3 research outputs found

    Structural changes of coastal plants arbuscular mycorrhiza from Užava and Pāvilosta coastal grey dunes

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    Darba mērķis bija noskaidrot arbuskulārās mikorizas aktivitāti, salīdzināt sezonālo ietekmi un mikorizas hifu morfoloģiju jūrmalas pērkonamoliņa Anthyllis maritima Schweigg.. pūkainā plostbārža Tragopogon heterospermum Schw. un čemurainās mauragas Hieracium ubmellatum sakņu fragmentos.Apskatot iegūtos rezultātus tika noskaidrots, ka kāpās biežāk sastopama Arum tipa hifu morfoloģija un augu suga nav noteicošais faktors hifu morfoloģijas veidošanās procesos, jo sugas ietvaros tika konstatēti visi tipi. Arbuskulārās mikorizas tipus pēc to morfoloģijas noteikt izdevās tikai tad, ja saknēs sastopamas visas struktūras - arbuskulas, vezikulas un hifas. Papildus noskaidroja, ka sezonas laikā mikorizas sastopamība augu saknēs ir mainīga. To ietekmē auga suga un tās attīstības cikls. Uzmanība pētot sezonu un morfoloģisko tipu veidošanos būtu vairāk jāpievērš klimatiskajiem un abiotiskajiem faktoriem. Ir pētījumi, kuros pēc morfoloģisko tipu pazīmēm ir iespējams noteikt arbuskulārās mikorizas sugas.The purpose of article was to clarify the activity of Arbuscular mycorrhiza, to compare seasonal effects and morphology of mycorrhiza’s hypha in to fragments of roots from Anthyllis maritima Schweigg, Tragopogon heterospermum Schw., and Hieracium ubmellatum.Looking at the results was find out that the most often seen is Arum type morphology of hypha and that plant’s species are not determining factor in to process of hypha’s morphology formation because there was found all types within the species. To set types of Arbuscular mycorrhiza according to it’s morphology was succeed only if there is all structures in to roots – arbusccular, vesiscular and hypha. The frequency of mycorrhiza in roots of plants are variable during the season – was found out in additional. It is affected by plant’s specie and development cycle. There should be payed more attention to climate and abiotic factors during the study of season and morphological type formation. It is possible to identify species of Arbuscular mycorrhiza according to morphological types

    Soil factors on arbuscular mycorrhiza in gray dunes of the western Latvian coast

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    Arbuskulārā mikoriza palīdz augiem izdzīvot dažādos neparastos apstākļos pie lieliem traucējumiem. Kas ietekmē mikorizu? Darbā ir apkopoti dati par mikorizas frekvenci, intensitāti un arbuskulu daudzumu augu saknēs, kā arī dati par augsni. Analizējot mikorizu, augu sugas un augsnes datu tiek aplūkota sakarība starp šiem trim faktoriem. No tā izriet, ka mikorizas esamību ietekmē, gan augsnes faktori, gan pats augs.Arbuscular mycorrhiza helps plants to survive in unusual circumstances. What is affecting mycorrhiza? The article summarizes data on mycorrhiza frequency, intensity and arbuskulu quantity of plant roots, as well as data on soil. Analyzing relation between mycorrhiza, plant and soil factors. In concludion it shows that the mycorrhiza, plant and soil factors are connected

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in roots of sand dune plants in relation to soil factors

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    Abstract Seacoast plant communities represent primary successions characterized by a harsh environment in which mycorrhizal symbioses are known to be important for plant survival and growth. The study was carried in two grey dune areas (Užava and Pāvilosta) on the western coast of Latvia by the Baltic Sea. We examined how root colonization and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhiza differed along a primary dune succession from an early successional primary dune to an overgrowing grey dune, in relation to soil factors. We hypothesized that plant species growing on soil with a poorly developed soil horizon and low C, P and N concentration would have a higher extent of arbuscular mycorrhiza colonization. We also tested the relationship of soil factors and fungal abundance in roots within specific plant species. In a total of 93 plots among 5 habitats, we determined soil carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations and sampled roots of dominant plants for determination of arbuscular mycorrhizal (vesicules and hyphae) frequency, abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal vesicules and hyphae, and abundance of arbuscules. The results showed that extent of mycorrhizal colonization was related to soil development, being more important in the most nutrient poor habitats, compared to grassland habitats. However, slight increases in P and N concentration were associated in increased mycorrhizal colonization in early successional stages and disturbed habitats