15 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Bioaktivitas in Vitro Ekstrak Air Dan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Dan Ranting Benalu Macrosolen Cochinchinensis (Lour.) Van Tiegh. Pada Inang Nangka ( Artocarpus Heterophyllus)

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    Study on antioxidant activity and bioactivity of water and ethanol extracts from the leaves and twigs of mistletoe (Macrosolen cochinchinensis (Lour.) Van Tiegh) that grew on jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) tree as the host have been conducted. Water extracts of the M. cochinchinensis leaves andtwigs were active as antioxidant with IC50 23.08 ug/mL dan 21.56 ug/mL respectively. Whereas the ethanol extracts of both leaves and twigs was not active because the ICso higher than 100 ug/mL (not active as antioxidant against DPPH). Both water and ethanol extracts of M. cochinchinensis leaves and twigs did not showed bioactivity against Artemia salina Leach brine shrimp with each extracts has LCso higher than 1000 pg/mL.Key words Antioxidant, Bioactivity, Macrosolen cochinchinensi (Lour.) van Tiegh., Artocarpus heterophyllus. Artemiasalina Leach

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Dan Toksisitas Ekstrak Air Dan Etanol Daun Benalu (Dendrophthoe Pentandra L. Miq) Yang Tumbuh Pada Berbagai Inang

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    Mistletoes are used traditionally in Indonesiaas medicinal plant, one of this as anticancer. Cancer isone of degenerative diseases could be triggered by toomuch free radicals in the body, whereas antioxidantcould reduced the risk of degenerative diseases.Mistletoes reposted content flavonoids which known have antioxidant activity. Mistletoe potency as drugmaterial should be studied sa the utilization ofmistletoe could be developed. Antioxidant activitytest using "DPPH free radical scavenger" methodand toxicity test using BSLT (Brine Shrimp LethalityTest) method had been conducted on water andethanol extracts of mistletoe Dendropthoe pentandra(L.) Miq.) that grown on various trees (star fruit,mango, cananga, 'duku, sour-sop, kepel, mahkotadewa, and tea). The result showed that ethanol andwater extracte-ofD, petandra on all host plants haveantioxidant activity (IC50 value between 6.4 - 51.8ug/mL). The result of toxicity test showed that ethanolextract of mistletoe on cananga, starfruit, kepel andmahkota dewa host plants have toxicity effect againstA. salina larvae with LCso value below 1000 ug/mL,nevertheless ethanol extract on others host plants andwater extract didn It give toxicity effect against A.salina larvae (LC50 > 1000 ug/mL)

    Bioactivity of Antibacterial Compounds Produced by Endophytic Actinomycetes From Neesia Altissima

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    Identification of alternate bioactive compounds isolated from microbial endophytes from plants may lead to better solution against antibiotic resistance. Main objective of this research is to determine the bioactivity of antibacterial compounds produced by endophytic actinomycetes, which was isolated from stem bark of Neesia altissima Bl. at Halimun Salak Mount. Detection of bioactive compounds was assayed using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) by employing bioautography. Bioactivity was assayed using crude extract against five microorganisms using agar diffusion methods. Tetracycline was used as a positive control. The result of antibacterial activity from endophytic actinomycetes isolate revealed that the bioactive compounds were effective in inhibiting the growth of bacteria Bacillus cereus (1.25 mm), Salmonella typhimurium (5.75 mm), and Shigella flexneri (4.37 mm). Bioactivity of ethyl acetate extract from bioactive compounds of endophytic actinomycetes has an antibacterial activity against bacteria Bacillus cereus (13.00 mm) and Staphylococcus aureus (15.90 mm), at a concentration of 250,000 ppm. Each of TLC fraction was able to inhibit growth of B. cereus at a minimum concentration of 10,000 ppm. In conclusion, the bioactive compounds produced by endophytic actinomycetes can have inhibitory effect towards B. cereus. The category of that compounds are narrow spectrum. The bioactive compound isolated from endophytic actinomycetes may have other implications such as anticancer, antifungal, and antioxidant

    Production of Lovastatin and Sulochrin by Aspergillus Terreus Using Solid State Fermentation

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    Lovastatin is an anti-cholesterol agent that was produced by Aspergillus terreus using solid state fermentation (SSF). During this fermentation process, sulochrin is also produced as an unwanted co-metabolite. However, our previous result showed that sulochrin had potential as antidiabetes because it is an inhibitor agent of α-glucosidase. In this paper, we reported our observation on lovastatin and sulochrin production pattern in relation with inhibitor α-glucosidase activity during eleven days fermentation of A. terreus koji (SSF) ethyl acetate extract. Koji obtained from solid state fermentation with rice as the substrate and incubated at room temperature, sample is taken daily for eleven day (D-1 to D-11). Lovastatin and sulochrin production was measured by Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometer based on their molecular weight m/z 404.5 and 332.3 respectively. The inibitory activity is measured by inhibition model of koji extract against α-glucosidase (EC from Saccharomyces cereviceae. The results show that lovastatin production was started on the day 2 (0.04 mg/g) and achieving the optimal production on day 7 (11.46 mg/g), while sulochrin production was started on day 4 (0.60 mg/g) and keep produced until the end of fermentation period at Day 11 (3.11 mg/g). Koji extract was started to show inhibitory to α-glucosidase activity on Day 5 (IC50= 23.34 μg/mL) and keep showed activity until Day 11 (IC50=3.33 μg/mL). These results suggest that inhibitory activity of koji extract to α- glucosidase activity have relation with sulochrin biosynthesis production

    Standardization of Pegagan Extract, Centella Asiatica as Hepatoprotectiveherbal Medicine

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    Herbal medicinal products would be affected by the quality of raw materials. In turn, the quality of raw material will also be influenced by various factors such as soil conditions, cultivation, post-harvest processing, and the processing of raw materials into crude drug or extract. Therefore, in order to make good herbal medicines, it is necessary to make standardization of herbal extracts that produced herbal medicines that have the same quality and functions of effectiveness in each process. From preliminary studies that have been done, Centella asiatica is one of the potential plants as a source of hepatoprotective compounds. Test in vivo and in vitro against Centella asiatica extracts have shown very good results. Ethyl acetate extract with 17.5 mg/kg of doses body weight and butanol 228.8 mg/kgof doses body weight has been applied for in vivo test using mice induced by CCl4; theydemonstrated hepatoprotective effects. Ethyl acetate extracts were able to reduce levels of the enzyme alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) by 56 % and 44 % respectively while butanol extract can reduce the enzymes AST levels by 3%. Standardizationof Centella asiatica extract performed in this study was the characterization of the extract in the form of non-specific and specific parameters corresponding to the reference of PPOMN (Ministry of health Republic of Indonesia, 2000) such as levels of drying shrinkage, ash content, total plate count microbial contamination, levels of water-soluble compounds, levels of compounds that are soluble in ethanol, phytochemical test, total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and the determination of Pb and Cd weight.The results showed that non-specific parameters for the ethanol extract of Centella asiatica were requirements based on Herbal Pharmacopoeia in 2008 which includes parameters such as determination of shrinkage on drying ≤ 10%, ash content ≤ 16.6% and negative microbial contamination. Specific parameters for the ethanol extract of Centella asiatica have met the requirements of Herbal pharmacopeia in 2008

    Pengaruh Lokasi Asal Dan Pelarut Terhadap Karakteristik Kandungan Kimia Dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Pegagan (Centella Asiatical. Urb)

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    Pegagan (Centella asiatica Linn Urb.) merupakan jenis tanaman yang biasa digunakan dalam industry farmasi dan kosmetik.Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh tiga lokasi asal sampel dan tiga jenis larutan pengekstraksi (methanol, etanol 96% (v/v), dan etanol 70% (v/v)) terhadap aktivitas antioksidan herbal pegagan (Centella asiaticaLinn Urb).Sampel pegagan yang digunakan pada peneltian ini berasal dari Lembang, Bandung, dan Solo. Pada ekstrak yang diperoleh dilakukan penentuan kadar fenol total, flavonoid total, dan triterpenoid total. Aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak dievaluasi berdasarkan metoda peredaman radikal bebas 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa simplisia pegagan asal Lembang yang diekstrak dengan etanol 70% mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi serta kandungan fenol total dan flavonoid total tertinggi. Sedangkan simplisia pegagan asal Bandung yang diekstrak dengan pelarut metanol memiliki kandungan triterpenoid total tertinggi tetapi memiliki kandungan fenol total dan flavonoid total serta aktivitas antioksidan yang terendah. Hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan bahwa lokasi asal simplisia pegagan dan polaritas pelarut yang digunakan untuk ekstraksi secara signifikan (p<0,05) mempengaruhi kandungan fenol total, flavonoid total dan triterpenoid total serta aktivitas antioksidan dari ekstrak pegagan.Kata kunci: ekstrak pegagan, antioksidan, polaritas pelarut Pegagan (Centella asiatica Linn Urb.) is a plant species that commonly used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. Objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of different source location and solvent polarity for the extraction to the content of total phenolic, total flavonoid total triterpenoids as well as antioxidanti activity of pegagan ((Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urb.)extracts. Pegagan materials for this study are from three different locations: Bandung, Lembang and Solo. Based on polarity differences methanol, ethanol 96% and ethanol 70% were used as solvent for extraction. Antioxidant activity of the extract was evaluated based on the method of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity. Results showed that the highest total phenolic content and flavonoid content and antioxidant activity were from 70% ethanol extract from Lembang. Materials from Bandung extracted with methanol gave the highest content of total triterpenoid, however has the lowest content of total phenolic, total flavonoid and antioxidant activity. Statistic analysis showed that there is significant differences (p<0,05) of results of total phenolic, total flavonoid, total triterpenoid and antioxidant activity due to source location and solvent polarity

    Effect of Initial Inoculum on Growth and Fatty Acid Content as an α-glucosidase Inhibitor in Colletotrichum SP. TSC13 Mycelium That Cultures Under Shake and Static Conditions

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    Colletotrichum species were reported producing various bioactive compounds that may potentially be used in the development of anti-microbial, antioxidant, anticancer and anti-diabetes drugs. Our previous studies showed that the methanol extracts of mycelia from Colletotrichum sp. TSC13, an endophytic fungus isolated from Taxus sumatrana (Miq.) de Laub., were found to have α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. The aim of present study was to examine the effects of initial inoculum on growth and the content of fatty acids as an α-glucosidase inhibitor in Colletotrichum sp. TSC13 that grew under shake and static condition. The results showed that shake and static conditions had more effect compared to the initial inocculum on growth and glucose consumption in growth and glucose consumption. However in terms of fatty acids contents and α-glucosidase inhibitor activities the initial inoculum showed more effect than shake and static condition