4 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Sikap terhadap Aborsi pada Wanita Usia Subur di Kelurahan Tamalanrea Kecamatan Tamalanrea Makassar Tahun 2010

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    Kasman, Dian Sidik Arsyad ,Wahiduddin An unwanted pregnancy is still a problem in Indonesia may lead to abortion and unwanted births. Figures for unsafe abortion in the world is estimated to occur each year around 20 million cases, 26% of that amount over 70,000 classified as legal and safe abortion in developing countries taka ended with the death of my mother. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with attitudes toward abortion in The Village at women of childbearing age Tamalanrea, District Tamalanrea, Makassar, in 2010. Type of research is observational research with cross sectional study. The study population were all already married women of childbearing age numbering 4438 people with total sample of 354 respondents obtained by the formula Lameshow, 1997. Results showed 89.0% of women of childbearing age in Sub Tamalanrea Makassar has a positive attitude toward abortion and 11.0% had negative attitudes toward abortion. There is a relationship between knowledge about abortion (r = 0.000), education level (r = 0.015), maternal age (r = 0.018), number of children (r = 0.005), and parity (r = 0.001) and attitudes toward abortion in women of childbearing age, while those for the job does not have a relationship with attitudes toward abortion in women of child-bearing age. This study suggests that women of childbearing age to increase their knowledge about abortion. To health institutions, should frequently conduct promo-tional efforts on abortion, such as counseling about the dangers of abortion and preven-tion of abortion as a source of information about abortion in terms of formal education. Strived to strengthen family planning service program that aims to delay pregnancy, adjust the length of pregnancy, or prevent a pregnancy if the number of children desired has been reached.Keywords : Abortion Attitudes, Women of Childbearing Ag

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Ibu Melakukan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (Imd) di Rsia Siti Fatimah Makassar Tahun 2011

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    Every year the worlds estimated that nearly 3.3 million babies were born dead and more than 4 million others die within the first 28 days of life. One intervention that can be done to reduce the infant mortality rate (IMR) is to provide breast milk as soon as possible. Breastfeeding also known as early mother initiation of breastfeeding. However, in Indonesia, only 8% of mothers exclusively breast feed their babies until the age of six months and only 4% of mothers breast-fed infants during the first hour after birth.This study aimed to identify factors associated with early mothers initiation of breastfeeding in RSIA Siti Fatimah Makassar. This type of research is observational analytic with Cross Sectional Study. The population is all women who give birth in RSIA Siti Fatimah Makassar. Samples taken by Accidental Sampling. The number of samples of 94 mothers gave birth to normal within a period of research. Data analysis using Chi Square test (α = 0.05) and test the strength of the relationship Phi test. The results showed that there is a correlation between knowledge and early mothers initiation of breastfeeding (p value = 0.015 α = 0.05), there is no relationship between family support to early mothers initiation of breastfeeding (p value = 0.051 > α = 0.05), and there is a correlation between support for health workers to early mothers initiation of breastfeeding (p value = 0.000 <α = 0.05) with a strong relationship is (Ï = 0.457). It is recommended that health workers are more active in practice the ministry of early initiation of breastfeeding and birth mother and the family did not hesitate to ask for health workers carried out an early initiation of breastfeeding.Key Words: Early Breastfeeding Initiation, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Normal Birth Mother

    Identifikasi Kasus Kekurangan Gizi pada Anak di Bawah Usia Lima Tahun di Kota Makassar

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    Background: South Sulawesi Province is one of provinces in Indonesia with the highest prevalence of severe malnutrition (6.6%) and the highest prevalence was found in Makassar City (3.66%), especially in Kaluku Bodoa Village (3.23%). The aim of this study is to identify risk factor of severe malnutrition on children under five years old in Kaluku Bodoa Village Makassar. Method: This research used case control study design. Case was a child with weight for age Z-scores &lt;-3SD (severe malnutrition) and control was a child with weight for age Z-scores ≥-3 SD these are from the median of WHO reference. Total sample 135 children with 45 cases and 90 controls were recruited. Data were gathered from face to face interviews with mothers of children. Analyses 2x2 table were conducted in this research that produced odd ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval. Results: Among the cases, a larger proportion of them was female (57.8%) and their age between 25-36 month (42.2%). After adjusting all confounders, childhood severe malnutrition was significantly associated with low economic status (OR=9.514; CI95%=1.219-74.230), infection diseases (OR=5.744; CI95%=2.615-12.613), preterm delivery (OR=3.613; CI95%=1.452-8.987), low birth weight (OR=2.957; CI95%=1.387-6.302) and exclusive breastfeeding (OR=3.537; CI95%=1.481-8.446). Usage health care facilities (posyandu) were not associated with severe malnutrition. Conclusion: Low economic status, preterm delivery, infection diseases, low birth weight, and exclusive breastfeeding are risk factor toward severe malnutriton of children under five years old in Makassar City. Usage health care facilities was not associated with severe malnutrition of children in Makassar Cit