health problem that involves chronic intestinal inflammation and can involve severe comorbidities, including intestinal fibrosis and inflammation-associated colorectal cancer (CRC). Disease-associated alterations to the intestinal microbiota often include fecal enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae, which are strongly implicated in IBD development. This dysbiosis of intestinal flora accompanies changes in microbial metabolites, shaping host:microbe interactions and disease risk. While there have been numerous studies linking specific bacterial taxa with IBD development, our understanding of microbial function in the context of IBD is limited. Several classes of microbial metabolites have been directly implicated in IBD disease progression, including bacterial siderophores and genotoxins. Yet, our microbiota still harbors thousands of uncharacterized microbial products. In-depth discovery and characterization of disease-associated microbial metabolites is necessary to target these products in IBD treatment strategies. Towards improving our understanding of microbiota metabolites in IBD, it is important to recognize how host relevant factors influence microbiota function. For example, changes in host inflammation status, metal availability, interbacterial community structure, and xenobiotics all play an important role in shaping gut microbial ecology. In this minireview, we outline how each of these factors influences gut microbial function, with a specific focus on IBD-associated Enterobacteriaceae metabolites. Importantly, we discuss how altering the intestinal microenvironment could improve the treatment of intestinal inflammation and associated disorders, like intestinal fibrosis and CRC

    NLRP12 Regulates Immunity by Controlling Cell Migration

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    NLRP12 is a member of the NLR family of genes that are responsible for coordinating inflammatory responses upon recognition of invading pathogens and host danger signals. Remarkably, mutations in several NLR genes have been linked to autoinflammatory diseases; greatly expanding our understanding regarding the etiology of these debilitating conditions. NLRP12 is expressed exclusively in innate immune cells and suppresses inflammation by negatively regulating the noncanonical NF-κB pathway. This is achieved by inducing proteasome-mediated degradation of NF-κB inducing kinase (NIK) in response to pathogens and activation through pro-inflammatory receptors. Because NLRP12 functions to dampen these signals, it is clear that NLRP12 must be controlled in order to mount an adequate cellular response to such insults. Here we find that NLRP12 stability is regulated by the evolutionarily conserved molecular chaperone Hsp90. In the presence of Hsp90 inhibitors, NLRP12 protein is rapidly degraded via the proteasome leading to increased NIK stability and function. Thus, Hsp90 activity is a critical regulatory factor for NLRP12 function and is required for NLRP12-induced degradation of NIK and suppression of the noncanonical NF-κB pathway. Human NLRP12 polymorphisms have been linked to atopic dermatitis and hereditary periodic fevers with skin urticaria, however the mechanisms by which NLRP12 affects these conditions remain largely unknown. To better understand these mechanisms, we tested several well defined models of inflammation using Nlrp12 knockout mice. Remarkably, we found that Nlrp12 deficient mice failed to mount T cell mediated responses in hapten induced contact hypersensitivity, a model of allergic dermatitis, and EAE, a model of multiple sclerosis. Mechanistically this is due to defective migration of peripheral dendritic cells. These innate immune cells express Nlrp12 and play a pivotal role in T cell activation. Molecular analysis reveals that in the absence of NLRP12, dendritic cells display an inappropriate activation of NIK, resulting in high levels of NIK dependent gene expression. These findings expand our understanding of NLRP12 function in vivo and provide a rationale for the diseases associated with this NLR. Furthermore our results reveal a novel role for NLRP12 in bridging innate and adaptive immunity

    The struggle within: Microbial influences on colorectal cancer:

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    Recently, an unprecedented effort has been directed at understanding the interplay between chronic inflammation and development of cancer, with the case of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-associated colorectal cancer at the forefront of this research endeavor. The last decade has been particularly fertile, with the discovery of numerous innovative paradigms linking various inflammatory, proliferative, and innate and adaptive immune signaling pathways to the development of colorectal cancer. Because of the preponderant role of the intestinal microbiota in the initiation and progression of IBD, recent efforts have been directed at understanding the relationship between bacteria and colorectal cancer. The microbiota and its collective genome, the microbiome, form a diverse and complex ecological community that profoundly impacts intestinal homeostasis and disease states. This review will discuss the differential influence of the microbiota on the development of IBD-associated colorectal cancer and highlight the role of innate immune sensor-dependent as well as -independent mechanisms in this pathology

    Microenvironmental Factors that Shape Bacterial Metabolites in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a significant global health problem that involves chronic intestinal inflammation and can involve severe comorbidities, including intestinal fibrosis and inflammation-associated colorectal cancer (CRC). Disease-associated alterations to the intestinal microbiota often include fecal enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae, which are strongly implicated in IBD development. This dysbiosis of intestinal flora accompanies changes in microbial metabolites, shaping host:microbe interactions and disease risk. While there have been numerous studies linking specific bacterial taxa with IBD development, our understanding of microbial function in the context of IBD is limited. Several classes of microbial metabolites have been directly implicated in IBD disease progression, including bacterial siderophores and genotoxins. Yet, our microbiota still harbors thousands of uncharacterized microbial products. In-depth discovery and characterization of disease-associated microbial metabolites is necessary to target these products in IBD treatment strategies. Towards improving our understanding of microbiota metabolites in IBD, it is important to recognize how host relevant factors influence microbiota function. For example, changes in host inflammation status, metal availability, interbacterial community structure, and xenobiotics all play an important role in shaping gut microbial ecology. In this minireview, we outline how each of these factors influences gut microbial function, with a specific focus on IBD-associated Enterobacteriaceae metabolites. Importantly, we discuss how altering the intestinal microenvironment could improve the treatment of intestinal inflammation and associated disorders, like intestinal fibrosis and CRC

    Stochastic changes over time and not founder effects drive cage effects in microbial community assembly in a mouse model

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    Maternal transmission and cage effects are powerful confounding factors in microbiome studies. To assess the consequences of cage microenvironment on the mouse gut microbiome, two groups of germ-free (GF) wild-type (WT) mice, one gavaged with a microbiota harvested from adult WT mice and another allowed to acquire the microbiome from the cage microenvironment, were monitored using Illumina 16S rRNA sequencing over a period of 8 weeks. Our results revealed that cage effects in WT mice moved from GF to specific pathogen free (SPF) conditions take several weeks to develop and are not eliminated by the initial gavage treatment. Initial gavage influenced, but did not eliminate a successional pattern in which Proteobacteria became less abundant over time. An analysis in which 16S rRNA sequences are mapped to the closest sequenced whole genome suggests that the functional potential of microbial genomes changes significantly over time shifting from an emphasis on pathogenesis and motility early in community assembly to metabolic processes at later time points. Functionally, mice allowed to naturally acquire a microbial community from their cage, but not mice gavaged with a common biome, exhibit a cage effect in Dextran Sulfate Sodium-induced inflammation. Our results argue that while there are long-term effects of the founding community, these effects are mitigated by cage microenvironment and successional community assembly over time, which must both be explicitly considered in the interpretation of microbiome mouse experiments

    Characterization of NLRP12 during the In Vivo Host Immune Response to Klebsiella pneumoniae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The majority of nucleotide binding domain leucine rich repeats-containing (NLR) family members has yet to be functionally characterized. Of the described NLRs, most are considered to be proinflammatory and facilitate IL-1β production. However, a newly defined sub-group of NLRs that function as negative regulators of inflammation have been identified based on their abilities to attenuate NF-κB signaling. NLRP12 (Monarch-1) is a prototypical member of this sub-group that negatively regulates both canonical and noncanonical NF-κB signaling in biochemical assays and in colitis and colon cancer models. The role of NLRP12 in infectious diseases has not been extensively studied. Here, we characterized the innate immune response of Nlrp12−/− mice following airway exposure to LPS, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In response to E. coli LPS, Nlrp12−/− mice showed a slight decrease in IL-1β and increase in IL-6 production, but these levels were not statistically significant. During K. pneumoniae infection, we observed subtle differences in cytokine levels and significantly reduced numbers of monocytes and lymphocytes in Nlrp12−/− mice. However, the physiological relevance of these findings is unclear as no overt differences in the development of lung disease were observed in the Nlrp12−/− mice. Likewise, Nlrp12−/− mice demonstrated pathologies similar to those observed in the wild type mice following M. tuberculosis infection. Together, these data suggest that NLRP12 does not significantly contribute to the in vivo host innate immune response to LPS stimulation, Klebsiella pneumonia infection or Mycobacterium tuberculosis

    Gut microbial diversity is reduced by the probiotic VSL#3 and correlates with decreased TNBS-induced colitis:

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    Compositional changes within the normal intestinal microbiota have been associated with the development of various intestinal inflammatory disorders such as pouchitis and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). Therefore, it has been speculated that manipulation of a dysbiotic intestinal microbiota has the potential to restore microbial homeostasis and attenuate inflammation

    Microbial genomic analysis reveals the essential role of inflammation in bacteria-induced colorectal cancer

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    Enterobacteria, especially Escherichia coli, are abundant in patients with inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer (CRC). However, it is unclear whether cancer is promoted by inflammation-induced expansion of E. coli and/or changes in expression of specific microbial genes. Here we use longitudinal (2, 12 and 20 weeks) 16S rRNA sequencing of luminal microbiota from ex-germ free mice to show that inflamed Il10−/− mice maintain a higher abundance of Enterobacteriaceae than healthy wild-type mice. Experiments with mono-colonized Il10−/− mice reveal that host inflammation is necessary for E. coli cancer-promoting activity. RNA-sequence analysis indicates significant changes in E. coli gene catalogue in Il10−/− mice, with changes mostly driven by adaptation to the intestinal environment. Expression of specific genes present in the tumor-promoting E. coli pks island are modulated by inflammation/CRC development. Thus, progression of inflammation in Il10−/− mice supports Enterobacteriaceae and alters a small subset of microbial genes important for tumor development

    Characterization of NLRP12 during the Development of Allergic Airway Disease in Mice

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    Among the 22 members of the nucleotide binding-domain, leucine rich repeat-containing (NLR) family, less than half have been functionally characterized. Of those that have been well studied, most form caspase-1 activating inflammasomes. NLRP12 is a unique NLR that has been shown to attenuate inflammatory pathways in biochemical assays and mediate the lymph node homing of activated skin dendritic cells in contact hypersensitivity responses. Since the mechanism between these two important observations remains elusive, we further evaluated the contribution of NLRP12 to organ specific adaptive immune responses by focusing on the lung, which, like skin, is exposed to both exogenous and endogenous inflammatory agents. In models of allergic airway inflammation induced by either acute ovalbumin (OVA) exposure or chronic house dust mite (HDM) antigen exposure, Nlrp12−/− mice displayed subtle differences in eosinophil and monocyte infiltration into the airways. However, the overall development of allergic airway disease and airway function was not significantly altered by NLRP12 deficiency. Together, the combined data suggest that NLRP12 does not play a vital role in regulating Th2 driven airway inflammation using common model systems that are physiologically relevant to human disease. Thus, the allergic airway inflammation models described here should be appropriate for subsequent studies that seek to decipher the contribution of NLRP12 in mediating the host response to agents associated with asthma exacerbation
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