6 research outputs found

    Pemilihan Penyembuhan Penyakit Melalui Pengobatan Tradisional Non Medis Atau Medis

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    This study regarding the selection of treatment between traditional medicine or medical treatment that is utilized by the community in an effort to cure disease. Doctors and shaman are two professions are known to the public, but using a different way. The aim of this research was to determine the meaning of a healthy and pain for the people of Jeru, know the reasons for choosing the traditional healing methods (shaman) or methods of medical treatment (doctor), and determine the factors that drive to determine the method of treatment. The method used in this study is a qualitative approach. The research location selected is Jeru Village, District Tumpang, Malang. This location was chosen as the study site because in this village still found a system of traditional medicine (shaman), and can still be found some medical personnel and some healers (shaman) are frequently visited by the public. Jeru's people including homogeneous society. Determination of informants consists of 24 informants consisting of offender treatment, the patient, family, and also family health actors. In collecting the data, researchers used observation and interview techniques. Jeru's society looked healthy and sick are people who feel the presence and absence of disturbances in the body when carrying out its activities. The reason for choosing a method of healing is based on trust, severity of illness, and the cause of the disease. The factors that drive a person to determine the treatment method chosen is based on internal and external factors. Internal comes from a person who wants a cure, while external factors derived from the experience of the people or the community who had suffered from the same disease, and healing which had healed. Early action before choosing between traditional healing or healing of the medical treatment itself. If it is the disease getting worse, then the sick person is looking for other relief efforts, which include traditional medicine, or medical treatmen

    Kekurangan Energi Makanan Tidak Berefek Negatif Terhadap Pertambahan Tinggi Badan Laki-laki Usia 18-21 Tahun: Studi Di Akademi Angkatan Laut Surabaya

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    This research was carried out to know increase of growth of males attending Indonesian Naval Academy in order to found the normal growth of healthy males for reference of Indonesia population, especially those in 18 to 21 years age. The variables measured were body height, weight, grip strength, and subscapular, biceps, triceps, and suprailiac skinfold thicknesses, while undergoing the first year of training. This research also analysed the difference between more activities and less activities group, while they were given the same kind and amount of food every day. The sample consisted of 50 male cadets aged 18-21 years. The sample was divided into two groups. Group 1: the group that was enrolled in CC (Cross Country) extra-curricular activity, and Group 2: the group that did not enrol in CC (Cross Country) extra-curricular activity. The two groups experienced the same treatment of basic physical exercises, and both received the same quality and amount of food every day. The Group 1 was arranged to get several additional hours of training in the morning and in the afternoon, related to the CC activities. The individuals within the two groups were measured twice—at the beginning of their training year, and a year later. Paired Sample T Test was used in seeing the difference between the two measurements. This research revealed that the physical exercise that was carried out in the Naval academy for a year did not cause any significant increases in the right and left grip strength of both groups. Both of the groups had a high intensity of physical exercise, consequently the significant declined in skinfold thicknesses. A difference in the increase of weight after a year was found between the two groups. The unsignificant increase of weight was found in Group 1. This was caused by the fact that they were subjected to extra physical training compared to Group 2. Although individuals in Group 1 were having tougher training, evidently they experienced significant increase in body height. Moreover, Group 1 experienced that significant increase in body height even though they did not experience significant increases in body weight. The increase of body height in the two groups possibly was caused by the fact that they were still at the age of growth in length. It might as well caused by good nutritive supplies throughout the year, and regular workouts. A further study comparing the cadets with common people must be carried out to further understand the influence of physical exercise and nutritive supplies to the increase of body height among males within the range of this age group

    Pengobatan Transfer Energi Sebagai Salah Satu Metode Pengobatan Tradisional Dalam Penyembuhan Penyakit

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    Nowadays, traditional medicine has been a widely spreaded phenomena in society as alternative or supplement aside of modern medication. Energy-transfer medication is one kind of traditional medication which become popular in the society, even no specific medicine or medical devices used in this treatment. The research method used were observation and interview. Interview was conducted to two informant as energy-transfer performer and six patients of this medication. The research shows that the use of energy-transfer medication was influenced by disease severity level, knowledge and experience, faith, social, and distance

    Keterkaitan Kebiasaan Manusia Terhadap Kondisi Gigi

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    Many daily habits relates to the condition of dentition. Therefore it is interesting to study in the coastal society that has unique daily habit and food, that may affect the condition of their dentition. This research used ethnography method. This method has two way to get information, (1) interview and (2) observation. Researcher lived in Dusun Tawang Kulon, District Sidomulyo, sub Ngadirojo, Pacitan for 1 month. Researcher interviewed 19 people age 30-90 years old and experienced tooth illnesses condition. Qualitative data analysis use data collection, categorization of the data obtained, resulting domain, interpretation and conclusions. The result of this research shows that society in Tawang Kulon, District Sidomulyo, sub Ngadirojo practice several types of behavior that relate to tooth condition. That three types human behavior are (1) dietary behavior, for example is how to make gaplek flour and food flavour, (2) incidental cultural behavior, for example using tooth-picks (3) intentional cultural modification, for example nginang—bethel nut chewing, and pangur—teeth-filing. In term of oral health, prevention is not very common. As long as the society did not feel any pain, they did not seek for medication. When there is tooth-ache, first, they did nothing expecting the pain will go away by itself. Second they will try heal using traditional medication or over-the-counter medication such as pain killer. If the pain persists, then, they visit the dentist or dental nurse

    Pertumbuhan Anak-anak Usia 7-11 Tahun Di Surabaya: Ketidaksesuaian Berat Badan Dengan Referensi WHO

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    Body size is strongly considered in making medical decisions, selecting medical instruments, drug dosing, and asessment of children's growth. References of body size based on Caucasian population are widely used nowadays. Unfortunately, these references might have significant differences with others population. A specific study in Indonesian population is needed especially to make its own reference of growth. This research is aimed to get body weight (BW) data from children aged 7-11 years in Surabaya. This research was conducted to 656 children aged 7-11 years. Anthropometer was used to get BW data. Measurement was performed in the morning. All data were plotted to WHO growth chart. Based on the data percentils, we created BW growth chart for specific age and sex.We found an increasing trend with increasing age especially in girls. The increasing trend is better observed in girls. BW data which was plotted to WHO growth chart revealed that in many younger children had normal body weight and even overweight, unfortunately when entering pubertal age some of these children were underweight. Older children has lineary correlated with BW. Data plotting to WHO growth chart reveals that the younger children grew normally according to the reference, but then at later phase they did not follow the reference. This trend is similar to a previous studies, so that this strenghten our supposition that the difference between the WHO Growth Chart and the body growth of children in Indonesian area is not caused by lack of nutrition